How Can I Tell Her

Kent Lavoie

Paroles Traduction

She knows when I'm lonesome, she cries when I'm sad
She's up in the good times, she's down in the bad
Whenever I'm discouraged, she knows just what to do
But, girl, she doesn't know about you

I can tell her my troubles, she makes them all seem right
I can make up excuses not to hold her at night
We can talk of tomorrow, I'll tell her things that I want to do
But, girl, how can I tell her about you?

How can I tell her about you?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa

How can I tell her I don't miss her whenever I'm away?
How can I say it's you I think of every single night and day?
But when is it easy telling someone we're through
Ah, girl, help me tell her about you

How can I tell her about you?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa


She knows when I'm lonesome, she cries when I'm sad
Elle sait quand je suis solitaire, elle pleure quand je suis triste
She's up in the good times, she's down in the bad
Elle est là dans les bons moments, elle est là dans les mauvais
Whenever I'm discouraged, she knows just what to do
Quand je suis découragé, elle sait exactement quoi faire
But, girl, she doesn't know about you
Mais, fille, elle ne sait rien de toi
I can tell her my troubles, she makes them all seem right
Je peux lui raconter mes problèmes, elle les rend tous insignifiants
I can make up excuses not to hold her at night
Je peux inventer des excuses pour ne pas la tenir dans mes bras la nuit
We can talk of tomorrow, I'll tell her things that I want to do
Nous pouvons parler de demain, je lui dirai ce que je veux faire
But, girl, how can I tell her about you?
Mais, fille, comment puis-je lui parler de toi?
How can I tell her about you?
Comment puis-je lui parler de toi?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Fille, s'il te plaît dis-moi quoi faire
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Tout semble juste quand je suis avec toi
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Alors, fille, ne me diras-tu pas comment lui parler de toi? Oh-whoa
How can I tell her I don't miss her whenever I'm away?
Comment puis-je lui dire que tu ne me manques pas quand je suis loin?
How can I say it's you I think of every single night and day?
Comment puis-je dire que c'est à toi que je pense chaque nuit et chaque jour?
But when is it easy telling someone we're through
Mais quand est-ce facile de dire à quelqu'un que c'est fini
Ah, girl, help me tell her about you
Ah, fille, aide-moi à lui parler de toi
How can I tell her about you?
Comment puis-je lui parler de toi?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Fille, s'il te plaît dis-moi quoi faire
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Tout semble juste quand je suis avec toi
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Alors, fille, ne me diras-tu pas comment lui parler de toi? Oh-whoa
She knows when I'm lonesome, she cries when I'm sad
Ela sabe quando estou solitário, ela chora quando estou triste
She's up in the good times, she's down in the bad
Ela está por cima nos bons momentos, ela está por baixo nos ruins
Whenever I'm discouraged, she knows just what to do
Sempre que estou desanimado, ela sabe exatamente o que fazer
But, girl, she doesn't know about you
Mas, garota, ela não sabe sobre você
I can tell her my troubles, she makes them all seem right
Eu posso contar a ela meus problemas, ela faz com que todos pareçam certos
I can make up excuses not to hold her at night
Eu posso inventar desculpas para não abraçá-la à noite
We can talk of tomorrow, I'll tell her things that I want to do
Podemos falar do amanhã, vou contar a ela as coisas que quero fazer
But, girl, how can I tell her about you?
Mas, garota, como posso contar a ela sobre você?
How can I tell her about you?
Como posso contar a ela sobre você?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Garota, por favor me diga o que fazer
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Tudo parece certo sempre que estou com você
