The Shooting Star

Joseph Andrew Duplantier, Mario Francois Duplantier

Paroles Traduction

On the first light of the day you march on
Departure has arrived, don't look back
Avoid the darkness, stay away, stay out of sight
Until you feel the blast of a shooting star

Following the spark like a rocket in the sky
Between the bear and the scorpion, getting close
Headed north, frozen land, where tigers go to die
Don't fear the cold, it'll numb your memories out

You are higher
In the sky

Learn the skill to stay alive, survival
The city is so mean, you're being watched
Reach the tunnel, light the torch, you're on the hunt
Until the light calls you back into the wild

When you get to the other side, please send a sign
It'll fly through the atmosphere in time
And if you hold the truth within your hands
You won't be sent back, through the rain, reborn

Everlasting love is ever-growing
Hang on to what you have and let it grow
Everlasting love is ever-dying
It's in the past, you have to let it go

On the first light of the day you march on
Au premier éclat du jour, tu marches
Departure has arrived, don't look back
Le départ est arrivé, ne regarde pas en arrière
Avoid the darkness, stay away, stay out of sight
Évite les ténèbres, reste à l'écart, reste hors de vue
Until you feel the blast of a shooting star
Jusqu'à ce que tu ressentes l'explosion d'une étoile filante
Following the spark like a rocket in the sky
Suivant l'étincelle comme une fusée dans le ciel
Between the bear and the scorpion, getting close
Entre l'ours et le scorpion, se rapprochant
Headed north, frozen land, where tigers go to die
Dirigé vers le nord, terre gelée, où les tigres vont mourir
Don't fear the cold, it'll numb your memories out
N'aie pas peur du froid, il engourdira tes souvenirs
You are higher
Tu es plus haut
In the sky
Dans le ciel
Learn the skill to stay alive, survival
Apprends la compétence pour rester en vie, survie
The city is so mean, you're being watched
La ville est si méchante, tu es observé
Reach the tunnel, light the torch, you're on the hunt
Atteins le tunnel, allume la torche, tu es à la chasse
Until the light calls you back into the wild
Jusqu'à ce que la lumière t'appelle à retourner dans la nature
When you get to the other side, please send a sign
Quand tu arriveras de l'autre côté, envoie un signe s'il te plaît
It'll fly through the atmosphere in time
Il volera à travers l'atmosphère à temps
And if you hold the truth within your hands
Et si tu détiens la vérité entre tes mains
You won't be sent back, through the rain, reborn
Tu ne seras pas renvoyé, à travers la pluie, renaître
Everlasting love is ever-growing
L'amour éternel est toujours grandissant
Hang on to what you have and let it grow
Accroche-toi à ce que tu as et laisse-le grandir
Everlasting love is ever-dying
L'amour éternel est toujours mourant
It's in the past, you have to let it go
C'est dans le passé, tu dois le laisser partir
On the first light of the day you march on
Na primeira luz do dia você marcha
Departure has arrived, don't look back
A partida chegou, não olhe para trás
Avoid the darkness, stay away, stay out of sight
Evite a escuridão, fique longe, fique fora de vista
Until you feel the blast of a shooting star
Até que você sinta o estouro de uma estrela cadente
Following the spark like a rocket in the sky
Seguindo a faísca como um foguete no céu
Between the bear and the scorpion, getting close
Entre o urso e o escorpião, se aproximando
Headed north, frozen land, where tigers go to die
Indo para o norte, terra congelada, onde os tigres vão para morrer
Don't fear the cold, it'll numb your memories out
Não tema o frio, ele vai anestesiar suas memórias
You are higher
Você está mais alto
In the sky
No céu
Learn the skill to stay alive, survival
Aprenda a habilidade de sobreviver, sobrevivência
The city is so mean, you're being watched
A cidade é tão cruel, você está sendo observado
Reach the tunnel, light the torch, you're on the hunt
Alcance o túnel, acenda a tocha, você está na caça
Until the light calls you back into the wild
Até que a luz te chame de volta para o selvagem
When you get to the other side, please send a sign
Quando você chegar ao outro lado, por favor envie um sinal
It'll fly through the atmosphere in time
Ele vai voar através da atmosfera a tempo
And if you hold the truth within your hands
E se você segurar a verdade em suas mãos
You won't be sent back, through the rain, reborn
Você não será enviado de volta, através da chuva, renascido
Everlasting love is ever-growing
O amor eterno está sempre crescendo
Hang on to what you have and let it grow
Agarre-se ao que você tem e deixe crescer
Everlasting love is ever-dying
O amor eterno está sempre morrendo
It's in the past, you have to let it go
Está no passado, você tem que deixar ir
On the first light of the day you march on
A la primera luz del día avanzas
Departure has arrived, don't look back
La partida ha llegado, no mires atrás
Avoid the darkness, stay away, stay out of sight
