Vidéos mises en avant

Chansons les plus populaires

Toutes les chansons

A Different World
A Story About a Story
Animals (live)
Animals Are Like People
Another Day In America
Baby Doll
Beautiful Pea Green Boat
Beautiful Red Dress
Beginning French (live)
Big Science
Birth of Lola
Blue Lagoon
Bodies In Motion
Born, Never Asked
Bright Red
Bring Her Some Flowers
Cartoon Song
City Song
Closed Circuits
Dark Angel
Dark Time in Revolution
Dark Time In The Revolution
Dr. Miller
Dreaming of Life Before Birth
Example #22
Excellent Birds
Free Fall
From the Air
Gravity's Angel
Gravity's Angel Lyrics
Here with You (live)
How to Feel Sad Without Being Sad
In Our Sleep
Iron Mountain
It Tango
It Was Up in the Mountains
John Lilly
Language Is a Virus
Langue d'Amour
Late Show
Late Show – live
Let X=X
Life Lived Backwards
Life on a String
Lighting Out for the Territories
Lola Goes Blind
Love Among The Sailors
Maria Teresa Teresa Maria
Monkey's Paw
Muddy River
My Compensation
My Eyes
My Right Eye
Night in Baghdad
O Superman
O Superman (For Massenet)
On the Way to Jerusalem
One Beautiful Evening
One White Whale
Only An Expert
Piano Lessons
Pieces and Parts
Progress (live)
Puppet Motel
Puppet Motel (live)
Radar – live
Rhumba Club
Same Time Tomorrow
Sharkey's Day
Sharkey's Night
Sharkey’s Night – live
Sharkey"S Night
Slip Away
Smoke Rings
So Happy Birthday
Someone Else's Dream
Speak My Language
Statue of Liberty
Strange Angels
Strange Perfumes
Structuralist Filmmaking
Talk Normal
Tell All the Animals
The Bardo
The Beginning Of Memory
The Big Top
The Cloud
The Cultural Ambassador
The Day the Devil
The Dream Before
The End of the World
The Geographic North Pole
The Guests
The Hollywood Strangler
The Island Where I Come From
The Lake
The Mother Meditation
The Mysterious "J"
The Night Flight from Houston
The Ouija Board
The Puppet Motel
The Real World
The Rotowhirl
The Salesman
The Soul Is a Bird
The Ugly One with the Jewels
The West Village
Thinking Of You
Three Ghosts
Transitory Life
Turning Time Around
Walk The Dog
Walking & Falling
Walking and Falling
Washington Street
What if the Sky Froze?
White Lily
White Lily – live
White Lily/ Walking and Falling (live)
Wildebeests (live)
Word of Mouth
World Without End

Curiosités sur Laurie Anderson

Quel est l’album le plus récent de Laurie Anderson?
L’album le plus récent de Laurie Anderson est “Heart Of A Dog [B.O.F.]”, sorti en 2015 avec 27 pistes.
Quel est l’album le plus ancien de Laurie Anderson?
L’album le plus ancien de Laurie Anderson est “You’re the Guy I Want to Share My Money With”, sorti en 1981 avec 5 pistes.
Quelle est la chanson la plus réussie de Laurie Anderson?
La chanson la plus populaire de Laurie Anderson est “O Superman (For Massenet)”, de l’album “O Superman”, sorti en 1981.
Combien d’albums ont été publiés par Laurie Anderson?
Entre 1981 et 2015, 16 Albums ont été publiés par Laurie Anderson.

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