Fisherman's Blues


Paroles Traduction

I wish I was a fisherman
Tumblin' on the seas
Far away from dry land
And it's bitter memories

Castin' out my sweet line
With abandonment and love
No ceiling bearin' down on me
Save the starry sky above

With light in my head
With you in my arms
I wish I was the brakeman
On a hurtlin fevered train

Crashin head long into the heartland
Like a cannon in the rain
With the feelin of the sleepers
And the burnin of the coal

Countin the towns flashin by
And a night that's full of soul
With light in my head
With you in my arms

And I know I will be loosened
From the bonds that hold me fast
And the chains all around me
Will fall away at last

And on that grand and fateful day
I will take thee in my hand
I will ride on a train
I will be the fisherman

With light in my head
You in my arms
Light in my head
You in my arms

Light in my head
With light in my head
You in my arms

I wish I was a fisherman
Je souhaite que j'étais un pêcheur
Tumblin' on the seas
Tombant sur les mers
Far away from dry land
Loin de la terre sèche
And it's bitter memories
Et ses amères souvenirs
Lançant ma douce ligne
Castin' out my sweet line
Avec abandon et amour
With abandonment and love
Aucun plafond ne pèse sur moi
No ceiling bearin' down on me
Sauf le ciel étoilé au-dessus
Save the starry sky above
Avec de la lumière dans ma tête
With light in my head
Avec toi dans mes bras
With you in my arms
I wish I was the brakeman
Je souhaite que j'étais le freineur
On a hurtlin fevered train
Sur un train fiévreux et précipité
Se fracassant de plein fouet dans le cœur du pays
Crashin head long into the heartland
Comme un canon sous la pluie
Like a cannon in the rain
Avec le sentiment des dormeurs
With the feelin of the sleepers
Et la combustion du charbon
And the burnin of the coal
Comptant les villes qui défilent
Et une nuit pleine d'âme
Countin the towns flashin by
And a night that's full of soul
Avec de la lumière dans ma tête
With light in my head
Avec toi dans mes bras
With you in my arms
Et je sais que je serai libéré
And I know I will be loosened
Des liens qui me retiennent
From the bonds that hold me fast
Et les chaînes tout autour de moi
And the chains all around me
Tomberont enfin
Will fall away at last
Et en ce grand et fatidique jour
Je te prendrai dans ma main
And on that grand and fateful day
Je monterai dans un train
I will take thee in my hand
Je serai le pêcheur
I will ride on a train
I will be the fisherman
Avec de la lumière dans ma tête
Toi dans mes bras
With light in my head
You in my arms
Lumière dans ma tête
Light in my head
Toi dans mes bras
You in my arms
Lumière dans ma tête
Light in my head
With light in my head
Avec de la lumière dans ma tête
You in my arms
Toi dans mes bras
I wish I was a fisherman
Eu queria ser um pescador
Tumblin' on the seas
Tombando nos mares
Far away from dry land
Longe da terra seca
And it's bitter memories
E suas amargas lembranças
Lançando minha doce linha
Castin' out my sweet line
Com abandono e amor
With abandonment and love
Sem teto pesando sobre mim
No ceiling bearin' down on me
Salvo o céu estrelado acima
Save the starry sky above
Com luz na minha cabeça
With light in my head
Com você em meus braços
With you in my arms
I wish I was the brakeman
Eu queria ser o freio
On a hurtlin fevered train
Em um trem febril e acelerado
Batendo de frente no coração do país
Crashin head long into the heartland
Como um canhão na chuva
Like a cannon in the rain
Com o sentimento dos dormentes
With the feelin of the sleepers
E a queima do carvão
And the burnin of the coal
Contando as cidades que passam rapidamente
E uma noite cheia de alma
Countin the towns flashin by
And a night that's full of soul
Com luz na minha cabeça
With light in my head
Com você em meus braços
With you in my arms
E eu sei que serei libertado
And I know I will be loosened
Das amarras que me prendem
From the bonds that hold me fast
E as correntes ao meu redor
And the chains all around me
Finalmente cairão
Will fall away at last
E naquele grande e fatídico dia
Eu te tomarei em minha mão
And on that grand and fateful day
Eu vou andar de trem
I will take thee in my hand
Eu serei o pescador
I will ride on a train
I will be the fisherman
Com luz na minha cabeça
Você em meus braços
With light in my head
You in my arms
Luz na minha cabeça
Light in my head
Você em meus braços
You in my arms
Luz na minha cabeça
