Vidéos mises en avant

Chansons les plus populaires

Toutes les chansons

A Rooftop In Thunderstorm Row Missing The Point
Anrnold Layne
Apples and Oranges
Apples and Oranges [2016 Remastered Version]
Arnold Layne
Astronomy Domine
Baby Lemonade
Baby Lemonade [Take 1; Bonus Track]
Birdie Hop
Birdy Hop
Bob Dylan Blues
Bob dylan blues - 2010 remastered version
Bob Dylan's Blues (versao 1)
Bob Dylan's Blues (versao 2)
Candy And A Currant Bun (Let's Roll Another One)
Candy and a Currant Bun [2016 Remastered Version]
Chapter 24
Clowns & Jugglers
Clowns and Jugglers (Octopus)
Clowns and JugglersSyd Barrett
Colonel With Gloves
Dark Globe
Dolly Rocker
Dolly Rocker [Take 1]
Dominoes - 2010 Mix
Dominoes [2010 Mix]
Effervescing Elephant
Effervescing Elephant [Take 9]
Feel [Take 1]
Fleas In Pamela
Gigolo Aunt
Golden Hair
Half Of Your Time Beside Me Only Atmosphere
Here I Go
Here I Go [2010 Remix]
Here I Go [Take 5]
I Never Lied to You
I'm A King Bee
If It's in You
It Is Obvious
It Is Obvious [Take 1]
It’s No Good Trying (Take 5)
Jugband Blues
Late Night
Let's Split
Let's Split [Take 1]
Long Gone
Long Gone [Take 11]
Love Song
Love You
Love You [Take 4]
Lucifer Sam
Lucy Leave
Matilda Mother
Matilda Mother (2010 Remix) [2016 Remastered Version]
Milky Way
No Good Trying
No Good Trying [Take 3]
No Man's Land
No Man's Land [Take 5]
Octopus [2010 Mix]
Oh Tell Me Please
One in a Million (Rush In a Million)
Opel [Take 9]
Rats [Two-Track Demo]
Scream Thy Last Scream
See Emily Play
She Took a Long Cold Look
She Took a Long Cold Look at Me (Take 4)
She Took a Long Cool Look
Singing a Song in the Morning
So Young
Swan Lee (Silas Lang)
Take Life Easy
The Gnome
The Scarecrow
Two of a Kind
Untitled Words
Vegetable Man
Waving My Arms in the Air
Wined & Dined
Wined and Dined
Wined and Dined [Take 10]
Word Song
Word Song [Take 1]
Wouldn't You Miss Me
Wouldn't You Miss Me (Dark Globe)

Curiosités sur Syd Barrett

Quelles sont les chansons principales de Syd Barrett?
Les chansons principales de Syd Barrett sont “Octopus”, “Terrapin”, “Love You”, “Baby Lemonade”, et “Dark Globe”.
Quel est l’album le plus récent de Syd Barrett?
L’album le plus récent de Syd Barrett est “An Introduction To Syd Barrett”, sorti en 2010 avec 13 pistes.
Quel est l’album le plus ancien de Syd Barrett?
L’album le plus ancien de Syd Barrett est “The Madcap Laughs”, sorti en 1970 avec 19 pistes.
Quelle est la chanson la plus réussie de Syd Barrett?
La chanson la plus populaire de Syd Barrett est “Octopus”, de l’album “The Madcap Laughs”, sorti en 1970.
Combien d’albums ont été publiés par Syd Barrett?
Entre 1970 et 2010, 12 Albums ont été publiés par Syd Barrett.

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