A Pain That I'm Used To

Martin Gore

Paroles Traduction

I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore
I just know that I'm harder to console
I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me
But the key is a question of control

Can you say what you're trying to play anyway?
I just pay while you're breaking all the rules
All the signs that I find have been underlined
Devils thrive on the drive that is fueled

All this running around, well it's getting me down
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
You just need to achieve something that rings true

There's a hole in your soul like an animal
With no conscience, repentance, oh no
Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
Devils feed on the seeds of the soul

I can't conceal what I feel, what I know is real
No mistaking the faking, I care
With a prayer in the air, I will leave it there
On a note full of hope not despair

All this running around, well it's getting me down
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
You just need to achieve something that rings true

All this running around, well it's getting me down
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
You just need to achieve something that rings true

I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore
Je ne suis plus sûr de ce que je cherche
I just know that I'm harder to console
Je sais juste que je suis plus difficile à consoler
I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me
Je ne vois pas qui j'essaie d'être à la place de moi
But the key is a question of control
Mais la clé est une question de contrôle
Can you say what you're trying to play anyway?
Peux-tu dire ce que tu essaies de jouer de toute façon ?
I just pay while you're breaking all the rules
Je paie juste pendant que tu brises toutes les règles
All the signs that I find have been underlined
Tous les signes que je trouve ont été soulignés
Devils thrive on the drive that is fueled
Les démons prospèrent sur l'élan qui est alimenté
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Toute cette course, eh bien ça me déprime
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Donne-moi juste une douleur à laquelle je suis habitué
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Je n'ai pas besoin de croire tous les rêves que tu conçois
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Tu as juste besoin de réaliser quelque chose qui sonne vrai
There's a hole in your soul like an animal
Il y a un trou dans ton âme comme un animal
With no conscience, repentance, oh no
Sans conscience, repentance, oh non
Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
Ferme les yeux, paie le prix pour ton paradis
Devils feed on the seeds of the soul
Les démons se nourrissent des graines de l'âme
I can't conceal what I feel, what I know is real
Je ne peux pas cacher ce que je ressens, ce que je sais être réel
No mistaking the faking, I care
Pas d'erreur sur le faux, je m'en soucie
With a prayer in the air, I will leave it there
Avec une prière dans l'air, je la laisserai là
On a note full of hope not despair
Sur une note pleine d'espoir et non de désespoir
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Toute cette course, eh bien ça me déprime
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Donne-moi juste une douleur à laquelle je suis habitué
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Je n'ai pas besoin de croire tous les rêves que tu conçois
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Tu as juste besoin de réaliser quelque chose qui sonne vrai
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Toute cette course, eh bien ça me déprime
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Donne-moi juste une douleur à laquelle je suis habitué
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Je n'ai pas besoin de croire tous les rêves que tu conçois
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Tu as juste besoin de réaliser quelque chose qui sonne vrai
I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore
Não tenho certeza do que estou procurando mais
I just know that I'm harder to console
Só sei que estou mais difícil de consolar
I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me
Não vejo quem estou tentando ser em vez de mim
But the key is a question of control
Mas a chave é uma questão de controle
Can you say what you're trying to play anyway?
Você pode dizer o que está tentando jogar de qualquer maneira?
I just pay while you're breaking all the rules
Eu apenas pago enquanto você quebra todas as regras
All the signs that I find have been underlined
Todos os sinais que eu encontro foram sublinhados
Devils thrive on the drive that is fueled
Demônios prosperam na energia que é alimentada
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Toda essa correria, bem, está me deixando pra baixo
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Apenas me dê uma dor que eu estou acostumado
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Não preciso acreditar em todos os sonhos que você concebe
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Você só precisa alcançar algo que soa verdadeiro
There's a hole in your soul like an animal