Light in my head
With light in my head
Com luz na minha cabeça
You in my arms
Você em meus braços
I wish I was a fisherman
Ojalá fuera un pescador
Tumblin' on the seas
Tambaleándome en los mares
Far away from dry land
Lejos de la tierra seca
And it's bitter memories
Y sus amargos recuerdos
Lanzando mi dulce línea
Castin' out my sweet line
Con abandono y amor
With abandonment and love
Sin techo que me oprima
No ceiling bearin' down on me
Salvo el cielo estrellado arriba
Save the starry sky above
Con luz en mi cabeza
With light in my head
Contigo en mis brazos
With you in my arms
I wish I was the brakeman
Ojalá fuera el frenador
On a hurtlin fevered train
En un tren febril y acelerado
Estrellándome de frente en el corazón del país
Crashin head long into the heartland
Como un cañón en la lluvia
Like a cannon in the rain
Con la sensación de los durmientes
With the feelin of the sleepers
Y la quema del carbón
And the burnin of the coal
Contando las ciudades que pasan rápidamente
Y una noche llena de alma
Countin the towns flashin by
And a night that's full of soul
Con luz en mi cabeza
With light in my head
Contigo en mis brazos
With you in my arms
Y sé que seré liberado
And I know I will be loosened
De los lazos que me sujetan
From the bonds that hold me fast
Y las cadenas a mi alrededor
And the chains all around me
Finalmente caerán
Will fall away at last
Y en ese gran y fatídico día
Te tomaré en mi mano
And on that grand and fateful day
Viajaré en un tren
I will take thee in my hand
Seré el pescador
I will ride on a train
I will be the fisherman
Con luz en mi cabeza
Tú en mis brazos
With light in my head
You in my arms
Luz en mi cabeza
Light in my head
Tú en mis brazos
You in my arms
Luz en mi cabeza
Light in my head
With light in my head
Con luz en mi cabeza
You in my arms
Tú en mis brazos
I wish I was a fisherman
Ich wünschte, ich wäre ein Fischer
Tumblin' on the seas
Torkelnd auf den Meeren
Far away from dry land
Weit weg vom trockenen Land
And it's bitter memories
Und seinen bitteren Erinnerungen
Ich werfe meine süße Leine aus
Castin' out my sweet line
Mit Hingabe und Liebe
With abandonment and love
Keine Decke lastet auf mir
No ceiling bearin' down on me
Außer dem sternenklaren Himmel oben
Save the starry sky above
Mit Licht in meinem Kopf
With light in my head
Mit dir in meinen Armen
With you in my arms
I wish I was the brakeman
Ich wünschte, ich wäre der Bremser
On a hurtlin fevered train
Auf einem rasenden, fiebrigen Zug
Mit vollem Kopf ins Herzland stürzend
Crashin head long into the heartland
Wie eine Kanone im Regen
Like a cannon in the rain
Mit dem Gefühl der Schwellen
With the feelin of the sleepers
Und dem Brennen der Kohle
And the burnin of the coal
Zählend die Städte, die vorbeiflitzen
Und eine Nacht, die voller Seele ist
Countin the towns flashin by
And a night that's full of soul
Mit Licht in meinem Kopf
With light in my head
Mit dir in meinen Armen
With you in my arms
Und ich weiß, ich werde gelöst werden
And I know I will be loosened
Von den Fesseln, die mich festhalten
From the bonds that hold me fast
Und die Ketten um mich herum
And the chains all around me
Werden endlich fallen
Will fall away at last
Und an jenem großen und schicksalhaften Tag
Werde ich dich in meine Hand nehmen
And on that grand and fateful day
Ich werde mit einem Zug fahren
I will take thee in my hand
Ich werde der Fischer sein
I will ride on a train
I will be the fisherman
Mit Licht in meinem Kopf
Du in meinen Armen
With light in my head
You in my arms
Licht in meinem Kopf
Light in my head
Du in meinen Armen
You in my arms
Licht in meinem Kopf
Light in my head
With light in my head
Mit Licht in meinem Kopf
You in my arms
Du in meinen Armen
I wish I was a fisherman
Vorrei essere un pescatore
Tumblin' on the seas
Barcollando sui mari
Far away from dry land
Lontano dalla terraferma
And it's bitter memories
E dai suoi amari ricordi
Lanciando fuori la mia dolce lenza
Castin' out my sweet line
Con abbandono e amore
With abandonment and love
Nessun soffitto che mi preme addosso
No ceiling bearin' down on me
Salvo il cielo stellato sopra
Save the starry sky above
Con luce nella mia testa
With light in my head
Con te tra le mie braccia
With you in my arms
I wish I was the brakeman
Vorrei essere il frenatore
On a hurtlin fevered train
Su un treno febbricitante e impetuoso
Schiacciando a testa lunga nel cuore del paese
Crashin head long into the heartland
