Crowley, Master Of Masters
In the midst of the forest's immensity
Between land and sky, a scream is heard
Come Crowley, in nomine Satanaz
The power claims for the power
The evil calls more evil
Crowley, master of masters
Retrun to this inferior plane
And hear my supplication, yes
By the power of faith of invocation and evil
If the world now claims
For blood and gold
I ask you the high knowledge
What's the prize of the original sin?
Yes master, death to those swines
I, however, long for eternal life
For infinite are the Lucifer's deeds and artfulness
Didn't he win Adan and Eve in paradise?
Didn't he force Cain to kill his brother Abel?
Didn't he make you, Crowley, a powerful witch?
For only when the dead
In the cemeteries open their eyes
The Lucifer will not be Lucifer anymore
Grant me victory over my enemies
Give me the Kingdom of hell as my prize
Crowley symbol of power, symbol of high knowledge
Let us bend our knees to praise
The beloved Master