
Andrew Wegman Bird

Paroles Traduction

They're profiting from your worry
They're selling blanks down at the DMZ
They're banking on the sound and fury
Makes you wonder what it all's got to do with me

Bloodless for now

I'm keeping mine with the altruists
I'm putting my weight behind the dancer
I know it's hard to be an optimist
When you trust least the ones who claim to have the answers

It's an uncivil war
It's an uncivil war
It's an uncivil war

Bloodless for now

And the poets they explode like bombs
(Bloodless for now)
The gentry is drinking Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)

Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
Don't you envy those who do wrong
And your innocence will be like the dawn
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun

Well, the best lack all conviction
And the worst keep sharpening their claws
They're peddling in their dark fictions
While what's left of us
Well, we just hem and we haw

And it feels like 1936
In Catalonia
In Catalonia

Bloodless for now
Bloodless for now

And the poets they explode like bombs
(Bloodless for now)
Drinking Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)

Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
Don't you envy those who do wrong
And your innocence will be like the dawn
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun

They're profiting from your worry
Ils profitent de ton inquiétude
They're selling blanks down at the DMZ
Ils vendent des blancs à la DMZ
They're banking on the sound and fury
Ils comptent sur le bruit et la fureur
Makes you wonder what it all's got to do with me
Ça te fait te demander ce que tout cela a à voir avec moi
Bloodless for now
Sans effusion de sang pour l'instant
I'm keeping mine with the altruists
Je garde le mien avec les altruistes
I'm putting my weight behind the dancer
Je mets mon poids derrière le danseur
I know it's hard to be an optimist
Je sais qu'il est difficile d'être optimiste
When you trust least the ones who claim to have the answers
Quand tu fais le moins confiance à ceux qui prétendent avoir les réponses
It's an uncivil war
C'est une guerre incivile
It's an uncivil war
C'est une guerre incivile
It's an uncivil war
C'est une guerre incivile
Bloodless for now
Sans effusion de sang pour l'instant
And the poets they explode like bombs
Et les poètes, ils explosent comme des bombes
(Bloodless for now)
(Sans effusion de sang pour l'instant)
The gentry is drinking Moet Chandon
La gentry boit du Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)
(Sans effusion de sang pour l'instant)
Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Tourne-toi et cite un psaume bien connu
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
Ne t'inquiète pas pour les méchants
Don't you envy those who do wrong
Ne sois pas envieux de ceux qui font le mal
And your innocence will be like the dawn
Et ton innocence sera comme l'aube
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun
Tandis que la justice de ta cause brillera comme le soleil de midi
Well, the best lack all conviction
Eh bien, les meilleurs manquent de conviction
And the worst keep sharpening their claws
Et les pires continuent à aiguiser leurs griffes
They're peddling in their dark fictions
Ils font du commerce avec leurs fictions sombres
While what's left of us
Alors que ce qui reste de nous
Well, we just hem and we haw
Eh bien, nous hésitons simplement
And it feels like 1936
Et ça ressemble à 1936
In Catalonia
En Catalogne
In Catalonia
En Catalogne
Bloodless for now
Sans effusion de sang pour l'instant
Bloodless for now
Sans effusion de sang pour l'instant
And the poets they explode like bombs
Et les poètes, ils explosent comme des bombes
(Bloodless for now)
(Sans effusion de sang pour l'instant)
Drinking Moet Chandon
Boire du Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)
(Sans effusion de sang pour l'instant)
Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Tourne-toi et cite un psaume bien connu
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
Ne t'inquiète pas pour les méchants
Don't you envy those who do wrong
Ne sois pas envieux de ceux qui font le mal
And your innocence will be like the dawn
Et ton innocence sera comme l'aube
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun
Tandis que la justice de ta cause brillera comme le soleil de midi
They're profiting from your worry
Eles estão lucrando com a sua preocupação
They're selling blanks down at the DMZ
Estão vendendo vazios na DMZ
They're banking on the sound and fury
Estão apostando no som e na fúria
Makes you wonder what it all's got to do with me
Faz você se perguntar o que tudo isso tem a ver comigo
Bloodless for now
Sem sangue por enquanto
I'm keeping mine with the altruists
Estou mantendo o meu com os altruístas
I'm putting my weight behind the dancer
Estou colocando meu peso atrás do dançarino
I know it's hard to be an optimist
Eu sei que é difícil ser otimista
When you trust least the ones who claim to have the answers
Quando você menos confia naqueles que afirmam ter as respostas
It's an uncivil war
É uma guerra incivil
It's an uncivil war
É uma guerra incivil
It's an uncivil war
É uma guerra incivil
Bloodless for now
Sem sangue por enquanto
And the poets they explode like bombs
E os poetas explodem como bombas
(Bloodless for now)
(Sem sangue por enquanto)