Há um buraco em sua alma como um animal
With no conscience, repentance, oh no
Sem consciência, arrependimento, oh não
Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
Feche seus olhos, pague o preço pelo seu paraíso
Devils feed on the seeds of the soul
Demônios se alimentam das sementes da alma
I can't conceal what I feel, what I know is real
Não posso esconder o que sinto, o que sei que é real
No mistaking the faking, I care
Não há como confundir a falsidade, eu me importo
With a prayer in the air, I will leave it there
Com uma oração no ar, vou deixar lá
On a note full of hope not despair
Em uma nota cheia de esperança, não desespero
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Toda essa correria, bem, está me deixando pra baixo
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Apenas me dê uma dor que eu estou acostumado
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Não preciso acreditar em todos os sonhos que você concebe
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Você só precisa alcançar algo que soa verdadeiro
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Toda essa correria, bem, está me deixando pra baixo
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Apenas me dê uma dor que eu estou acostumado
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Não preciso acreditar em todos os sonhos que você concebe
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Você só precisa alcançar algo que soa verdadeiro
I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore
Ya no estoy seguro de lo que estoy buscando
I just know that I'm harder to console
Solo sé que soy más difícil de consolar
I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me
No veo a quién estoy tratando de ser en lugar de mí
But the key is a question of control
Pero la clave es una cuestión de control
Can you say what you're trying to play anyway?
¿Puedes decir qué estás intentando tocar de todos modos?
I just pay while you're breaking all the rules
Yo solo pago mientras rompes todas las reglas
All the signs that I find have been underlined
Todos los signos que encuentro han sido subrayados
Devils thrive on the drive that is fueled
Los demonios prosperan con el impulso que se alimenta
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Toda esta carrera sin sentido me está deprimiendo
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Solo dame un dolor al que esté acostumbrado
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
No necesito creer en todos los sueños que concibes
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Solo necesitas lograr algo que sea auténtico
There's a hole in your soul like an animal
Hay un vacío en tu alma como un animal
With no conscience, repentance, oh no
Sin conciencia, arrepentimiento, oh no
Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
Cierra los ojos, paga el precio por tu paraíso
Devils feed on the seeds of the soul
Los demonios se alimentan de las semillas del alma
I can't conceal what I feel, what I know is real
No puedo ocultar lo que siento, lo que sé que es real
No mistaking the faking, I care
No hay error en la falsedad, me importa
With a prayer in the air, I will leave it there
Con una oración en el aire, lo dejaré allí
On a note full of hope not despair
En una nota llena de esperanza, no de desesperación
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Toda esta carrera sin sentido me está deprimiendo
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Solo dame un dolor al que esté acostumbrado
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
No necesito creer en todos los sueños que concibes
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Solo necesitas lograr algo que sea auténtico
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Toda esta carrera sin sentido me está deprimiendo
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Solo dame un dolor al que esté acostumbrado
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
No necesito creer en todos los sueños que concibes
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Solo necesitas lograr algo que sea auténtico
I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore
Ich bin mir nicht mehr sicher, wonach ich suche
I just know that I'm harder to console
Ich weiß nur, dass es schwerer ist, mich zu trösten
I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me
Ich sehe nicht, wer ich versuche zu sein, anstatt ich selbst
But the key is a question of control
Aber der Schlüssel ist eine Frage der Kontrolle
Can you say what you're trying to play anyway?
Kannst du sagen, was du versuchst zu spielen?
I just pay while you're breaking all the rules
Ich zahle nur, während du alle Regeln brichst
All the signs that I find have been underlined
Alle Zeichen, die ich finde, wurden unterstrichen
Devils thrive on the drive that is fueled
Teufel gedeihen auf dem Antrieb, der angetrieben wird
All this running around, well it's getting me down
All dieses Herumlaufen, es macht mich fertig
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Gib mir einfach einen Schmerz, an den ich gewöhnt bin
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Ich muss nicht an all die Träume glauben, die du erschaffst
