Vidéos mises en avant

Chansons les plus populaires

Toutes les chansons

Beggar's Oil
Beggar's Oil [Band Arrangement]
Big Shaky
Capman Bootman
Cardboard Box of Batteries
Crossroad (Robert Johnson)
Crow's Nest
Cypress Grove
Dock Bogg’s Country Blues
Don Quixote's Windmill
Down in a Willow Garden
Fare Thee Well
Flash Cards
Frankenstein Party of Three: Your Table Is Ready
Go There
Gold Tooth
Good Time Charlie's Got The Blues (Danny O'Keefe)
Goodnight Irene
Handful of Arrows
Hard Time Killin' Floor Blues
Hobo's Son
I Am the Light of the World
I Am the Light of This World
I Bid You Goodnight
I'd Be a Rich Man
I've Been Converted
It’s James Now
Jesus Make up My Dying Bed
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross (Fanny J. Crosby / William H. Doane)
Knock Louder
Lass of Loch Royale (If I Prove False To Thee)
Lass of Loch Royale (If I Prove False to Thee) [Live]
Lead Me On
Leavin' Blues
Loud as Ears
Love Me Baby Blues
Many a Time
Marking Stone Blues
May You Never (John Martyn)
Motherless Children
Mr. My Go
Not So Far to Go
Pastures of Plenty (Woodie Guthrie)
Piece by Piece
Plumb Line
Pretty Polly (Traditional inspired by Dock Boggs)
Prodigal Son (Traditional inspired by Dock Boggs)
Red Light Nickel
River Rat Jimmy
Roll Away the Stone
Rusting Gate
Sail the Jordan
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
Slingshot Professionals
Someone to Save Me
Spanish Hands
Taylor John
That's Alright
The Anvil
The Black Crow Keeps Flying
The House Carpenter
Tight to the Jar
Tommy [Band Arrangement]
Train Carried My Girl from Town
Valley to Pray (Traditional)
Wagoner's Lad (Traditional)
Waiting for Marty
Wandering Away
When the Roll Is Called up Yonder
Where Do I Go Now
Window Grin
Without the Light
Worn Out

Curiosités sur Kelly Joe Phelps

Quel est l’album le plus récent de Kelly Joe Phelps?
L’album le plus récent de Kelly Joe Phelps est “Tunesmith Retrofit”, sorti en 2006 avec 12 pistes.
Quel est l’album le plus ancien de Kelly Joe Phelps?
L’album le plus ancien de Kelly Joe Phelps est “Lead Me On”, sorti en 1994 avec 15 pistes.
Quelle est la chanson la plus réussie de Kelly Joe Phelps?
La chanson la plus populaire de Kelly Joe Phelps est “Fleashine”, de l’album “Sky Like a Broken Clock”, sorti en 2001.
Combien d’albums ont été publiés par Kelly Joe Phelps?
Entre 1994 et 2006, 8 Albums ont été publiés par Kelly Joe Phelps.

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