When We Were Young (The Logical Song)

Cleo Jade Tighe, David Guetta, Jacob Oliver Manson, Jakke Erixson, Kim Petras, Madison Love, Nick Long, Richard Davies, Roger Hodgson, Roland Spreckley

Paroles Traduction

When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
A colorful miracle
Remember how everything was so beautiful?

I miss the old days when the skies were blue
I miss the long nights stayin' up with you
I miss the summer 'cause we were in it together
I miss my hometown, don't you miss it too?
Drivin' to nowhere, nothin' else to do
I miss the old days, I wish they lasted forever

When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
A colorful miracle
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
So innocent, infinite
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?

I miss the ocean, the hair across your face
The little moments before we moved away
And lookin' back now, we shoulda stayed there forever
And now we're over the moon and we're under the stars
Know where we've been and we know who we are
And even as time goes by, I'll always remember

When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
A colorful miracle
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
So innocent, infinite
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?

When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Quand nous étions jeunes, il semblait que la vie était si merveilleuse
A colorful miracle
Un miracle coloré
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Te souviens-tu comme tout était si beau?
I miss the old days when the skies were blue
Je regrette les vieux jours où le ciel était bleu
I miss the long nights stayin' up with you
Je regrette les longues nuits passées avec toi
I miss the summer 'cause we were in it together
Je regrette l'été parce que nous y étions ensemble
I miss my hometown, don't you miss it too?
Ma ville natale me manque, ne te manque-t-elle pas aussi?
Drivin' to nowhere, nothin' else to do
Conduire nulle part, rien d'autre à faire
I miss the old days, I wish they lasted forever
Les vieux jours me manquent, j'aurais aimé qu'ils durent toujours
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Quand nous étions jeunes, il semblait que la vie était si merveilleuse
A colorful miracle
Un miracle coloré
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Te souviens-tu comme tout était si beau?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Whoa, quand nous étions jeunes, il semblait que la vie était si simple alors
So innocent, infinite
Si innocent, infini
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
Regarde-nous maintenant, c'est si différent, n'est-ce pas?
I miss the ocean, the hair across your face
L'océan me manque, les cheveux sur ton visage
The little moments before we moved away
Les petits moments avant que nous ne déménagions
And lookin' back now, we shoulda stayed there forever
Et en regardant en arrière maintenant, nous aurions dû rester là pour toujours
And now we're over the moon and we're under the stars
Et maintenant nous sommes sur la lune et sous les étoiles
Know where we've been and we know who we are
Nous savons d'où nous venons et qui nous sommes
And even as time goes by, I'll always remember
Et même avec le temps qui passe, je me souviendrai toujours
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Quand nous étions jeunes, il semblait que la vie était si merveilleuse
A colorful miracle
Un miracle coloré
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Te souviens-tu comme tout était si beau?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Whoa, quand nous étions jeunes, il semblait que la vie était si simple alors
So innocent, infinite
Si innocent, infini
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
Regarde-nous maintenant, c'est si différent, n'est-ce pas?
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Quando éramos jovens, parecia que a vida era tão maravilhosa
A colorful miracle
Como um milagre colorido
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Lembra de como tudo era tão bonito?
I miss the old days when the skies were blue
Sinto falta dos velhos tempos quando o céu era azul
I miss the long nights stayin' up with you
Sinto falta das longas noites acordado com você
I miss the summer 'cause we were in it together
Sinto falta do verão porque nele estávamos juntos
I miss my hometown, don't you miss it too?
Sinto falta da minha cidade natal, você também não sente falta?
Drivin' to nowhere, nothin' else to do
Dirigindo sem destino certo, nada mais para fazer
I miss the old days, I wish they lasted forever
Sinto falta dos velhos tempos, eu queria que durassem para sempre
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Quando éramos jovens, parecia que a vida era tão maravilhosa
A colorful miracle
Um milagre colorido
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Lembra de como tudo era tão bonito?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Uoh, quando éramos jovens, parecia que a vida era tão simples naquela época
So innocent, infinite
Tão inocente, infinita
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
Olhe para nós agora, é tão diferente, não é?
