Leave In Silence

Martin Gore

Paroles Traduction

I've told myself so many times before
But this time I think I mean it for sure
We have reached a full stop
Nothing's going to save us from the big drop

Reached our natural conclusion
Outlived the illusion
I hate being in these situations
That call for diplomatic relations
If I only knew the answer
Or I thought we had a chance
Or I could stop this
I would stop this thing
From spreading like a cancer

What can I say?
I don't want to play anymore
What can I say?
I'm heading for the door
I can't stand this emotional violence

Leave in silence
Leave in silence

We've been running around in circles all year
Doing this and that and getting nowhere
This will be the last time
I think I said that last time

If I only had a potion
Some magical lotion
That could stop this, I would stop this
I would set the wheels in motion

What can I say?
I don't want to play anymore
What can I say?
I'm heading for the door
I can't stand this emotional violence

Leave in silence
Leave in silence

Leave in silence
Leave in silence

Leave in silence
Leave in silence

Leave in silence
Leave in silence

I've told myself so many times before
Je me suis dit tant de fois avant
But this time I think I mean it for sure
Mais cette fois, je pense que je le pense vraiment
We have reached a full stop
Nous avons atteint un arrêt complet
Nothing's going to save us from the big drop
Rien ne va nous sauver de la grande chute
Reached our natural conclusion
Atteint notre conclusion naturelle
Outlived the illusion
Survécu à l'illusion
I hate being in these situations
Je déteste être dans ces situations
That call for diplomatic relations
Qui appellent à des relations diplomatiques
If I only knew the answer
Si seulement je connaissais la réponse
Or I thought we had a chance
Ou je pensais que nous avions une chance
Or I could stop this
Ou je pourrais arrêter ça
I would stop this thing
Je stopperais cette chose
From spreading like a cancer
De se propager comme un cancer
What can I say?
Que puis-je dire ?
I don't want to play anymore
Je ne veux plus jouer
What can I say?
Que puis-je dire ?
I'm heading for the door
Je me dirige vers la porte
I can't stand this emotional violence
Je ne supporte pas cette violence émotionnelle
Leave in silence
Partir en silence
Leave in silence
Partir en silence
We've been running around in circles all year
Nous avons couru en rond toute l'année
Doing this and that and getting nowhere
Faisant ceci et cela et n'arrivant nulle part
This will be the last time
Ce sera la dernière fois
I think I said that last time
Je pense que j'ai dit ça la dernière fois
If I only had a potion
Si seulement j'avais une potion
Some magical lotion
Une lotion magique
That could stop this, I would stop this
Qui pourrait arrêter ça, je stopperais ça
I would set the wheels in motion
Je mettrais les roues en mouvement
What can I say?
Que puis-je dire ?
I don't want to play anymore
Je ne veux plus jouer
What can I say?
Que puis-je dire ?
I'm heading for the door
Je me dirige vers la porte
I can't stand this emotional violence
Je ne supporte pas cette violence émotionnelle
Leave in silence
Partir en silence
Leave in silence
Partir en silence
Leave in silence
Partir en silence
Leave in silence
Partir en silence
Leave in silence
Partir en silence
Leave in silence
Partir en silence
Leave in silence
Partir en silence
Leave in silence
Partir en silence
I've told myself so many times before
Já me disse tantas vezes antes
But this time I think I mean it for sure
Mas desta vez acho que falo a sério
We have reached a full stop
Chegamos a um ponto final
Nothing's going to save us from the big drop
Nada vai nos salvar da grande queda
Reached our natural conclusion
Chegamos à nossa conclusão natural
Outlived the illusion
Sobrevivemos à ilusão
I hate being in these situations
Odeio estar nessas situações
That call for diplomatic relations
Que exigem relações diplomáticas
If I only knew the answer
Se eu soubesse a resposta
Or I thought we had a chance
Ou pensasse que tínhamos uma chance
Or I could stop this
Ou eu pudesse parar isso
I would stop this thing
Eu pararia essa coisa
From spreading like a cancer
De se espalhar como um câncer
What can I say?
O que posso dizer?
I don't want to play anymore
Não quero mais brincar
What can I say?
O que posso dizer?
I'm heading for the door
