The Love Thieves

Martin Gore

Paroles Traduction

Oh, the tears that you weep
For the poor tortured souls
Who fall at your feet
With their love begging bowls

All the clerks and the tailors
The sharks and the sailors
All good at their trades but
They'll always be failures

Alms for the poor
For the wretched disciples
And the love that they swore
With their hearts on the bible

Beseeching the honor
To sit at your table
And feast on your holiness
As long as they're able

Love needs its martyrs
Needs its sacrifices
They live for your beauty
And pay for their vices

Love will be the death of
My lonely soul brothers
But their spirit shall live on in
The hearts of all lovers

Your holding court
With your lips and your smile
Your body's a halo
Their minds are on trial

Sure as Adam is Eve
Sure as Jonah turned whaler
They're crooked love thieves
And you are their jailor

Love needs its martyrs
Needs its sacrifices
They live for your beauty
And pay for their vices

Love will be the death of
My lonely soul brothers
But their spirit shall live on in
The hearts of all others

Love will be the death of
My lonely soul brothers
But their spirit shall live on in
The hearts of all others

Oh, the tears that you weep
Oh, les larmes que tu verses
For the poor tortured souls
Pour les pauvres âmes torturées
Who fall at your feet
Qui tombent à tes pieds
With their love begging bowls
Avec leurs bols mendiant l'amour
All the clerks and the tailors
Tous les commis et les tailleurs
The sharks and the sailors
Les requins et les marins
All good at their trades but
Tous bons dans leurs métiers mais
They'll always be failures
Ils seront toujours des échecs
Alms for the poor
Aumônes pour les pauvres
For the wretched disciples
Pour les disciples misérables
And the love that they swore
Et l'amour qu'ils ont juré
With their hearts on the bible
Avec leurs cœurs sur la bible
Beseeching the honor
Implorant l'honneur
To sit at your table
De s'asseoir à ta table
And feast on your holiness
Et de se régaler de ta sainteté
As long as they're able
Aussi longtemps qu'ils en sont capables
Love needs its martyrs
L'amour a besoin de ses martyrs
Needs its sacrifices
Besoin de ses sacrifices
They live for your beauty
Ils vivent pour ta beauté
And pay for their vices
Et paient pour leurs vices
Love will be the death of
L'amour sera la mort de
My lonely soul brothers
Mes frères d'âme solitaires
But their spirit shall live on in
Mais leur esprit vivra dans
The hearts of all lovers
Le cœur de tous les amoureux
Your holding court
Tu tiens cour
With your lips and your smile
Avec tes lèvres et ton sourire
Your body's a halo
Ton corps est un halo
Their minds are on trial
Leurs esprits sont en procès
Sure as Adam is Eve
Aussi sûr qu'Adam est Eve
Sure as Jonah turned whaler
Aussi sûr que Jonas est devenu baleinier
They're crooked love thieves
Ils sont des voleurs d'amour tordus
And you are their jailor
Et tu es leur geôlier
Love needs its martyrs
L'amour a besoin de ses martyrs
Needs its sacrifices
Besoin de ses sacrifices
They live for your beauty
Ils vivent pour ta beauté
And pay for their vices
Et paient pour leurs vices
Love will be the death of
L'amour sera la mort de
My lonely soul brothers
Mes frères d'âme solitaires
But their spirit shall live on in
Mais leur esprit vivra dans
The hearts of all others
Le cœur de tous les autres
Love will be the death of
L'amour sera la mort de
My lonely soul brothers
Mes frères d'âme solitaires
But their spirit shall live on in
Mais leur esprit vivra dans
The hearts of all others
Le cœur de tous les autres
Oh, the tears that you weep
Oh, as lágrimas que você derrama
For the poor tortured souls
Pelos pobres almas torturadas
Who fall at your feet
Que caem aos seus pés
With their love begging bowls
Com suas tigelas mendigando amor
All the clerks and the tailors
Todos os funcionários e os alfaiates