The gentry is drinking Moet Chandon
A elite está bebendo Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)
(Sem sangue por enquanto)
Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Vire e cite um salmo bem conhecido
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
Não se preocupe com os perversos
Don't you envy those who do wrong
Não inveje aqueles que fazem o mal
And your innocence will be like the dawn
E a sua inocência será como a alvorada
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun
Enquanto a justiça da sua causa brilhará como o sol do meio-dia
Well, the best lack all conviction
Bem, os melhores não têm convicção
And the worst keep sharpening their claws
E os piores continuam afiando suas garras
They're peddling in their dark fictions
Eles estão negociando suas ficções sombrias
While what's left of us
Enquanto o que resta de nós
Well, we just hem and we haw
Bem, nós apenas hesitamos e gaguejamos
And it feels like 1936
E parece 1936
In Catalonia
Na Catalunha
In Catalonia
Na Catalunha
Bloodless for now
Sem sangue por enquanto
Bloodless for now
Sem sangue por enquanto
And the poets they explode like bombs
E os poetas explodem como bombas
(Bloodless for now)
(Sem sangue por enquanto)
Drinking Moet Chandon
Bebendo Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)
(Sem sangue por enquanto)
Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Vire e cite um salmo bem conhecido
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
Não se preocupe com os perversos
Don't you envy those who do wrong
Não inveje aqueles que fazem o mal
And your innocence will be like the dawn
E a sua inocência será como a alvorada
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun
Enquanto a justiça da sua causa brilhará como o sol do meio-dia
They're profiting from your worry
Están obteniendo beneficios de tu preocupación
They're selling blanks down at the DMZ
Están vendiendo balas de fogueo en la DMZ
They're banking on the sound and fury
Están apostando por el sonido y la furia
Makes you wonder what it all's got to do with me
Te hace preguntarte qué tiene todo que ver conmigo
Bloodless for now
Sin sangre por ahora
I'm keeping mine with the altruists
Estoy guardando lo mío con los altruistas
I'm putting my weight behind the dancer
Estoy poniendo mi peso detrás del bailarín
I know it's hard to be an optimist
Sé que es difícil ser optimista
When you trust least the ones who claim to have the answers
Cuando menos confías en los que dicen tener las respuestas
It's an uncivil war
Es una guerra incivil
It's an uncivil war
Es una guerra incivil
It's an uncivil war
Es una guerra incivil
Bloodless for now
Sin sangre por ahora
And the poets they explode like bombs
Y los poetas explotan como bombas
(Bloodless for now)
(Sin sangre por ahora)
The gentry is drinking Moet Chandon
La nobleza está bebiendo Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)
(Sin sangre por ahora)
Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Gira y cita un salmo bien conocido
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
No te preocupes por los malvados
Don't you envy those who do wrong
No envidies a los que hacen mal
And your innocence will be like the dawn
Y tu inocencia será como el amanecer
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun
Mientras la justicia de tu causa brillará como el sol del mediodía
Well, the best lack all conviction
Bueno, a los mejores les falta toda convicción
And the worst keep sharpening their claws
Y los peores siguen afilando sus garras
They're peddling in their dark fictions
Están traficando con sus oscuras ficciones
While what's left of us
Mientras lo que queda de nosotros
Well, we just hem and we haw
Bueno, solo titubeamos y balbuceamos
And it feels like 1936
Y se siente como 1936
In Catalonia
En Cataluña
In Catalonia
En Cataluña
Bloodless for now
Sin sangre por ahora
Bloodless for now
Sin sangre por ahora
And the poets they explode like bombs
Y los poetas explotan como bombas
(Bloodless for now)
(Sin sangre por ahora)
Drinking Moet Chandon
Bebiendo Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)
(Sin sangre por ahora)
Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Gira y cita un salmo bien conocido
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
No te preocupes por los malvados
Don't you envy those who do wrong
No envidies a los que hacen mal
And your innocence will be like the dawn
Y tu inocencia será como el amanecer
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun
Mientras la justicia de tu causa brillará como el sol del mediodía
They're profiting from your worry
Sie profitieren von deiner Sorge
They're selling blanks down at the DMZ
Sie verkaufen Platzhalter an der DMZ
They're banking on the sound and fury
Sie setzen auf den Lärm und die Wut
Makes you wonder what it all's got to do with me
Man fragt sich, was das alles mit mir zu tun hat
Bloodless for now
Blutlos für jetzt
I'm keeping mine with the altruists
Ich behalte meins bei den Altruisten
I'm putting my weight behind the dancer
Ich stelle mein Gewicht hinter den Tänzer
I know it's hard to be an optimist
Ich weiß, es ist schwer, ein Optimist zu sein
When you trust least the ones who claim to have the answers
Wenn du denen am wenigsten vertraust, die behaupten, die Antworten zu haben
It's an uncivil war
Es ist ein unzivilisierter Krieg
It's an uncivil war
