Bollocks To Brexit
There's a light in the far off distance
There's a glow in the sky warming up the night
There's a hope we can make a difference
If we try and choose the
Righteous path, change direction
It's not impossible
As storms clouds gather
We stand together
Set a course for better weather
Bollocks to Brexit
It's time to take a stand
Bollocks to Brexit
Come to our senses now that we know the
Of the lies that we were sold
Unicorns and
Cake and eat it
Let's defeat it
Now we know that the EU don't need
To concede just to keep us in the club
Now we know that a hard nosed exit
Will result in a
Financial apocalypse
Watch the pound tank like a sinking ship
They told you we would
Be better off but
It seems like it was a load of old bullshit
Bollocks to Brexit
It's time to take a stand
Bollocks to Brexit
Come to our senses now that we know the
Of the lies that we were sold
Unicorns and
Cake and eat it
Let's defeat it
And it seems like the only people left
Who think this is a good idea at all
Are the spivs and the City chancers
Speculate to make a
Killing off the back of the
Poor and the sick who can least afford it
Just watch as your savings
Disappear in the whilrwind
Poor get poorer while the rich get richer
Bollocks to Brexit
It's time to take a stand
Bollocks to Brexit
Come to our senses now that we know the
The consequences
Of the lies that we were sold
Three hundred fifty million
Pounds a week, I don't think so
Blue skies
Big lies
Sunlit uplands
Delusion, confusion
Bollocks to Brexit
It's time to take a stand
Bollocks to Brexit
Unicorns and
Cake and eat it
Let's defeat it
Bollocks to Brexit