Estou indo para a porta
I can't stand this emotional violence
Não suporto essa violência emocional
Leave in silence
Deixe em silêncio
Leave in silence
Deixe em silêncio
We've been running around in circles all year
Estivemos correndo em círculos o ano todo
Doing this and that and getting nowhere
Fazendo isso e aquilo e não chegando a lugar nenhum
This will be the last time
Esta será a última vez
I think I said that last time
Acho que disse isso da última vez
If I only had a potion
Se eu tivesse uma poção
Some magical lotion
Alguma loção mágica
That could stop this, I would stop this
Que pudesse parar isso, eu pararia
I would set the wheels in motion
Eu colocaria as rodas em movimento
What can I say?
O que posso dizer?
I don't want to play anymore
Não quero mais brincar
What can I say?
O que posso dizer?
I'm heading for the door
Estou indo para a porta
I can't stand this emotional violence
Não suporto essa violência emocional
Leave in silence
Deixe em silêncio
Leave in silence
Deixe em silêncio
Leave in silence
Deixe em silêncio
Leave in silence
Deixe em silêncio
Leave in silence
Deixe em silêncio
Leave in silence
Deixe em silêncio
Leave in silence
Deixe em silêncio
Leave in silence
Deixe em silêncio
I've told myself so many times before
Me lo he dicho a mí mismo tantas veces antes
But this time I think I mean it for sure
Pero esta vez creo que lo digo en serio
We have reached a full stop
Hemos llegado a un punto muerto
Nothing's going to save us from the big drop
Nada nos va a salvar de la gran caída
Reached our natural conclusion
Hemos llegado a nuestra conclusión natural
Outlived the illusion
Hemos sobrevivido a la ilusión
I hate being in these situations
Odio estar en estas situaciones
That call for diplomatic relations
Que requieren de relaciones diplomáticas
If I only knew the answer
Si solo supiera la respuesta
Or I thought we had a chance
O pensara que teníamos una oportunidad
Or I could stop this
O pudiera detener esto
I would stop this thing
Detendría esta cosa
From spreading like a cancer
De propagarse como un cáncer
What can I say?
¿Qué puedo decir?
I don't want to play anymore
Ya no quiero jugar más
What can I say?
¿Qué puedo decir?
I'm heading for the door
Me dirijo hacia la puerta
I can't stand this emotional violence
No puedo soportar esta violencia emocional
Leave in silence
Deja en silencio
Leave in silence
Deja en silencio
We've been running around in circles all year
Hemos estado dando vueltas en círculos todo el año
Doing this and that and getting nowhere
Haciendo esto y aquello y no llegando a ninguna parte
This will be the last time
Esta será la última vez
I think I said that last time
Creo que dije eso la última vez
If I only had a potion
Si solo tuviera una poción
Some magical lotion
Alguna loción mágica
That could stop this, I would stop this
Que pudiera detener esto, lo detendría
I would set the wheels in motion
Pondría las ruedas en movimiento
What can I say?
¿Qué puedo decir?
I don't want to play anymore
Ya no quiero jugar más
What can I say?
¿Qué puedo decir?
I'm heading for the door
Me dirijo hacia la puerta
I can't stand this emotional violence
No puedo soportar esta violencia emocional
Leave in silence
Deja en silencio
Leave in silence
Deja en silencio
Leave in silence
Deja en silencio
Leave in silence
Deja en silencio
Leave in silence
Deja en silencio
Leave in silence
Deja en silencio
Leave in silence
Deja en silencio
Leave in silence
Deja en silencio
I've told myself so many times before
Ich habe es mir schon so oft gesagt
But this time I think I mean it for sure
Aber dieses Mal denke ich, dass ich es wirklich meine
We have reached a full stop
Wir haben einen vollständigen Stopp erreicht
Nothing's going to save us from the big drop
Nichts wird uns vor dem großen Fall retten
Reached our natural conclusion
Wir haben unseren natürlichen Schlusspunkt erreicht
Outlived the illusion
Die Illusion überlebt
I hate being in these situations
Ich hasse es, in solchen Situationen zu sein
That call for diplomatic relations
Die diplomatische Beziehungen erfordern
If I only knew the answer
Wenn ich nur die Antwort wüsste
Or I thought we had a chance
Oder ich dachte, wir hätten eine Chance
Or I could stop this
Oder ich könnte dies stoppen
I would stop this thing
Ich würde dieses Ding stoppen
From spreading like a cancer
Es verbreitet sich wie ein Krebs