Evita la oscuridad, mantente alejado, fuera de la vista
Until you feel the blast of a shooting star
Hasta que sientas el estallido de una estrella fugaz
Following the spark like a rocket in the sky
Siguiendo la chispa como un cohete en el cielo
Between the bear and the scorpion, getting close
Entre el oso y el escorpión, acercándose
Headed north, frozen land, where tigers go to die
Dirigido al norte, tierra congelada, donde los tigres van a morir
Don't fear the cold, it'll numb your memories out
No temas al frío, adormecerá tus recuerdos
You are higher
Estás más alto
In the sky
En el cielo
Learn the skill to stay alive, survival
Aprende la habilidad para sobrevivir, supervivencia
The city is so mean, you're being watched
La ciudad es tan cruel, te están observando
Reach the tunnel, light the torch, you're on the hunt
Alcanza el túnel, enciende la antorcha, estás en la caza
Until the light calls you back into the wild
Hasta que la luz te llame de vuelta a la naturaleza
When you get to the other side, please send a sign
Cuando llegues al otro lado, por favor envía una señal
It'll fly through the atmosphere in time
Volará a través de la atmósfera a tiempo
And if you hold the truth within your hands
Y si sostienes la verdad en tus manos
You won't be sent back, through the rain, reborn
No serás enviado de vuelta, a través de la lluvia, renacido
Everlasting love is ever-growing
El amor eterno es siempre creciente
Hang on to what you have and let it grow
Aférrate a lo que tienes y déjalo crecer
Everlasting love is ever-dying
El amor eterno es siempre moribundo
It's in the past, you have to let it go
Está en el pasado, tienes que dejarlo ir
On the first light of the day you march on
Am ersten Licht des Tages marschierst du los
Departure has arrived, don't look back
Die Abreise ist gekommen, schau nicht zurück
Avoid the darkness, stay away, stay out of sight
Vermeide die Dunkelheit, bleib fern, bleib außer Sicht
Until you feel the blast of a shooting star
Bis du den Knall eines Sternschnuppe spürst
Following the spark like a rocket in the sky
Folge dem Funken wie eine Rakete am Himmel
Between the bear and the scorpion, getting close
Zwischen dem Bären und dem Skorpion, kommst du näher
Headed north, frozen land, where tigers go to die
Gehe nach Norden, gefrorenes Land, wo Tiger sterben gehen
Don't fear the cold, it'll numb your memories out
Fürchte die Kälte nicht, sie wird deine Erinnerungen betäuben
You are higher
Du bist höher
In the sky
Am Himmel
Learn the skill to stay alive, survival
Lerne die Fähigkeit zu überleben, Überleben
The city is so mean, you're being watched
Die Stadt ist so gemein, du wirst beobachtet
Reach the tunnel, light the torch, you're on the hunt
Erreiche den Tunnel, zünde die Fackel an, du bist auf der Jagd
Until the light calls you back into the wild
Bis das Licht dich zurück in die Wildnis ruft
When you get to the other side, please send a sign
Wenn du auf die andere Seite kommst, bitte sende ein Zeichen
It'll fly through the atmosphere in time
Es wird rechtzeitig durch die Atmosphäre fliegen
And if you hold the truth within your hands
Und wenn du die Wahrheit in deinen Händen hältst
You won't be sent back, through the rain, reborn
Wirst du nicht zurückgeschickt, durch den Regen, wiedergeboren
Everlasting love is ever-growing
Ewige Liebe wächst immer weiter
Hang on to what you have and let it grow
Halte fest, was du hast und lass es wachsen
Everlasting love is ever-dying
Ewige Liebe stirbt immer
It's in the past, you have to let it go
Es liegt in der Vergangenheit, du musst es loslassen
On the first light of the day you march on
Alla prima luce del giorno marci avanti
Departure has arrived, don't look back
La partenza è arrivata, non guardare indietro
Avoid the darkness, stay away, stay out of sight
Evita l'oscurità, stai lontano, rimani fuori dalla vista
Until you feel the blast of a shooting star
Fino a quando non senti l'esplosione di una stella cadente
Following the spark like a rocket in the sky
Seguendo la scintilla come un razzo nel cielo
Between the bear and the scorpion, getting close
Tra l'orso e lo scorpione, avvicinandosi
Headed north, frozen land, where tigers go to die
Diretto a nord, terra ghiacciata, dove le tigri vanno a morire
Don't fear the cold, it'll numb your memories out
Non temere il freddo, intorpidirà i tuoi ricordi
You are higher
Sei più alto
In the sky
Nel cielo
Learn the skill to stay alive, survival
Impara l'abilità per restare vivo, sopravvivenza
The city is so mean, you're being watched
La città è così cattiva, stai venendo osservato
Reach the tunnel, light the torch, you're on the hunt
Raggiungi il tunnel, accendi la torcia, sei a caccia
Until the light calls you back into the wild
Fino a quando la luce ti richiama nella natura selvaggia
When you get to the other side, please send a sign
Quando arrivi dall'altra parte, per favore manda un segno
It'll fly through the atmosphere in time
Volare attraverso l'atmosfera in tempo
