Vidéos mises en avant

Chansons les plus populaires

Toutes les chansons

After Scholl Special
After School Special
Annette’s Got the Hits
Annie’s Gone
Any Hour Every Day
Ballad of a Love Doll
Beautiful Bye-Byes
Beyond the Door
Blow You A Kiss In The Wind
Bubblegum Factory
Byrds And Fleas
Cease to Exist
Cellulite City
Celulite City
Choose to Play
Crazy World
Dancing Queen
Debbie & Kim
Dracula’s Daughter
Dumb Angel
Elephant Flares
Everyday There's Someone New
Fantástico Roberto
Follow The Leader
Frosted Flake
Get Out Of Myself
Ghandi Is Dead (I'm the Cartoon Man)
Girl God
Hazel Eyes
Heaven Only Knows
How Much More
Huge Wonder
I Don't Know How To Be Your Friend
I Hate My School
I'm Alright
Ice Cream (Strange and Pleasing)
It's In The Sky
Janus, Jeanie, and George Harrision
Janus, Jeanie, and George Harrison
Jimmy's Fantasy
Jone Hoople
Kill Someone You Hate
Kiss The Goat
Lady in the Front Row
Linda Blair
Love Is Not Love
Love Is You
Lovedoll Superstar
Meet Frankenstein
Meet Frankestein
Mess Around
Misery Is Mother
Ms. Lady Evans
Notes & Chords Mean Nothing To Me
Notes and Chords Mean Nothing to Me
One Chord Progression
One of the Good Ones
Only a Girl
Out Of My Tree
Pay for Love
Peach Kelli Pop
Play My Song
Play My Song [Remix; Previously Unreleased Track]
Popular Cult
Pretty Please Me
Punk II
Researching the Blues
S&M Party
Saviour Machine
Secret Life
Shonen Knife
Sick Love
So-Cal V8
Solid Gold
St. Lita Ford Blues
Star Lust
Stay Away from Downtown
Super Sunny Christmas
Switchblade Sister
Tatum O'tot And The Fried Vegetables
Tatum O’ Tot and the Fried Vegetables
Teen Competition
The Faith Healer
The Nu Temptations
The Party Underground
There’s No One Like You
Ugly Town
Vanity Mirror
Visionary [Edit]
What They Say
What Went So Wrong
What’s a Boy to Do?
Whatcha Doin' To That Girl
When Do I Get to Sing “My Way”
Where I Am Today
White Trash
Winter Blues
Yesterday Once More
You Lied Again
Zira (Call Out My Name)

Curiosités sur Redd Kross

Quel est l’album le plus récent de Redd Kross?
L’album le plus récent de Redd Kross est “Red Cross”, sorti en 2020 avec 3 pistes.
Quel est l’album le plus ancien de Redd Kross?
L’album le plus ancien de Redd Kross est “Born Innocent”, sorti en 1982 avec 16 pistes.
Quelle est la chanson la plus réussie de Redd Kross?
La chanson la plus populaire de Redd Kross est “Pay for Love”, de l’album “Phaseshifter”, sorti en 1993.
Combien d’albums ont été publiés par Redd Kross?
Entre 1982 et 2020, 10 Albums ont été publiés par Redd Kross.

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