I miss the ocean, the hair across your face
Sinto falta do oceano, o cabelo atravessando seu rosto
The little moments before we moved away
Os pequenos momentos antes de nos mudarmos
And lookin' back now, we shoulda stayed there forever
E olhando para trás agora, deveríamos ter ficado lá para sempre
And now we're over the moon and we're under the stars
E agora estamos sobre a lua e estamos sob as estrelas
Know where we've been and we know who we are
Sabemos de onde viemos e sabemos quem somos
And even as time goes by, I'll always remember
E mesmo com o passar do tempo, sempre me lembrarei
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Quando éramos jovens, parecia que a vida era tão maravilhosa
A colorful miracle
Como um milagre colorido
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Lembra de como tudo era tão bonito?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Uoh, quando éramos jovens, parecia que a vida era tão simples naquela época
So innocent, infinite
Tão inocente, infinita
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
Olhe para nós agora, é tão diferente, não é?
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Cuando éramos jóvenes, parecía que la vida era tan maravillosa
A colorful miracle
Un milagro colorido
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
¿Recuerdas cómo todo era tan hermoso?
I miss the old days when the skies were blue
Echo de menos los viejos tiempos cuando los cielos eran azules
I miss the long nights stayin' up with you
Echo de menos las largas noches despierto contigo
I miss the summer 'cause we were in it together
Echo de menos el verano porque lo vivimos juntos
I miss my hometown, don't you miss it too?
Echo de menos mi ciudad natal, ¿no la extrañas tú también?
Drivin' to nowhere, nothin' else to do
Conduciendo a ninguna parte, nada más que hacer
I miss the old days, I wish they lasted forever
Echo de menos los viejos tiempos, desearía que hubieran durado para siempre
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Cuando éramos jóvenes, parecía que la vida era tan maravillosa
A colorful miracle
Un milagro colorido
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
¿Recuerdas cómo todo era tan hermoso?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Vaya, cuando éramos jóvenes, parecía que la vida era tan simple entonces
So innocent, infinite
Tan inocente, infinita
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
Míranos ahora, es tan diferente, ¿no es así?
I miss the ocean, the hair across your face
Echo de menos el océano, el cabello en tu cara
The little moments before we moved away
Los pequeños momentos antes de que nos mudáramos
And lookin' back now, we shoulda stayed there forever
Y mirando hacia atrás ahora, deberíamos haber permanecido allí para siempre
And now we're over the moon and we're under the stars
Y ahora estamos sobre la luna y debajo de las estrellas
Know where we've been and we know who we are
Sabemos de dónde venimos y quiénes somos
And even as time goes by, I'll always remember
Y aunque el tiempo pase, siempre lo recordaré
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Cuando éramos jóvenes, parecía que la vida era tan maravillosa
A colorful miracle
Un milagro colorido
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
¿Recuerdas cómo todo era tan hermoso?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Vaya, cuando éramos jóvenes, parecía que la vida era tan simple entonces
So innocent, infinite
Tan inocente, infinita
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
Míranos ahora, es tan diferente, ¿no es así?
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Als wir jung waren, schien das Leben so wunderbar zu sein
A colorful miracle
Ein farbenfrohes Wunder
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Erinnerst du dich, wie alles so schön war?
I miss the old days when the skies were blue
Ich vermisse die alten Tage, als der Himmel blau war
I miss the long nights stayin' up with you
Ich vermisse die langen Nächte, die ich mit dir verbracht habe
I miss the summer 'cause we were in it together
Ich vermisse den Sommer, weil wir ihn zusammen verbracht haben
I miss my hometown, don't you miss it too?
Ich vermisse meine Heimatstadt, vermisst du sie nicht auch?
Drivin' to nowhere, nothin' else to do
Fahren ins Nirgendwo, nichts anderes zu tun
I miss the old days, I wish they lasted forever
Ich vermisse die alten Tage, ich wünschte, sie hätten ewig gedauert
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Als wir jung waren, schien das Leben so wunderbar zu sein
A colorful miracle
Ein farbenfrohes Wunder
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Erinnerst du dich, wie alles so schön war?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Whoa, als wir jung waren, schien das Leben so einfach zu sein
So innocent, infinite
So unschuldig, unendlich
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
Schau uns jetzt an, es ist so anders, oder?
I miss the ocean, the hair across your face
Ich vermisse den Ozean, die Haare in deinem Gesicht
The little moments before we moved away
Die kleinen Momente, bevor wir weggezogen sind
And lookin' back now, we shoulda stayed there forever
