Pee Made You
When you fell through the floor
You were not weary
You like a four
Who do they come to see?
A rockstar
In his rockcar
Who can you really blame?
Pee are the ones who will create you
[Verse 1]
Ahem, back by poopular peemand
Now pop a little popper for popper if you pan
You're ready to fackle any soup that is at pand?
How does it feel? Is it fantastic? Is it canned?
Well, look at all the tiny people my hands
"Batty, man, no, we're cans!"
Damn, I think Pasta's no longer a man
They just died, overboiled
With an overcooked sauce
Squeeze it, then squish it, then throw it in the bin
Can we admit this is nasty?
Yes, we can don't ever ask again
He does not mean to eat beans
But peeman, please come back to wearing jeans
Prez's a 2; Pasta's practically a 10
I want you right now saucy
Come on, girl!
When you fell through the floor
You were not weary
You like a four
Who do they come to see?
A rockstar
In his rockcar
Who can you really blame?
Pee are the ones who will create you
[Verse 2]
The cool guy, looking for more guys to coolify
Walk up to the coolest guy and make him cooler
Sorry, Jeffy, but what's Jacky
Have that I don't? Are you telling me uncoolness?
Well, I can be as cool and as awesome as a cool guy man
Give me my asthma inhaler please
And I'll invite Vladimir Putin to dinner
He's my old cool little friend!
Brit, forget you exist
But forget me and you're going to the hospeetal again
And this time it won't be for the fall off the train
Forget that, I already did
And little did I mention that Dan is, in an uncool state
Love with me, Glitchedfaker, and sit on the step
Man, I swear the cool guys barely exist
They take a kilometer, this is the end of the song