Who's Gonna Pay
Who's gonna pay
Who's gonna pay
Who's gonna pay
Who's gonna pay
Well it ain't me
I've got no fucking cash, and my card has been denied
What about you, know anyone else we could try
How about your girlfriend
She's not anymore
What about your dad
Remember when we tried before
Well try him again
If you try yours
I'd rather go and rob a drug store
You're such damn liar, how the fuck can you be broke
We need some cash fast, cause this headache ain't no joke
Have you checked all your pockets
A million times
In both your jeans and your jacket
Yeah, I've checked both yours and mine
Are there cameras at the market
There were last time
I'm too hungover to commit a crime
Who's gonna pay
Who's gonna pay
Who's gonna pay
Who's gonna pay
How come this shit is always up to me
I'm not asking for much, just one simple idea
Someone we could call
I don't have a phone
I'm willing to crawl
I'm telling you we're on our own
But we need alcohol
I've got cologne
Fuck it, let's head back home
Someone's gotta pay
Well it ain't me
Someone's gotta pay
It was my turn yesterday
Someone's gotta pay
I said it ain't me
Someone's gotta pay
How hard can it be