Es ist ein unzivilisierter Krieg
It's an uncivil war
Es ist ein unzivilisierter Krieg
Bloodless for now
Blutlos für jetzt
And the poets they explode like bombs
Und die Dichter explodieren wie Bomben
(Bloodless for now)
(Blutlos für jetzt)
The gentry is drinking Moet Chandon
Die Oberschicht trinkt Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)
(Blutlos für jetzt)
Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Dreh dich um und zitiere einen bekannten Psalm
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
Mach dir keine Sorgen um die Bösen
Don't you envy those who do wrong
Beneide nicht diejenigen, die Unrecht tun
And your innocence will be like the dawn
Und deine Unschuld wird wie die Morgendämmerung sein
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun
Während die Gerechtigkeit deiner Sache wie die Mittagssonne scheinen wird
Well, the best lack all conviction
Nun, die Besten haben überhaupt keine Überzeugung
And the worst keep sharpening their claws
Und die Schlimmsten schärfen weiter ihre Krallen
They're peddling in their dark fictions
Sie handeln mit ihren dunklen Fiktionen
While what's left of us
Während was von uns übrig ist
Well, we just hem and we haw
Nun, wir zögern und stottern nur
And it feels like 1936
Und es fühlt sich an wie 1936
In Catalonia
In Katalonien
In Catalonia
In Katalonien
Bloodless for now
Blutlos für jetzt
Bloodless for now
Blutlos für jetzt
And the poets they explode like bombs
Und die Dichter explodieren wie Bomben
(Bloodless for now)
(Blutlos für jetzt)
Drinking Moet Chandon
Trinken Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)
(Blutlos für jetzt)
Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Dreh dich um und zitiere einen bekannten Psalm
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
Mach dir keine Sorgen um die Bösen
Don't you envy those who do wrong
Beneide nicht diejenigen, die Unrecht tun
And your innocence will be like the dawn
Und deine Unschuld wird wie die Morgendämmerung sein
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun
Während die Gerechtigkeit deiner Sache wie die Mittagssonne scheinen wird
They're profiting from your worry
Stanno trarre profitto dalla tua preoccupazione
They're selling blanks down at the DMZ
Stanno vendendo vuoti alla DMZ
They're banking on the sound and fury
Stanno scommettendo sul suono e sulla furia
Makes you wonder what it all's got to do with me
Ti fa chiedere cosa c'entra tutto questo con me
Bloodless for now
Senza sangue per ora
I'm keeping mine with the altruists
Sto tenendo il mio con gli altruisti
I'm putting my weight behind the dancer
Sto mettendo il mio peso dietro al ballerino
I know it's hard to be an optimist
So che è difficile essere ottimisti
When you trust least the ones who claim to have the answers
Quando meno ti fidi di quelli che dicono di avere le risposte
It's an uncivil war
È una guerra incivile
It's an uncivil war
È una guerra incivile
It's an uncivil war
È una guerra incivile
Bloodless for now
Senza sangue per ora
And the poets they explode like bombs
E i poeti esplodono come bombe
(Bloodless for now)
(Senza sangue per ora)
The gentry is drinking Moet Chandon
La nobiltà sta bevendo Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)
(Senza sangue per ora)
Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Girati e cita un salmo ben noto
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
Non preoccuparti dei malvagi
Don't you envy those who do wrong
Non invidiare coloro che fanno del male
And your innocence will be like the dawn
E la tua innocenza sarà come l'alba
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun
Mentre la giustizia della tua causa risplenderà come il sole di mezzogiorno
Well, the best lack all conviction
Beh, i migliori mancano di tutte le convinzioni
And the worst keep sharpening their claws
E i peggiori continuano ad affilare le loro unghie
They're peddling in their dark fictions
Stanno trafficando nelle loro oscure finzioni
While what's left of us
Mentre quello che resta di noi
Well, we just hem and we haw
Beh, noi solo balbettiamo e ci esitiamo
And it feels like 1936
E sembra il 1936
In Catalonia
In Catalogna
In Catalonia
In Catalogna
Bloodless for now
Senza sangue per ora
Bloodless for now
Senza sangue per ora
And the poets they explode like bombs
E i poeti esplodono come bombe
(Bloodless for now)
(Senza sangue per ora)
Drinking Moet Chandon
Bevendo Moet Chandon
(Bloodless for now)
(Senza sangue per ora)
Turn around and quote a well known psalm
Girati e cita un salmo ben noto
Don't you worry 'bout the wicked
Non preoccuparti dei malvagi
Don't you envy those who do wrong
Non invidiare coloro che fanno del male
And your innocence will be like the dawn
E la tua innocenza sarà come l'alba
While the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun
Mentre la giustizia della tua causa risplenderà come il sole di mezzogiorno

Curiosités sur la chanson Bloodless de Andrew Bird

Sur quels albums la chanson “Bloodless” a-t-elle été lancée par Andrew Bird?
Andrew Bird a lancé la chanson sur les albums “Bloodless 7'’” en 2018 et “My Finest Work Yet” en 2019.
Qui a composé la chanson “Bloodless” de Andrew Bird?
La chanson “Bloodless” de Andrew Bird a été composée par Andrew Wegman Bird.

Chansons les plus populaires [artist_preposition] Andrew Bird

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