Eat That Phone Book Coda
(What are we gonna do then?)
(Eat that phone book)
Now if you want to know just how to
Tune into the vibes of the planet
Nobody else can tell ya
Everybody got their own way to do it
Oom pa pa zoom de zoom
A habba hubba dubba
Oom sticky-stucka
Oom pa pa zoom de zoom
A cuppa hubba dubba
Oom sticky-stucka
Oom ticky bom tea bom
A triple cuppa tripper
O mama maya
Oom ticky bom tea bom
A triple cuppa tripper
O mama maya
Oom pa pa zoom de zoom
A cuppa hubba dubba
Oom sticky-stucka
Oom ticky bom tea bom
A triple cuppa tripper
O mama maya
All that you got to do is get y'self together
Don't dither do it
Then when you're Gong you can't go wrong
'Cause you become the song, c'est la planette
Yesterday I climbed a tree
Nearer to the Gong to be
The planet was, I realised
One of the spots before my eyes
O mama maya I pray for a banana
(Bananana nirvana mañanana)
Mama maya I pray for a banana
(Bananana nirvana mañanana)
Mama maya I pray for a banana
(Bananana nirvana mañanana)
At the end of the day
When there's nothing left more to play
And you're all alone 'cept for radio gnome
Here's your angel's egg for breakfast in the morning
(Bye bye)