Come un cannone sotto la pioggia
Like a cannon in the rain
Con la sensazione dei dormienti
With the feelin of the sleepers
E l'ardere del carbone
And the burnin of the coal
Contando le città che lampeggiano di passaggio
E una notte piena di anima
Countin the towns flashin by
And a night that's full of soul
Con luce nella mia testa
With light in my head
Con te tra le mie braccia
With you in my arms
E so che sarò liberato
And I know I will be loosened
Dai legami che mi tengono stretto
From the bonds that hold me fast
E le catene intorno a me
And the chains all around me
Cadranno finalmente
Will fall away at last
E in quel grande e fatidico giorno
Ti prenderò per mano
And on that grand and fateful day
Viaggerò su un treno
I will take thee in my hand
Sarò il pescatore
I will ride on a train
I will be the fisherman
Con luce nella mia testa
Tu tra le mie braccia
With light in my head
You in my arms
Luce nella mia testa
Light in my head
Tu tra le mie braccia
You in my arms
Luce nella mia testa
Light in my head
With light in my head
Con luce nella mia testa
You in my arms
Tu tra le mie braccia
I wish I was a fisherman
Saya berharap saya adalah seorang nelayan
Tumblin' on the seas
Terjatuh di lautan
Far away from dry land
Jauh dari daratan kering
And it's bitter memories
Dan kenangan pahitnya
Melempar umpan manis saya
Castin' out my sweet line
Dengan penyerahan dan cinta
With abandonment and love
Tidak ada langit-langit yang menindas saya
No ceiling bearin' down on me
Selamatkan langit berbintang di atas
Save the starry sky above
Dengan cahaya di kepala saya
With light in my head
Denganmu di pelukan saya
With you in my arms
I wish I was the brakeman
Saya berharap saya adalah pengendali rem
On a hurtlin fevered train
Di kereta yang demam dan tergesa-gesa
Menabrak langsung ke jantung tanah
Crashin head long into the heartland
Seperti meriam di hujan
Like a cannon in the rain
Dengan perasaan dari penumpang tidur
With the feelin of the sleepers
Dan pembakaran batu bara
And the burnin of the coal
Menghitung kota-kota yang berkedip lewat
Dan malam yang penuh jiwa
Countin the towns flashin by
And a night that's full of soul
Dengan cahaya di kepala saya
With light in my head
Denganmu di pelukan saya
With you in my arms
Dan saya tahu saya akan dilepaskan
And I know I will be loosened
Dari ikatan yang menahan saya
From the bonds that hold me fast
Dan rantai di sekeliling saya
And the chains all around me
Akan jatuh pada akhirnya
Will fall away at last
Dan pada hari yang agung dan menentukan itu
Saya akan mengambilmu di tangan saya
And on that grand and fateful day
Saya akan naik kereta
I will take thee in my hand
Saya akan menjadi nelayan
I will ride on a train
I will be the fisherman
Dengan cahaya di kepala saya
Kamu di pelukan saya
With light in my head
You in my arms
Cahaya di kepala saya
Light in my head
Kamu di pelukan saya
You in my arms
Cahaya di kepala saya
Light in my head
With light in my head
Dengan cahaya di kepala saya
You in my arms
Kamu di pelukan saya
I wish I was a fisherman
Tumblin' on the seas
ที่สะเ tumble บนทะเล
Far away from dry land
And it's bitter memories
Castin' out my sweet line
With abandonment and love
No ceiling bearin' down on me
Save the starry sky above
With light in my head
With you in my arms
I wish I was the brakeman
On a hurtlin fevered train
Crashin head long into the heartland
Like a cannon in the rain
With the feelin of the sleepers
And the burnin of the coal
Countin the towns flashin by
And a night that's full of soul
With light in my head
With you in my arms
And I know I will be loosened
From the bonds that hold me fast
And the chains all around me
Will fall away at last
And on that grand and fateful day
I will take thee in my hand
I will ride on a train
I will be the fisherman
With light in my head
You in my arms
Light in my head
You in my arms
Light in my head
With light in my head
You in my arms

Curiosités sur la chanson Fisherman's Blues de The Waterboys

Sur quels albums la chanson “Fisherman's Blues” a-t-elle été lancée par The Waterboys?
The Waterboys a lancé la chanson sur les albums “Fisherman's Blues” en 1988, “The Best of the Waterboys 81-90” en 1991, et “Karma to Burn” en 2005.
Qui a composé la chanson “Fisherman's Blues” de The Waterboys?
La chanson “Fisherman's Blues” de The Waterboys a été composée par SCOTT, WICKHAM.

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