Scots Are Right
Scots are right, blue and white
Welsh are free, as we'll be
Scots will show where to go
As tomorrow and years ago
Celts will be free
Skoit an daouarn, skoit an treid
Scots wha' hae, Scots wha' hae
Stok an troad, stok an treid
Scots wha' hae, Scots wha' hae
Krog ba' 'n daouarn, kroq en dorn
Kroc'hen, eskern, sell't douzh 'n Norzh
Skoit kalet Kaledoniz
Kalon 'ro deomp ar Skosiz
And the blue and white
It is time now for Brittany
As we well know Celts will be free
N'eo ket tomm, Tom, n'eo ket tomm, n'eo ket 'ta?
And the blue and white
Scots wha' hae
And time is now