Invention Suspension
I thought I'd have some more time
No one told me when I won
That the invention had to be done
So soon
Why can't he be mine forever
I gotta plan my life a little better
I gotta get my life together
Come on, help me, Mathilda
I lied about my invention
So it's time for a little suspension
Of disbelieve
Can you ask him for a little more space
To build a hunting duck disgrace
No, he's gonna die real soon
So I gotta live up to my rep
Go away, dumb servant
You can't help
Oh, prime minister can be so hard to be
Ministering inventions to the land of the free
My times here
And you got nothing to fear
'cause, with Mathilda here
We can disappear
Are you sure about that, Mathilda
Don't worry, Churchy, I got ya
I had this great idea
Just the other day
Just pretend that you are working on it
In Bed, and pass away
Just forget about Gord until he dies
But he is gonna hate me when he learns I lied
Just run away from my responsibility
Maybe if I disappear, he won't hate me
I will never forget about our great flirtation
But I care to much about my reputation
Disappear with me
Disappear with you?
It's a crazy idea, but it's what you gotta do