Check For Us
VERSE 1: Now I know you don’t know so I’m hoping the flow can go to work / I’m hoping to show the earth we do more than just go to church / (as if) going to a building is all that God can offer / (like) four walls and a ceiling is all that God’s the boss of / in Scripture you see the intent of God being your week and not your weekend or your weekly event / you can check the media print men would rather chill on their own / (they wanna roam) unattached like they had a cellular phone / even God's an offense to some men they don’t wanna Him fencing them in / when they want God they just pencil Him in / it's deep when they say I’m not trying to keep Him away / I seek Him and pray (yeah) but you keep Him at bay / that's to control the way things pop off making sure you can roll if and when the King's things drop off / (well) it's time to give you closer exposure to Christ’s soldiers who like rolling with Him now and won’t wait till this life’s over //
HOOK: Check out our talk / check out our walk / check how we bring it / check out our heart / we live / we love / we get aid from above / check out our lingo / check out our slang / we do our thing yo / check how we hang / we grit / we grind / we just reflecting His shine //
VERSE 2: Is it true that the earth is the Lord’s cause if it’s true from the earth this Lord deserves a universal applause / (I’m sure) when God is interacted life has been impacted / (there’s change) and its drastic like what invading Iraq did / lens zoom in see a life that is booming / was brewing it's deep / peep what these breed of humans are doing / we stand on the same block (where it’s hot) but our aim's not to sling rock but to sling truth that'll change not / rather than ecstasy we're grabbing the text to see the recipe for making life's matters as best can be / (and) when through chopping the text it’s obvious that God'll inspect the way we treat the opposite sex / (check) it's all in His book now we tend to refrain from sin when we can / He’ll walk down memory lane and revisit our lives in all aspects / clapper He’ll blast it that’s all in the end just like the Aztecs //
VERSE 3: Now you should cypher with people who know that Christ is it / people who know that life is His / people who know He writes the script / and we like to get with Him yeah we like to sit / He likes to spit we break bread we don’t like to dip / we wanna stay by His side you know just like the hip / we got a plan He got a plan aight we like to switch / who else is not timid? / who rocks Tims and cops fitteds but when it comes to living foul they not with it? / and where the sisters that dress to kill but still find a way to keep what's under the dress concealed / y'all should get with us spit with us sit with us / never dip with us play the hip with us make a switch with us / let me mention man the cross is His invention and because he were repenting man can now enjoy an eternal pension plan / this may not be life as you know it but you'll really know those who know Christ cause we show it //