Guilty Pleasure
Lovely day, looking at the sun
Enjoying the present
Before reloading the gun
Lovely night, gazing at the rain
Enjoying the moment
Before unloading it all
In my
The rush of euphoria
Flowing in my veins
As blood slowly pours out
Freeing me from my chains
Lovely day, staring at the sea
Enjoying the sunlight
Before walking right ahead
Lovely night, glaring at the tree
Enjoying the moonlight
Before tightening the knot
Around my
Then I wake up
Long after dawn
And my courage all gone
All these sweet deaths
As real as they seem
Are only wasted breath
A guilty pleasure dream
All these honeyed lies
I keep feeding my mind
Just enough to live by
Til whatever end I'll find
The rush of euphoria
Flowing in my veins
As blood slowly pours out
Freeing me from my chains
A calm smile
Blinding light
Lovely night
I will finally close my
Paint the walls with my bowels, a switchblade to carve my muscles,
Kiss a rattlesnake, or jump in a shark infested lake
Grab the AR or the shotty, to rob the dispensary,
Kill everybody, it's a show, then laugh in Death Row
Dancing on the highway, waiting for the train to play
Overdosing on coke, or simply cutting the parachute rope
Drinking a tank, full of bleach, swimming in acid to make me screech
Start the car, breathe in the exhaust, or lie down naked in the frost
Orgasm through strangulation
An ode to bliss and mutilation
The knife
My life
Then I wake up
Long after dawn
And my courage all gone
All these sweet deaths
As real as they seem
Are only wasted breath
A guilty pleasure dream
All these honeyed lies
I keep feeding my mind
Just enough to live by
Til whatever end I'll find
All these sweet deaths
As real as they seem
Are only wasted breath
A guilty pleasure dream
All these honeyed lies
I keep feeding my mind
Look how quickly time flies
Death I'll never find