Hat In The Wind
Eyes open, I want to masturbate in a locked
Eyes open, I want to masturbate in a locked
Your lover is at yoga, breaking a sweat
While you shoot mid-morning coffee nerved
On the front steps
Pouring it's slave labor likelihood all over
Your wounded lung everyone's allowed
To have these thoughts after all
This is the song where you sing i
Am a drug addict for 8 bars
It is a blessing to have rifle
Eyes in times of war
One is lucky to go deaf over
The course of one's life i love these legs
In the speaking up and
Claiming of my projector
It's a dancing fool moment
Happy taking the blame
For all my hammer marks
Anddropped gavelsand eyes
Open, i want to masturbate
In a locked planetarium
I am a drug addict, i am a drug addict
I am a drug addict
I am a drug addict
Sometimes you can still see dead-end
Signs in my eyes
I'm still burning the bones of my
Strong arm over my mother
Never unclenching to the spoiled little stone
In my skull to a sober
I feel as though I thaw all day, everyday
Someone from second grade well into
His last set of teeth waiting for help
Will you
Will you stay if i promise you eggs and glue
And guns and birds and bread?
Will you stay if i promise you eggs and
Things and yes and yes and yes
I met a beggar who says he was famous
And nowadays he only tells two jokes
One about eagles, weasels, and jet engines
The other a terrible one about
A left handed match
Says the only thing you need on
The skids is a hat
Says he'd also pissed away a
Million dollars in his day
Nowadays when i want to
Feel like a millionaire
I just walk into a bank
So i stood in the bank, and started thinking
While exact clocks spilled over
Into numbers of people
Comfortably naming all 900 bones
In their yesterday rhine
Laughing in the face of so many black bags
Luggage a natural melody to the fear poet
I can admire the of an arrow all day
But by no means am i one with smoking dust
In a Roxborough graveyard or
Painting wasp nests shut
For my slumlord in Cincinnati
I'd rather run with piano open in my head
Laughing with your hat in the wind
Not at you
I'm not laughing at you but with you
Hat in the wind