Vidéos mises en avant
Chansons les plus populaires
My Soul There Is a Country
1916 • Songs of Farewell
Merry Margaret
1874 • A Garland of Shakesperian and Other Old-Fashioned Songs
A Spring Song
1874 • A Garland of Shakesperian and Other Old-Fashioned Songs
Love’s perjuries
1874 • A Garland of Shakesperian and Other Old-Fashioned Songs
Where shall the lover rest?
1885 • English Lyrics, First Set
No Longer Mourn for Me
1886 • English Lyrics, Second Set
Through the Ivory Gate
1895 • English Lyrics, Third Set
To Althea From Prison
1895 • English Lyrics, Third Set
Since thou, O fondest
1897 • Six Modern Lyrics
Bright Star
1897 • English Lyrics, Fourth Set
When We Two Parted
1897 • English Lyrics, Fourth Set
When Lovers Meet Again
1897 • English Lyrics, Fourth Set
Looking Backward
1907 • English Lyrics, Eighth Set
1907 • English Lyrics, Eighth Set
Nightfall in Winter
1907 • English Lyrics, Eighth Set
Lord, Let Me Know Mine End
1916 • Songs of Farewell
Toutes les chansons
A Sea Dirge
A Spring Song
At the round earth’s imagined corners
Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind
Bright Star
Dirge in Woods
Good night
How sweet the answer
I Know My Soul Hath Power
If I had but two little wings
If Thou Would’st Ease Thine Heart
Looking Backward
Lord, Let Me Know Mine End
Love Is a Sickness
Love’s perjuries
Merry Margaret
Music, when soft voices die
My Soul There Is a Country
My true love hath my heart
Never Weather-Beaten Sail
Nightfall in Winter
No Longer Mourn for Me
O Mistress Mine
Of All the Torments
Since thou, O fondest
Take O Take Those Lips Away
There Be None of Beauty’s Daughters
There Is an Old Belief
There rolls the deep
Thine Eyes Still Shined for Me
Through the Ivory Gate
To Althea From Prison
To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars
Weep You No More
What voice of gladness
When Icicles Hang by the Wall
When Lovers Meet Again
When We Two Parted
Where shall the lover rest?
Why So Pale and Wan?
Willow Song
Curiosités sur Hubert Parry
- Quel est l’album le plus récent de Hubert Parry?
- L’album le plus récent de Hubert Parry est “Songs of Farewell”, sorti en 1916 avec 6 pistes.
- Quel est l’album le plus ancien de Hubert Parry?
- L’album le plus ancien de Hubert Parry est “A Garland of Shakesperian and Other Old-Fashioned Songs” avec 5 pistes.
- Quelle est la chanson la plus réussie de Hubert Parry?
- La chanson la plus populaire de Hubert Parry est “My Soul There Is a Country”, de l’album “Songs of Farewell”, sorti en 1916.
- Combien d’albums ont été publiés par Hubert Parry?
- Entre 1874 et 1916, 8 Albums ont été publiés par Hubert Parry.
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