Walk and Not Faint
[Verse 1]
I am so tired, my feet very sore
No time to stop or rest anymore
Raise your eyes toward heaven
Lift your head up high and go
[Verse 2]
And fly up with mighty wings
Into the clouds we will soar
Our power is eternal
And we shall walk and not faint anymore
Fear is strong in this time
And hope so rare and scarce
Remember what's been promised
Do not fall into despair
[Verse 3]
The whirlwind will scatter them away
Our feet shall triumph in that day
And we will leave them blood-soaked red
Our feet shall hurt but bruise his head
So rise up in power, spirit-filled man
And call upon the maker of this great and mighty land
We shall walk and feel no fear or hate
Onward our path carries us to that day