The time is fast approaching in which there will be great trials and afflictions; perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound;
The charity of many will grow cold and the malice of the wicked will increase
The devils will have unusual power
The immaculate purity of our order and of others , will be so much obscured that there will be very few Christians who will obey the true sovereign pontiff and the Roman church with loyal hearts and perfect charity
At thе time of this tribulation a man, non canonically electеd , will be raised too the pontificate
Who by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death

I see pain I see pain yeah I see
I smell fear I smell fear yes I can
I hear hate I hear hate yeah I hear it
I feel a war yeah I can feel war coming

St Francis of Assissi!
I see the pain in my people’s eyes!
I can smell all that fear reeking from the soul!
I can hear all that hate in your heart it’s cold!
I can feel that the war is approaching!
The end of all creatures the poaching. Gotta take it all back
I surrender don’t cock back

I’m afraid don’t believe I’m not!
I’ve been payed but I got no pop!
You can’t call me something that I top!
Maybe made but you forgot too mop!
I was born on the day of Michaelmas!
Saw the Seraph never shot the sheriff
It said dead is better fall and get up don’t you let up now six wings will get you off the ground

Saint Francis of Assisi!
I see my brothers and sisters they’re paying the prices!
Just too eat they need a license!
Talking too wolves in the night since;
I smell the fear in the sunlight
I smell the lead from the gunfight
Actually I’m in the studio but the mood struck right and all I hear are the screams from the slaughterhouse!
I saw an insect war in my backyard
Know the next world one will be skyward
Act hard if wanna that won’t save us fact is that will make it easy too enslave us
Feel it my guts like a butterfly knife trachoma
I’ve been better off alone I’m not going back too the plan B ever my endeavors don’t involve any clipping of the feathers
Won't bow too the people that arrest my soul they may break our bones and infect our phones but they can’t take us all alive
No they’ll never take us all alive
No they can’t take us all alive

I stay up too sing with the blue jays
I only wake early on blues days
Like who was it now was it cool J?
Oh u never caught the news day
I used too have hope for this world
I used too have hope for this girl
I used too have hope for a lot but now I believe I don’t need it I bleed

Sant Francis of Assisi...!

I can taste all the blood when I stick out my tounge
I’m a fungus too some but too others I’m one of the brothers that feel like the battles among us they’ve hung us and strung us bloody till we died then wring out the clothes so the next could be dry
I just figured that I’d reiterate what the greats have told me so the next up can try and I get that I’m white, but I look at Earth like a light in the darkness we’re all making bright Its a question of worth
Are we worthy of the might, worthy of the power worthy of the sites, worthy of the showers of meteorites which allow us too wish in the nights?
Forget hope I believe
Too keep faith isn’t easy

Scandals will be multiplied. Our order will be divided and many others will be entirely destroyed because they will consent too error, instead of opposing it

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