Oh sophia you never fit in above
Oh sophia so you joined us down below
To show how far you could go
Your daddy told you you’d not last a day
His little stowaway
Your mama told you to stay
But you can’t wait
To miss them
You’ve lost the plot
Your brow is hot
In the yard is a tree
Hung with toys
For dead little girls and boys
That’s their fate
But one always hangs oneself too late
You asked me how does the story end
I said all stories end the same
If you take them far enough
You’ve got them eating out of your hand
But now you fear for your hand
You always go without saying
Your sweet smile is fraying
Splintered on wooden teeth
They’ll peel you like a grape
Oh sophia you come from such great wealth
Oh sophia now you are beside yourself
I’m a close friend of a friend
And i loved you as much as i could
But i think we can agree
If it’s down to you and me
Id choose me
If it’s down to me and you
You’ll choose
You are full of something good and bad
You are stuffed with your own predator
As you flee your creditors
Death minus god equals science
Death minus science equals god
But god minus death equals nothing
You lay upon the earth as upon a man
Buried alive in the air around you
But the sunlight lays upon the earth
As upon a woman
This is your lucid dream
Youve lost the plot
Your brow is hot
In the yard there is a tree
Hung with toys
For your dead little girls and boys
That’s their fate
But one always hangs oneself too late
Don’t ask me how your story ends
All stories end the same
If you take them all the way
He lay upon you as upon the earth
Buried alive in his afterbirth
But the sunlight lays upon you
As a child upon your breast
Its kiss seemed obscene like a lucid scream
Let me hold you and help you sleep
For we are all geniuses
Oh when we dream
Oh sophia your child was born of hate
Oh sophia i’ll hold you til it wakes
And turns to see your face