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Du musst nur etwas erreichen, das wahr klingt
There's a hole in your soul like an animal
Es gibt ein Loch in deiner Seele wie ein Tier
With no conscience, repentance, oh no
Ohne Gewissen, Reue, oh nein
Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
Schließe deine Augen, bezahle den Preis für dein Paradies
Devils feed on the seeds of the soul
Teufel ernähren sich von den Samen der Seele
I can't conceal what I feel, what I know is real
Ich kann nicht verbergen, was ich fühle, was ich weiß, ist real
No mistaking the faking, I care
Kein Zweifel am Fälschen, es ist mir wichtig
With a prayer in the air, I will leave it there
Mit einem Gebet in der Luft, werde ich es dort lassen
On a note full of hope not despair
Auf einer Notiz voller Hoffnung, nicht Verzweiflung
All this running around, well it's getting me down
All dieses Herumlaufen, es macht mich fertig
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Gib mir einfach einen Schmerz, an den ich gewöhnt bin
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Ich muss nicht an all die Träume glauben, die du erschaffst
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Du musst nur etwas erreichen, das wahr klingt
All this running around, well it's getting me down
All dieses Herumlaufen, es macht mich fertig
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Gib mir einfach einen Schmerz, an den ich gewöhnt bin
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Ich muss nicht an all die Träume glauben, die du erschaffst
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Du musst nur etwas erreichen, das wahr klingt
I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore
Non sono più sicuro di quello che sto cercando
I just know that I'm harder to console
So solo che è più difficile consolarmi
I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me
Non vedo chi sto cercando di essere al posto mio
But the key is a question of control
Ma la chiave è una questione di controllo
Can you say what you're trying to play anyway?
Puoi dire cosa stai cercando di giocare comunque?
I just pay while you're breaking all the rules
Io pago solo mentre tu infrangi tutte le regole
All the signs that I find have been underlined
Tutti i segni che trovo sono stati sottolineati
Devils thrive on the drive that is fueled
I diavoli prosperano sulla spinta che è alimentata
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Tutto questo correre in giro, mi sta abbattendo
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Dammi solo un dolore a cui sono abituato
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Non ho bisogno di credere a tutti i sogni che concepisci
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Hai solo bisogno di realizzare qualcosa che suona vero
There's a hole in your soul like an animal
C'è un buco nella tua anima come un animale
With no conscience, repentance, oh no
Senza coscienza, pentimento, oh no
Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
Chiudi gli occhi, paga il prezzo per il tuo paradiso
Devils feed on the seeds of the soul
I diavoli si nutrono dei semi dell'anima
I can't conceal what I feel, what I know is real
Non posso nascondere quello che sento, quello che so è reale
No mistaking the faking, I care
Non c'è errore nel fingere, mi importa
With a prayer in the air, I will leave it there
Con una preghiera nell'aria, lo lascerò lì
On a note full of hope not despair
Su una nota piena di speranza non disperazione
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Tutto questo correre in giro, mi sta abbattendo
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Dammi solo un dolore a cui sono abituato
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Non ho bisogno di credere a tutti i sogni che concepisci
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Hai solo bisogno di realizzare qualcosa che suona vero
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Tutto questo correre in giro, mi sta abbattendo
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Dammi solo un dolore a cui sono abituato
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Non ho bisogno di credere a tutti i sogni che concepisci
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Hai solo bisogno di realizzare qualcosa che suona vero
I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore
Saya tidak yakin apa yang saya cari lagi
I just know that I'm harder to console
Saya hanya tahu bahwa saya lebih sulit untuk ditenangkan
I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me
Saya tidak melihat siapa yang saya coba jadi selain diri saya
But the key is a question of control
Tapi kuncinya adalah soal kontrol
Can you say what you're trying to play anyway?
Bisakah kamu mengatakan apa yang kamu coba mainkan?
I just pay while you're breaking all the rules
Saya hanya membayar sementara kamu melanggar semua aturan
All the signs that I find have been underlined
Semua tanda yang saya temukan telah digarisbawahi
Devils thrive on the drive that is fueled
Setan tumbuh pada dorongan yang diberi bahan bakar
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Semua lari-larian ini, membuat saya jatuh
