Batty Gang Burger (Skit)
[Skit: BATTTS, Paul & Eminem]
Paul, I am incredibly sorry
I meant to order multiple Batty Gang burgers, one for everyone on Batty Records, not a Batty Gang
I have already explained to you multiple times we do not sell Batty Gang burgers
Yes, but that was when I tried order a Batty Gang, completely different situation and that was like six months ago anyways
We do not sell Batty Gang burgers
Yes, about half a year ago
Surely we have broken multiple world records considering neither of us have eaten or drank in this time, I haven't even had anything to defecate
We do not create a new recipe from scratch when we are doing literally nothing but not exist for half a year, we do not sell Batty Gang burgers or Batty Gang, we do not sell anything similar to it nor will we ever
Please just give me the Batty Gang burgers, I'll even pay double at this point since I'm rich after founding Batty Records
Even look at Eminem, he has starved to death waiting to order
No I haven't
I was sure that his Hopsin-biting overdose would've killed him if the starvation hadn't but you get my point, please give me the Batty Gang burgers
We do not sell Batty Gang burgers
Please give me them quickly, Gary will be unbelievably hangry if I do not get him any food soon
Fine, you win, I had to test your patience to see if you were truly worthy of Batty Gang burgers and you have now proven yourself to be so
Actually can I change my order?
Batty Gang burgers are pretty unhealthy and I don't want Batty Records members getting fat