The sharks and the sailors
Os tubarões e os marinheiros
All good at their trades but
Todos bons em seus ofícios, mas
They'll always be failures
Eles sempre serão fracassados
Alms for the poor
Esmolas para os pobres
For the wretched disciples
Para os miseráveis discípulos
And the love that they swore
E o amor que eles juraram
With their hearts on the bible
Com seus corações na bíblia
Beseeching the honor
Implorando a honra
To sit at your table
De sentar à sua mesa
And feast on your holiness
E se banquetear com sua santidade
As long as they're able
Enquanto eles são capazes
Love needs its martyrs
O amor precisa de seus mártires
Needs its sacrifices
Precisa de seus sacrifícios
They live for your beauty
Eles vivem para a sua beleza
And pay for their vices
E pagam por seus vícios
Love will be the death of
O amor será a morte de
My lonely soul brothers
Meus solitários irmãos de alma
But their spirit shall live on in
Mas o espírito deles viverá
The hearts of all lovers
Nos corações de todos os amantes
Your holding court
Você está segurando o tribunal
With your lips and your smile
Com seus lábios e seu sorriso
Your body's a halo
Seu corpo é uma auréola
Their minds are on trial
Suas mentes estão em julgamento
Sure as Adam is Eve
Certo como Adão é Eva
Sure as Jonah turned whaler
Certo como Jonas se tornou baleeiro
They're crooked love thieves
Eles são ladrões de amor tortos
And you are their jailor
E você é o carcereiro deles
Love needs its martyrs
O amor precisa de seus mártires
Needs its sacrifices
Precisa de seus sacrifícios
They live for your beauty
Eles vivem para a sua beleza
And pay for their vices
E pagam por seus vícios
Love will be the death of
O amor será a morte de
My lonely soul brothers
Meus solitários irmãos de alma
But their spirit shall live on in
Mas o espírito deles viverá
The hearts of all others
Nos corações de todos os outros
Love will be the death of
O amor será a morte de
My lonely soul brothers
Meus solitários irmãos de alma
But their spirit shall live on in
Mas o espírito deles viverá
The hearts of all others
Nos corações de todos os outros
Oh, the tears that you weep
Oh, las lágrimas que lloras
For the poor tortured souls
Por las almas pobres torturadas
Who fall at your feet
Que caen a tus pies
With their love begging bowls
Con sus cuencos suplicantes de amor
All the clerks and the tailors
Todos los empleados y los sastres
The sharks and the sailors
Los tiburones y los marineros
All good at their trades but
Todos buenos en sus oficios pero
They'll always be failures
Siempre serán fracasados
Alms for the poor
Limosnas para los pobres
For the wretched disciples
Para los discípulos miserables
And the love that they swore
Y el amor que ellos juraron
With their hearts on the bible
Con sus corazones en la biblia
Beseeching the honor
Implorando el honor
To sit at your table
De sentarse en tu mesa
And feast on your holiness
Y deleitarse en tu santidad
As long as they're able
Mientras puedan
Love needs its martyrs
El amor necesita sus mártires
Needs its sacrifices
Necesita sus sacrificios
They live for your beauty
Viven por tu belleza
And pay for their vices
Y pagan por sus vicios
Love will be the death of
El amor será la muerte de
My lonely soul brothers
Mis solitarios hermanos del alma
But their spirit shall live on in
Pero su espíritu vivirá en
The hearts of all lovers
Los corazones de todos los amantes
Your holding court
Tú presides
With your lips and your smile
Con tus labios y tu sonrisa
Your body's a halo
Tu cuerpo es un halo
Their minds are on trial
Sus mentes están en juicio
Sure as Adam is Eve
Tan seguro como Adán es Eva
Sure as Jonah turned whaler
Tan seguro como Jonás se convirtió en ballenero
They're crooked love thieves
Ellos son ladrones de amor torcidos
And you are their jailor
Y tú eres su carcelero
Love needs its martyrs
El amor necesita sus mártires