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Berikan saja saya rasa sakit yang biasa saya rasakan
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Saya tidak perlu percaya semua mimpi yang kamu ciptakan
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Kamu hanya perlu mencapai sesuatu yang terasa benar
There's a hole in your soul like an animal
Ada lubang di jiwa Anda seperti binatang
With no conscience, repentance, oh no
Tanpa hati nurani, penyesalan, oh tidak
Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
Tutup matamu, bayar harga untuk surga mu
Devils feed on the seeds of the soul
Setan makan dari biji jiwa
I can't conceal what I feel, what I know is real
Saya tidak bisa menyembunyikan apa yang saya rasakan, apa yang saya tahu adalah nyata
No mistaking the faking, I care
Tidak salah mengenali kepura-puraan, saya peduli
With a prayer in the air, I will leave it there
Dengan doa di udara, saya akan meninggalkannya di sana
On a note full of hope not despair
Dengan catatan penuh harapan bukan putus asa
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Semua lari-larian ini, membuat saya jatuh
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Berikan saja saya rasa sakit yang biasa saya rasakan
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Saya tidak perlu percaya semua mimpi yang kamu ciptakan
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Kamu hanya perlu mencapai sesuatu yang terasa benar
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Semua lari-larian ini, membuat saya jatuh
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
Berikan saja saya rasa sakit yang biasa saya rasakan
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
Saya tidak perlu percaya semua mimpi yang kamu ciptakan
You just need to achieve something that rings true
Kamu hanya perlu mencapai sesuatu yang terasa benar
I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore
I just know that I'm harder to console
I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me
But the key is a question of control
Can you say what you're trying to play anyway?
I just pay while you're breaking all the rules
All the signs that I find have been underlined
Devils thrive on the drive that is fueled
All this running around, well it's getting me down
การวิ่งวุ่นวายทั้งหมดนี้ ทำให้ฉันรู้สึกเบื่อ
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
You just need to achieve something that rings true
There's a hole in your soul like an animal
With no conscience, repentance, oh no
ไม่มีความรู้สึกผิด การสำนึกผิด โอโห
Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
ปิดตาของคุณ จ่ายราคาสำหรับสวรรค์ของคุณ
Devils feed on the seeds of the soul
I can't conceal what I feel, what I know is real
ฉันไม่สามารถปกปิดสิ่งที่ฉันรู้สึก สิ่งที่ฉันรู้ว่าเป็นความจริง
No mistaking the faking, I care
ไม่มีการผิดพลาดในการปลอม ฉันห่วงใย
With a prayer in the air, I will leave it there
ด้วยการสวดมนต์ในอากาศ ฉันจะทิ้งมันไว้ที่นั่น
On a note full of hope not despair
All this running around, well it's getting me down
การวิ่งวุ่นวายทั้งหมดนี้ ทำให้ฉันรู้สึกเบื่อ
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
You just need to achieve something that rings true
All this running around, well it's getting me down
การวิ่งวุ่นวายทั้งหมดนี้ ทำให้ฉันรู้สึกเบื่อ
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
You just need to achieve something that rings true
I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore
I just know that I'm harder to console
I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me
But the key is a question of control
Can you say what you're trying to play anyway?
I just pay while you're breaking all the rules
All the signs that I find have been underlined
Devils thrive on the drive that is fueled
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
You just need to achieve something that rings true
There's a hole in your soul like an animal
With no conscience, repentance, oh no
Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
Devils feed on the seeds of the soul
I can't conceal what I feel, what I know is real
No mistaking the faking, I care
With a prayer in the air, I will leave it there
On a note full of hope not despair
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
You just need to achieve something that rings true
All this running around, well it's getting me down
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
You just need to achieve something that rings true

Curiosités sur la chanson A Pain That I'm Used To de Depeche Mode

Sur quels albums la chanson “A Pain That I'm Used To” a-t-elle été lancée par Depeche Mode?
Depeche Mode a lancé la chanson sur les albums “Playing the Angel” en 2005, “A Pain That I'm Used to” en 2005, “A Pain That I’m Used To - Single” en 2005, “A Pain That I'm Used To” en 2005, “Digital Only Remixes” en 2006, “Remixes 2: 81-11” en 2011, “Live in Berlin” en 2014, “Video Singles Collection” en 2016, et “Playing the Angel - The 12" Singles” en 2022.
Qui a composé la chanson “A Pain That I'm Used To” de Depeche Mode?
La chanson “A Pain That I'm Used To” de Depeche Mode a été composée par Martin Gore.

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