What can I say?
Was soll ich sagen?
I don't want to play anymore
Ich will nicht mehr spielen
What can I say?
Was soll ich sagen?
I'm heading for the door
Ich gehe zur Tür
I can't stand this emotional violence
Ich kann diese emotionale Gewalt nicht ertragen
Leave in silence
Verlasse in Stille
Leave in silence
Verlasse in Stille
We've been running around in circles all year
Wir sind das ganze Jahr im Kreis gelaufen
Doing this and that and getting nowhere
Dies und das getan und nirgendwohin gekommen
This will be the last time
Dies wird das letzte Mal sein
I think I said that last time
Ich glaube, das habe ich das letzte Mal gesagt
If I only had a potion
Wenn ich nur einen Zaubertrank hätte
Some magical lotion
Eine magische Lotion
That could stop this, I would stop this
Das könnte dies stoppen, ich würde dies stoppen
I would set the wheels in motion
Ich würde die Räder in Bewegung setzen
What can I say?
Was soll ich sagen?
I don't want to play anymore
Ich will nicht mehr spielen
What can I say?
Was soll ich sagen?
I'm heading for the door
Ich gehe zur Tür
I can't stand this emotional violence
Ich kann diese emotionale Gewalt nicht ertragen
Leave in silence
Verlasse in Stille
Leave in silence
Verlasse in Stille
Leave in silence
Verlasse in Stille
Leave in silence
Verlasse in Stille
Leave in silence
Verlasse in Stille
Leave in silence
Verlasse in Stille
Leave in silence
Verlasse in Stille
Leave in silence
Verlasse in Stille
I've told myself so many times before
Me lo sono detto tante volte prima
But this time I think I mean it for sure
Ma questa volta penso di dirlo sul serio
We have reached a full stop
Abbiamo raggiunto un punto morto
Nothing's going to save us from the big drop
Niente ci salverà dalla grande caduta
Reached our natural conclusion
Abbiamo raggiunto la nostra naturale conclusione
Outlived the illusion
Abbiamo superato l'illusione
I hate being in these situations
Odio trovarmi in queste situazioni
That call for diplomatic relations
Che richiedono relazioni diplomatiche
If I only knew the answer
Se solo conoscessi la risposta
Or I thought we had a chance
O pensassi che avessimo una possibilità
Or I could stop this
O potessi fermare questo
I would stop this thing
Fermerei questa cosa
From spreading like a cancer
Che si diffonde come un cancro
What can I say?
Cosa posso dire?
I don't want to play anymore
Non voglio più giocare
What can I say?
Cosa posso dire?
I'm heading for the door
Mi sto dirigendo verso la porta
I can't stand this emotional violence
Non sopporto questa violenza emotiva
Leave in silence
Vattene in silenzio
Leave in silence
Vattene in silenzio
We've been running around in circles all year
Abbiamo girato in cerchio per tutto l'anno
Doing this and that and getting nowhere
Facendo questo e quello e non arrivando da nessuna parte
This will be the last time
Questa sarà l'ultima volta
I think I said that last time
Penso di averlo detto l'ultima volta
If I only had a potion
Se solo avessi una pozione
Some magical lotion
Una magica lozione
That could stop this, I would stop this
Che potesse fermare questo, lo fermerei
I would set the wheels in motion
Metterei in moto le ruote
What can I say?
Cosa posso dire?
I don't want to play anymore
Non voglio più giocare
What can I say?
Cosa posso dire?
I'm heading for the door
Mi sto dirigendo verso la porta
I can't stand this emotional violence
Non sopporto questa violenza emotiva
Leave in silence
Vattene in silenzio
Leave in silence
Vattene in silenzio
Leave in silence
Vattene in silenzio
Leave in silence
Vattene in silenzio
Leave in silence
Vattene in silenzio
Leave in silence
Vattene in silenzio
Leave in silence
Vattene in silenzio
Leave in silence
Vattene in silenzio

Curiosités sur la chanson Leave In Silence de Depeche Mode

Sur quels albums la chanson “Leave In Silence” a-t-elle été lancée par Depeche Mode?
Depeche Mode a lancé la chanson sur les albums “People Are People” en 1984, “The World We Live In and Live in Hamburg” en 1985, “DMBX1: Singles 1-6” en 1991, “Single Box 1” en 2004, “Remixes 2: 81-11” en 2011, “Video Singles Collection” en 2016, et “A Broken Frame | The 12" Singles” en 2022.
Qui a composé la chanson “Leave In Silence” de Depeche Mode?
La chanson “Leave In Silence” de Depeche Mode a été composée par Martin Gore.

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