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Então, garota, você não me dirá como contar a ela sobre você? Oh-whoa
How can I tell her I don't miss her whenever I'm away?
Como posso dizer a ela que não sinto sua falta sempre que estou longe?
How can I say it's you I think of every single night and day?
Como posso dizer que é em você que penso todas as noites e dias?
But when is it easy telling someone we're through
Mas quando é fácil dizer a alguém que acabou
Ah, girl, help me tell her about you
Ah, garota, me ajude a contar a ela sobre você
How can I tell her about you?
Como posso contar a ela sobre você?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Garota, por favor me diga o que fazer
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Tudo parece certo sempre que estou com você
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Então, garota, você não me dirá como contar a ela sobre você? Oh-whoa
She knows when I'm lonesome, she cries when I'm sad
Ella sabe cuando estoy solitario, llora cuando estoy triste
She's up in the good times, she's down in the bad
Está arriba en los buenos tiempos, está abajo en los malos
Whenever I'm discouraged, she knows just what to do
Siempre que estoy desanimado, ella sabe justo qué hacer
But, girl, she doesn't know about you
Pero, chica, ella no sabe acerca de ti
I can tell her my troubles, she makes them all seem right
Puedo contarle mis problemas, ella los hace parecer bien
I can make up excuses not to hold her at night
Puedo inventar excusas para no abrazarla por la noche
We can talk of tomorrow, I'll tell her things that I want to do
Podemos hablar del mañana, le diré las cosas que quiero hacer
But, girl, how can I tell her about you?
Pero, chica, ¿cómo puedo contarle sobre ti?
How can I tell her about you?
¿Cómo puedo contarle sobre ti?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Chica, por favor dime qué hacer
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Todo parece correcto cuando estoy contigo
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Entonces, chica, ¿no me dirás cómo contarle sobre ti? Oh-whoa
How can I tell her I don't miss her whenever I'm away?
¿Cómo puedo decirle que no la extraño cuando estoy lejos?
How can I say it's you I think of every single night and day?
¿Cómo puedo decir que eres a quien pienso cada noche y día?
But when is it easy telling someone we're through
Pero, ¿cuándo es fácil decirle a alguien que hemos terminado?
Ah, girl, help me tell her about you
Ah, chica, ayúdame a contarle sobre ti
How can I tell her about you?
¿Cómo puedo contarle sobre ti?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Chica, por favor dime qué hacer
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Todo parece correcto cuando estoy contigo
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Entonces, chica, ¿no me dirás cómo contarle sobre ti? Oh-whoa
She knows when I'm lonesome, she cries when I'm sad
Sie weiß, wann ich einsam bin, sie weint, wenn ich traurig bin
She's up in the good times, she's down in the bad
Sie ist in den guten Zeiten da, sie ist in den schlechten Zeiten da
Whenever I'm discouraged, she knows just what to do
Immer wenn ich entmutigt bin, weiß sie genau, was zu tun ist
But, girl, she doesn't know about you
Aber, Mädchen, sie weiß nichts von dir
I can tell her my troubles, she makes them all seem right
Ich kann ihr meine Probleme erzählen, sie lässt sie alle richtig erscheinen
I can make up excuses not to hold her at night
Ich kann Ausreden erfinden, um sie nachts nicht zu halten
We can talk of tomorrow, I'll tell her things that I want to do
Wir können von morgen sprechen, ich werde ihr Dinge erzählen, die ich tun möchte
But, girl, how can I tell her about you?
Aber, Mädchen, wie kann ich ihr von dir erzählen?
How can I tell her about you?
Wie kann ich ihr von dir erzählen?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Mädchen, bitte sag mir, was ich tun soll
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Alles scheint richtig, wann immer ich bei dir bin