Und wenn wir jetzt zurückblicken, hätten wir dort für immer bleiben sollen
And now we're over the moon and we're under the stars
Und jetzt sind wir über dem Mond und unter den Sternen
Know where we've been and we know who we are
Wir wissen, wo wir waren und wer wir sind
And even as time goes by, I'll always remember
Und auch wenn die Zeit vergeht, werde ich mich immer erinnern
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Als wir jung waren, schien das Leben so wunderbar zu sein
A colorful miracle
Ein farbenfrohes Wunder
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Erinnerst du dich, wie alles so schön war?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Whoa, als wir jung waren, schien das Leben so einfach zu sein
So innocent, infinite
So unschuldig, unendlich
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
Schau uns jetzt an, es ist so anders, oder?
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Quando eravamo giovani, sembrava che la vita fosse così meravigliosa
A colorful miracle
Un miracolo colorato
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Ricordi come tutto era così bello?
I miss the old days when the skies were blue
Mi mancano i vecchi tempi quando il cielo era blu
I miss the long nights stayin' up with you
Mi mancano le lunghe notti sveglio con te
I miss the summer 'cause we were in it together
Mi manca l'estate perché eravamo insieme
I miss my hometown, don't you miss it too?
Mi manca la mia città natale, non manca anche a te?
Drivin' to nowhere, nothin' else to do
Guidando verso il nulla, nient'altro da fare
I miss the old days, I wish they lasted forever
Mi mancano i vecchi tempi, vorrei che durassero per sempre
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Quando eravamo giovani, sembrava che la vita fosse così meravigliosa
A colorful miracle
Un miracolo colorato
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Ricordi come tutto era così bello?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Oh, quando eravamo giovani, sembrava che la vita fosse così semplice allora
So innocent, infinite
Così innocente, infinita
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
Guardaci ora, è così diverso, non è vero?
I miss the ocean, the hair across your face
Mi manca l'oceano, i capelli sul tuo viso
The little moments before we moved away
I piccoli momenti prima che ci trasferissimo
And lookin' back now, we shoulda stayed there forever
E guardando indietro ora, avremmo dovuto rimanere lì per sempre
And now we're over the moon and we're under the stars
E ora siamo oltre la luna e sotto le stelle
Know where we've been and we know who we are
Sappiamo da dove veniamo e chi siamo
And even as time goes by, I'll always remember
E anche se il tempo passa, ricorderò sempre
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
Quando eravamo giovani, sembrava che la vita fosse così meravigliosa
A colorful miracle
Un miracolo colorato
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Ricordi come tutto era così bello?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Oh, quando eravamo giovani, sembrava che la vita fosse così semplice allora
So innocent, infinite
Così innocente, infinita
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
Guardaci ora, è così diverso, non è vero?
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
A colorful miracle
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
I miss the old days when the skies were blue
I miss the long nights stayin' up with you
I miss the summer 'cause we were in it together
I miss my hometown, don't you miss it too?
Drivin' to nowhere, nothin' else to do
I miss the old days, I wish they lasted forever
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
A colorful miracle
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Whoa 私たちが若かった頃、人生はとてもシンプルだった
So innocent, infinite
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?
I miss the ocean, the hair across your face
The little moments before we moved away
And lookin' back now, we shoulda stayed there forever
And now we're over the moon and we're under the stars
Know where we've been and we know who we are
And even as time goes by, I'll always remember
When we were young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
A colorful miracle
Remember how everything was so beautiful?
Whoa, when we were young, it seemed that life was so simple then
Whoa 私たちが若かった頃、人生はとてもシンプルだった
So innocent, infinite
Look at us now, it's so different, isn't it?

Curiosités sur la chanson When We Were Young (The Logical Song) de David Guetta

Quand la chanson “When We Were Young (The Logical Song)” a-t-elle été lancée par David Guetta?
La chanson When We Were Young (The Logical Song) a été lancée en 2023, sur l’album “When We Were Young (The Logical Song)”.
Qui a composé la chanson “When We Were Young (The Logical Song)” de David Guetta?
La chanson “When We Were Young (The Logical Song)” de David Guetta a été composée par Cleo Jade Tighe, David Guetta, Jacob Oliver Manson, Jakke Erixson, Kim Petras, Madison Love, Nick Long, Richard Davies, Roger Hodgson, Roland Spreckley.

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