Needs its sacrifices
Necesita sus sacrificios
They live for your beauty
Viven por tu belleza
And pay for their vices
Y pagan por sus vicios
Love will be the death of
El amor será la muerte de
My lonely soul brothers
Mis solitarios hermanos del alma
But their spirit shall live on in
Pero su espíritu vivirá en
The hearts of all others
Los corazones de todos los demás
Love will be the death of
El amor será la muerte de
My lonely soul brothers
Mis solitarios hermanos del alma
But their spirit shall live on in
Pero su espíritu vivirá en
The hearts of all others
Los corazones de todos los demás
Oh, the tears that you weep
Oh, die Tränen, die du weinst
For the poor tortured souls
Für die armen gequälten Seelen
Who fall at your feet
Die zu deinen Füßen fallen
With their love begging bowls
Mit ihren bettelnden Liebesschalen
All the clerks and the tailors
Alle Schreiber und Schneider
The sharks and the sailors
Die Haie und die Matrosen
All good at their trades but
Alle gut in ihrem Handwerk, aber
They'll always be failures
Sie werden immer Versager sein
Alms for the poor
Almosen für die Armen
For the wretched disciples
Für die elenden Jünger
And the love that they swore
Und die Liebe, die sie schworen
With their hearts on the bible
Mit ihren Herzen auf der Bibel
Beseeching the honor
Die Ehre erbittend
To sit at your table
An deinem Tisch zu sitzen
And feast on your holiness
Und sich an deiner Heiligkeit zu laben
As long as they're able
So lange sie dazu in der Lage sind
Love needs its martyrs
Liebe braucht ihre Märtyrer
Needs its sacrifices
Braucht ihre Opfer
They live for your beauty
Sie leben für deine Schönheit
And pay for their vices
Und bezahlen für ihre Laster
Love will be the death of
Liebe wird der Tod sein von
My lonely soul brothers
Meinen einsamen Seelenbrüdern
But their spirit shall live on in
Aber ihr Geist wird weiterleben in
The hearts of all lovers
Den Herzen aller Liebenden
Your holding court
Du hältst Hof
With your lips and your smile
Mit deinen Lippen und deinem Lächeln
Your body's a halo
Dein Körper ist ein Heiligenschein
Their minds are on trial
Ihre Gedanken sind auf dem Prüfstand
Sure as Adam is Eve
So sicher wie Adam Eva ist
Sure as Jonah turned whaler
So sicher wie Jona zum Walfänger wurde
They're crooked love thieves
Sie sind krumme Liebesdiebe
And you are their jailor
Und du bist ihr Kerkermeister
Love needs its martyrs
Liebe braucht ihre Märtyrer
Needs its sacrifices
Braucht ihre Opfer
They live for your beauty
Sie leben für deine Schönheit
And pay for their vices
Und bezahlen für ihre Laster
Love will be the death of
Liebe wird der Tod sein von
My lonely soul brothers
Meinen einsamen Seelenbrüdern
But their spirit shall live on in
Aber ihr Geist wird weiterleben in
The hearts of all others
Den Herzen aller anderen
Love will be the death of
Liebe wird der Tod sein von
My lonely soul brothers
Meinen einsamen Seelenbrüdern
But their spirit shall live on in
Aber ihr Geist wird weiterleben in
The hearts of all others
Den Herzen aller anderen
Oh, the tears that you weep
Oh, le lacrime che versi
For the poor tortured souls
Per le povere anime torturate
Who fall at your feet
Che cadono ai tuoi piedi
With their love begging bowls
Con le loro ciotole mendicanti d'amore
All the clerks and the tailors
Tutti gli impiegati e i sarti
The sharks and the sailors
Gli squali e i marinai
All good at their trades but
Tutti bravi nei loro mestieri ma
They'll always be failures
Saranno sempre falliti
Alms for the poor
Elemosine per i poveri
For the wretched disciples
Per i discepoli sventurati
And the love that they swore
E l'amore che hanno giurato
With their hearts on the bible
Con il cuore sulla Bibbia
Beseeching the honor
Implorando l'onore
To sit at your table
Di sedere alla tua tavola
And feast on your holiness
E banchettare con la tua santità
As long as they're able