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Also, Mädchen, willst du mir nicht sagen, wie ich ihr von dir erzählen kann? Oh-whoa
How can I tell her I don't miss her whenever I'm away?
Wie kann ich ihr sagen, dass ich sie nicht vermisse, wann immer ich weg bin?
How can I say it's you I think of every single night and day?
Wie kann ich sagen, dass ich an dich denke, jede einzelne Nacht und jeden Tag?
But when is it easy telling someone we're through
Aber wann ist es einfach, jemandem zu sagen, dass wir fertig sind
Ah, girl, help me tell her about you
Ah, Mädchen, hilf mir, ihr von dir zu erzählen
How can I tell her about you?
Wie kann ich ihr von dir erzählen?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Mädchen, bitte sag mir, was ich tun soll
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Alles scheint richtig, wann immer ich bei dir bin
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Also, Mädchen, willst du mir nicht sagen, wie ich ihr von dir erzählen kann? Oh-whoa
She knows when I'm lonesome, she cries when I'm sad
Lei sa quando mi sento solo, piange quando sono triste
She's up in the good times, she's down in the bad
È su nei momenti buoni, è giù nei momenti cattivi
Whenever I'm discouraged, she knows just what to do
Ogni volta che sono scoraggiato, lei sa esattamente cosa fare
But, girl, she doesn't know about you
Ma, ragazza, lei non sa di te
I can tell her my troubles, she makes them all seem right
Posso dirle i miei problemi, lei li fa sembrare tutti giusti
I can make up excuses not to hold her at night
Posso inventare scuse per non tenerla tra le braccia di notte
We can talk of tomorrow, I'll tell her things that I want to do
Possiamo parlare del domani, le dirò le cose che voglio fare
But, girl, how can I tell her about you?
Ma, ragazza, come posso dirle di te?
How can I tell her about you?
Come posso dirle di te?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Ragazza, per favore dimmi cosa fare
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Tutto sembra giusto quando sono con te
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Quindi, ragazza, non mi dirai come dirle di te? Oh-whoa
How can I tell her I don't miss her whenever I'm away?
Come posso dirle che non mi manca quando sono lontano?
How can I say it's you I think of every single night and day?
Come posso dire che penso a te ogni singola notte e giorno?
But when is it easy telling someone we're through
Ma quando è facile dire a qualcuno che siamo finiti
Ah, girl, help me tell her about you
Ah, ragazza, aiutami a dirle di te
How can I tell her about you?
Come posso dirle di te?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Ragazza, per favore dimmi cosa fare
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Tutto sembra giusto quando sono con te
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Quindi, ragazza, non mi dirai come dirle di te? Oh-whoa
She knows when I'm lonesome, she cries when I'm sad
Dia tahu saat aku merasa sepi, dia menangis saat aku sedih
She's up in the good times, she's down in the bad
Dia bahagia di saat-saat baik, dia sedih di saat-saat buruk
Whenever I'm discouraged, she knows just what to do
Kapanpun aku merasa putus asa, dia tahu apa yang harus dilakukan
But, girl, she doesn't know about you
Tapi, gadis, dia tidak tahu tentangmu
I can tell her my troubles, she makes them all seem right
Aku bisa menceritakan masalahku padanya, dia membuat semuanya tampak baik
I can make up excuses not to hold her at night
Aku bisa mencari alasan untuk tidak memeluknya di malam hari
We can talk of tomorrow, I'll tell her things that I want to do
Kita bisa bicara tentang esok hari, aku akan menceritakan hal-hal yang ingin aku lakukan
But, girl, how can I tell her about you?
Tapi, gadis, bagaimana aku bisa menceritakan tentangmu padanya?
How can I tell her about you?
Bagaimana aku bisa menceritakan tentangmu?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Gadis, tolong beritahu aku apa yang harus aku lakukan