And if you hold the truth within your hands
E se tieni la verità nelle tue mani
You won't be sent back, through the rain, reborn
Non sarai rimandato indietro, attraverso la pioggia, rinato
Everlasting love is ever-growing
L'amore eterno è sempre in crescita
Hang on to what you have and let it grow
Aggrappati a ciò che hai e lascia che cresca
Everlasting love is ever-dying
L'amore eterno è sempre morente
It's in the past, you have to let it go
È nel passato, devi lasciarlo andare
On the first light of the day you march on
Pada cahaya pertama hari ini kamu berangkat
Departure has arrived, don't look back
Keberangkatan telah tiba, jangan menoleh ke belakang
Avoid the darkness, stay away, stay out of sight
Hindari kegelapan, menjauhlah, tetap bersembunyi
Until you feel the blast of a shooting star
Hingga kamu merasakan ledakan dari bintang jatuh
Following the spark like a rocket in the sky
Mengikuti percikan seperti roket di langit
Between the bear and the scorpion, getting close
Di antara beruang dan kalajengking, semakin dekat
Headed north, frozen land, where tigers go to die
Menuju utara, tanah beku, tempat harimau mati
Don't fear the cold, it'll numb your memories out
Jangan takut akan dingin, itu akan membekukan kenanganmu
You are higher
Kamu lebih tinggi
In the sky
Di langit
Learn the skill to stay alive, survival
Pelajari keterampilan untuk tetap hidup, bertahan
The city is so mean, you're being watched
Kota ini sangat kejam, kamu sedang diawasi
Reach the tunnel, light the torch, you're on the hunt
Capai terowongan, nyalakan obor, kamu sedang berburu
Until the light calls you back into the wild
Hingga cahaya memanggilmu kembali ke alam liar
When you get to the other side, please send a sign
Ketika kamu sampai di sisi lain, tolong kirimkan sebuah tanda
It'll fly through the atmosphere in time
Itu akan terbang melintasi atmosfer tepat waktu
And if you hold the truth within your hands
Dan jika kamu memegang kebenaran di tanganmu
You won't be sent back, through the rain, reborn
Kamu tidak akan dikirim kembali, melalui hujan, terlahir kembali
Everlasting love is ever-growing
Cinta abadi selalu bertumbuh
Hang on to what you have and let it grow
Peganglah apa yang kamu miliki dan biarkan itu tumbuh
Everlasting love is ever-dying
Cinta abadi selalu mati
It's in the past, you have to let it go
Itu ada di masa lalu, kamu harus melepaskannya
On the first light of the day you march on
Departure has arrived, don't look back
การออกเดินทางมาถึงแล้ว อย่าหันกลับไป
Avoid the darkness, stay away, stay out of sight
หลีกเลี่ยงความมืด อยู่ห่างๆ อยู่ให้พ้นสายตา
Until you feel the blast of a shooting star
Following the spark like a rocket in the sky
Between the bear and the scorpion, getting close
ระหว่างหมีกับแมงป่อง ใกล้เข้ามา
Headed north, frozen land, where tigers go to die
มุ่งหน้าไปทางเหนือ ดินแดนที่เย็นจัด ที่เสือไปตาย
Don't fear the cold, it'll numb your memories out
อย่ากลัวความหนาว เพราะมันจะช่วยลืมความทรงจำของคุณ
You are higher
In the sky
Learn the skill to stay alive, survival
The city is so mean, you're being watched
เมืองนี้โหดร้ายมาก คุณถูกจับตามอง
Reach the tunnel, light the torch, you're on the hunt
ไปถึงอุโมงค์ จุดไฟฉาย คุณกำลังล่า
Until the light calls you back into the wild
When you get to the other side, please send a sign
เมื่อคุณไปถึงอีกฝั่งหนึ่ง โปรดส่งสัญญาณมา
It'll fly through the atmosphere in time
And if you hold the truth within your hands
You won't be sent back, through the rain, reborn
คุณจะไม่ถูกส่งกลับไป ผ่านฝน ได้เกิดใหม่
Everlasting love is ever-growing
Hang on to what you have and let it grow
Everlasting love is ever-dying
It's in the past, you have to let it go
มันอยู่ในอดีต คุณต้องปล่อยมันไป
On the first light of the day you march on
Departure has arrived, don't look back
Avoid the darkness, stay away, stay out of sight
Until you feel the blast of a shooting star
Following the spark like a rocket in the sky
Between the bear and the scorpion, getting close
Headed north, frozen land, where tigers go to die
Don't fear the cold, it'll numb your memories out
You are higher
In the sky
Learn the skill to stay alive, survival
The city is so mean, you're being watched
Reach the tunnel, light the torch, you're on the hunt
Until the light calls you back into the wild
When you get to the other side, please send a sign
It'll fly through the atmosphere in time
And if you hold the truth within your hands
You won't be sent back, through the rain, reborn
Everlasting love is ever-growing
Hang on to what you have and let it grow
Everlasting love is ever-dying
It's in the past, you have to let it go

Curiosités sur la chanson The Shooting Star de Gojira

Quand la chanson “The Shooting Star” a-t-elle été lancée par Gojira?
La chanson The Shooting Star a été lancée en 2016, sur l’album “Magma”.
Qui a composé la chanson “The Shooting Star” de Gojira?
La chanson “The Shooting Star” de Gojira a été composée par Joseph Andrew Duplantier, Mario Francois Duplantier.

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