Don't Like Goodbyes
It's not easy, it's never been easy
To let anyone see the sentimental side of me
Hard as I try, I can't help but show
It's my heart you're taking as you go
Don't like goodbyes, tears or sighs
I'm not too good at leavin' time
I got no taste for grievin' time
No, no, no, not me
You've been my near one, ever my dear one
I never thought that you would find
Another love, a different kind
But it came to be
Now that your future is looking up
Forget the past and go fill your loving cup
But remember, remember leavin' is fine
And the world overhead has a clear new shine
I won't be grievin' now that you're leavin'
It's travelin' time and you must move on
Found someone that you can lean upon
And if I could arrange it
Oh, would I care to change it
Not me
Not me