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Semuanya tampak baik setiap kali aku bersamamu
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Jadi, gadis, maukah kamu memberitahuku bagaimana cara menceritakan tentangmu padanya? Oh-whoa
How can I tell her I don't miss her whenever I'm away?
Bagaimana aku bisa memberitahunya bahwa aku tidak merindukannya setiap kali aku pergi?
How can I say it's you I think of every single night and day?
Bagaimana aku bisa mengatakan bahwa aku memikirkanmu setiap malam dan siang?
But when is it easy telling someone we're through
Tapi kapanlah mudah untuk memberitahu seseorang bahwa kita sudah berakhir
Ah, girl, help me tell her about you
Ah, gadis, bantu aku menceritakan tentangmu padanya
How can I tell her about you?
Bagaimana aku bisa menceritakan tentangmu?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Gadis, tolong beritahu aku apa yang harus aku lakukan
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
Semuanya tampak baik setiap kali aku bersamamu
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
Jadi, gadis, maukah kamu memberitahuku bagaimana cara menceritakan tentangmu padanya? Oh-whoa
She knows when I'm lonesome, she cries when I'm sad
เธอรู้เมื่อฉันเหงา, เธอร้องไห้เมื่อฉันเศร้า
She's up in the good times, she's down in the bad
เธอมีความสุขในเวลาที่ดี, เธอเศร้าในเวลาที่เลวร้าย
Whenever I'm discouraged, she knows just what to do
เมื่อไรที่ฉันเพิ่งหมดกำลังใจ, เธอรู้ทันทีว่าต้องทำอย่างไร
But, girl, she doesn't know about you
แต่, สาว, เธอไม่รู้เรื่องเกี่ยวกับเธอ
I can tell her my troubles, she makes them all seem right
ฉันสามารถบอกเธอถึงปัญหาของฉัน, เธอทำให้ทุกอย่างดูเหมือนว่าจะดีขึ้น
I can make up excuses not to hold her at night
We can talk of tomorrow, I'll tell her things that I want to do
เราสามารถพูดถึงวันพรุ่งนี้, ฉันจะบอกเธอสิ่งที่ฉันต้องการทำ
But, girl, how can I tell her about you?
แต่, สาว, ฉันจะบอกเธอเกี่ยวกับเธอได้อย่างไร?
How can I tell her about you?
Girl, please tell me what to do
สาว, กรุณาบอกฉันว่าต้องทำอย่างไร
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
ดังนั้น, สาว, ฉันขอให้เธอบอกฉันว่าจะบอกเธอเกี่ยวกับเธอได้อย่างไร? โอ-วโฮ
How can I tell her I don't miss her whenever I'm away?
How can I say it's you I think of every single night and day?
But when is it easy telling someone we're through
Ah, girl, help me tell her about you
อ๊ะ, สาว, ช่วยฉันบอกเธอเกี่ยวกับเธอ
How can I tell her about you?
Girl, please tell me what to do
สาว, กรุณาบอกฉันว่าต้องทำอย่างไร
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
ดังนั้น, สาว, ฉันขอให้เธอบอกฉันว่าจะบอกเธอเกี่ยวกับเธอได้อย่างไร? โอ-วโฮ
She knows when I'm lonesome, she cries when I'm sad
She's up in the good times, she's down in the bad
Whenever I'm discouraged, she knows just what to do
But, girl, she doesn't know about you
I can tell her my troubles, she makes them all seem right
I can make up excuses not to hold her at night
We can talk of tomorrow, I'll tell her things that I want to do
But, girl, how can I tell her about you?
How can I tell her about you?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa
How can I tell her I don't miss her whenever I'm away?
How can I say it's you I think of every single night and day?
But when is it easy telling someone we're through
Ah, girl, help me tell her about you
How can I tell her about you?
Girl, please tell me what to do
Everything seems right whenever I'm with you
So, girl, won't you tell me how to tell her about you? Oh-whoa

Curiosités sur la chanson How Can I Tell Her de Lobo

Sur quels albums la chanson “How Can I Tell Her” a-t-elle été lancée par Lobo?
Lobo a lancé la chanson sur les albums “I’d Love You to Want Me” en 1972, “Calumet” en 1973, “Greatest Hits” en 1990, “The Best Of Lobo” en 1993, “Classic Hits” en 1995, “Out Of Time” en 2008, et “Love Me For What I Am” en 2010.
Qui a composé la chanson “How Can I Tell Her” de Lobo?
La chanson “How Can I Tell Her” de Lobo a été composée par Kent Lavoie.

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