Ronald McDiss
[Intro: DOHC, Random Guy]
Hello sir, what can I get for you today?
Hey man, let me get a Big Mac, uh, a Coke, and a large fry
Okay, one Big Mac, Coke, and a large fry, will that be all for you today sir?
Yeah, that will be all
Alright sir, pull up to the second window please
Here's your food sir
Hey man what the fuck is this? This is not a fucking Big Mac
This is a fucking rat what do you mean?
Is that what you guys sell here, rats, to customers? it's a normal Big Mac sir, what do you want from me?
Man, fuck you Ayo, he's got a gun
(Straight Men Productions)
[Verse: DOHC, Snoop Gayy]
Mmhm, yeah, yeah, yeah
Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, yeah, yeah
Fuck McDonalds and their food too, yeah, it sucks, yeah (yeah)
Uh huh, it tastes like fucking dirt (yeah)
Mmhm, yeah, yeah, the customer service is so bad, I had to shoot a guy in the face one time (yeah)
I went to the drive thru one time, uh huh, yeah
I asked for a fucking Big Mac, they gave me shit, they gave me shit, (yeah) they gave me shit (yeah)
I asked for a Coke, they gave me piss, what the fuck is that McDonalds? yeah (what?)
Yeah, shumanahumanu, yeah, yeah, yeah
The only redeeming factor would be your ice cream machine, if it was working, yeah
Fuck you McDonalds, yeah
Yeah, worst fast food on the market, yeah, (yeah) even Wendy's is better, bitch
You're filthy rich, why don't you do better like Whataburger, yeah
They make good food, you make trash, yeah, uh huh, yeah
Fuck your fries too, there too salty, yeah, yeah
Fuck your chicken too, yeah, and your cheese it's all fake
Yeah, is there anything real that you make?
Uh huh, yeah, I'm gonna answer my own question and I'm gonna say no
Yeah, I ain't no fucking hoe, yeah
I don't eat at McDonalds anymore, yeah, ever since 2004, yeah
Fuck that place, fuck everyone that works there, yeah
I'm talking to you Snoop Gayy, yeah, get out of my way
Ronald McDonald ass bitch
[Outro: DOHC, Snoop Gayy]
Do I have permission to launch Nukes sir?
Yes, you do son
Roger that, alright, call em in at McDonalds on 21 street
Mc- 21 street? McDonalds? Roger that
Yep, that's the one
Okay, Bombs away son
Huh, huh, huh, huh, huhhuhuhuuhuh
Huh, what? Yeah, what? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, huh, what? He- uh he- ahhhhhh
Alright I'm done