Keith My Dad


Keith my dad
I don't feel glad
But am I sad
Died when I was two
But then I grew
Now I start to understand
Life isn't that grand

Keith my dad
I don't feel glad
But am I sad
Died when I was two
But then I grew
Now I start to understand
Life isn't that grand

Yeah he died
My mom probably cried
But I didn't really know him
So it almost didn't seem that grim
But still he was my dad
So yeah it ain't rad

Keith my dad
I don't feel glad
But am I sad
Died when I was two
But then I grew
Now I start to understand
Life isn't that grand
Yeah he died
My mom probably cried
But I didn't really know him
So it almost didn't seem that grim

People ask why I haven't done things
Like hunting
I say he's dead
They say oh sorry
I say no need to say what's already been said
Sorry Mom but just one parent doesn't cut it
It's just unfit
Sometimes I ask would I rather my parents split up
Or not have a dad to say what's up

I don't feel glad
But am I sad
He died when I was two
But then I grew
Now I think about how it would be with you
I don't even feel like I knew you
What was it like with you
Would I go on trips with you
What would it be like if the Cedarleaf's still had you

But you're in Heaven
All healed
Your new body is revealed
You're in a better place
Because of God's grace
The only reason I can even talk about it
Because I have hope
So no I won't quit

Keith my dad
I don't feel glad
But am I sad
Died when I was two
But then I grew
Now I start to understand
Life isn't that grand
Yeah he died
My mom probably cried
But I didn't really know him
So it almost didn't seem that grim
People ask why I haven't done things
Like hunting
I say he's dead
They say oh sorry
I say no need to say what's already been said

Kieth's in Heaven
All healed
His new body is revealed
He's in a better place
Because of God's grace
The only reason I can even talk about it
Because I have hope
So no I won't quit

And as Andy said
God grant me the serenity to except the things that I cannot change
The courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference
Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with you forever in the next

Yeah he died
And mom probably cried
But I didn't really know him
So it almost didn't seem grim
But still he was my dad
So yeah it ain't rad
Keith my dad
I don't feel glad
But am I sad
Died when I was two
But then I grew
Now I start to understand
That life isn't that grand

God I pray
That you may
Help me though these times
Using these rhymes
I pray that I would learn and grow
Even though
It's without a dad
But I can still be glad
Show me how to live
Show me how to forgive
Be my heavenly father
And thank you for my brothers
I don't know if I would be where I am without them
I feel like I would be pretty dumb
Thank you Lord
That I am not ignored


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