I just want closure
Want this to be all over
I just want closure
I just want the light to draw closer
I just want closure
Tired of feeling like a loner
I just want closure
Wanna put a end to this chapter yuh a closure
I just want closure
Tired of feeling like a poser
I just want closure
I just want closure
I just want closure
My life is a music song a composer
Can i just be over with this
Can we get over with this
I just want closure
Feeling like a loner
I just want closure
Will i look back when i am older
I just want closure
Whole world moving slower
Need someone to lean on a shoulder a shoulder
Tirеd of this rollercoaster that im on
I just want closure from this chaptеr
Want it to be over sigh
I just want closure
I just want you to come over
I just want closure
I wanna close this chapter on ur shoulder
I just want closure
I just want this to be all over
I just want closure
Ur a sweet one just like a clover
I just want closure
I just want closure want it to blow over
I want this to be over
I just want closure
New world yuh we crossing over
I just want closure cloud-cloudgang we taking over
I just want closure
I just want you to come over
I just want closure
Will you stop right over?