Finché ne sono capaci
Love needs its martyrs
L'amore ha bisogno dei suoi martiri
Needs its sacrifices
Ha bisogno dei suoi sacrifici
They live for your beauty
Vivono per la tua bellezza
And pay for their vices
E pagano per i loro vizi
Love will be the death of
L'amore sarà la morte di
My lonely soul brothers
I miei solitari fratelli d'anima
But their spirit shall live on in
Ma il loro spirito vivrà
The hearts of all lovers
Nei cuori di tutti gli amanti
Your holding court
Stai tenendo corte
With your lips and your smile
Con le tue labbra e il tuo sorriso
Your body's a halo
Il tuo corpo è un'aureola
Their minds are on trial
Le loro menti sono sotto processo
Sure as Adam is Eve
Sicuro come Adamo è Eva
Sure as Jonah turned whaler
Sicuro come Giona divenne baleniere
They're crooked love thieves
Sono ladri d'amore storti
And you are their jailor
E tu sei il loro carceriere
Love needs its martyrs
L'amore ha bisogno dei suoi martiri
Needs its sacrifices
Ha bisogno dei suoi sacrifici
They live for your beauty
Vivono per la tua bellezza
And pay for their vices
E pagano per i loro vizi
Love will be the death of
L'amore sarà la morte di
My lonely soul brothers
I miei solitari fratelli d'anima
But their spirit shall live on in
Ma il loro spirito vivrà
The hearts of all others
Nei cuori di tutti gli altri
Love will be the death of
L'amore sarà la morte di
My lonely soul brothers
I miei solitari fratelli d'anima
But their spirit shall live on in
Ma il loro spirito vivrà
The hearts of all others
Nei cuori di tutti gli altri
Oh, the tears that you weep
Oh, air mata yang kau tangisi
For the poor tortured souls
Untuk jiwa-jiwa yang tersiksa
Who fall at your feet
Yang jatuh di kaki mu
With their love begging bowls
Dengan mangkuk cinta mereka yang memohon
All the clerks and the tailors
Semua pegawai dan penjahit
The sharks and the sailors
Hiu dan pelaut
All good at their trades but
Semua ahli dalam pekerjaan mereka tapi
They'll always be failures
Mereka akan selalu gagal
Alms for the poor
Sedekah untuk orang miskin
For the wretched disciples
Untuk murid-murid yang malang
And the love that they swore
Dan cinta yang mereka sumpah
With their hearts on the bible
Dengan hati mereka di atas Alkitab
Beseeching the honor
Memohon kehormatan
To sit at your table
Untuk duduk di meja Anda
And feast on your holiness
Dan menikmati kekudusan Anda
As long as they're able
Selama mereka mampu
Love needs its martyrs
Cinta membutuhkan martir
Needs its sacrifices
Membutuhkan pengorbanan
They live for your beauty
Mereka hidup untuk kecantikanmu
And pay for their vices
Dan membayar untuk dosa-dosa mereka
Love will be the death of
Cinta akan menjadi kematian
My lonely soul brothers
Saudara-saudara jiwa yang kesepian
But their spirit shall live on in
Tapi semangat mereka akan hidup dalam
The hearts of all lovers
Hati semua pecinta
Your holding court
Kamu memegang pengadilan
With your lips and your smile
Dengan bibir dan senyumanmu
Your body's a halo
Tubuhmu adalah halo
Their minds are on trial
Pikiran mereka sedang diadili
Sure as Adam is Eve
Yakinlah Adam adalah Hawa
Sure as Jonah turned whaler
Yakinlah Yunus menjadi penangkap ikan paus
They're crooked love thieves
Mereka adalah pencuri cinta yang bengkok
And you are their jailor
Dan kamu adalah penjaga mereka
Love needs its martyrs
Cinta membutuhkan martir
Needs its sacrifices
Membutuhkan pengorbanan
They live for your beauty
Mereka hidup untuk kecantikanmu
And pay for their vices
Dan membayar untuk dosa-dosa mereka
Love will be the death of
Cinta akan menjadi kematian
My lonely soul brothers
Saudara-saudara jiwa yang kesepian
But their spirit shall live on in
Tapi semangat mereka akan hidup dalam
The hearts of all others
Hati semua orang lain
Love will be the death of
Cinta akan menjadi kematian
My lonely soul brothers
Saudara-saudara jiwa yang kesepian
But their spirit shall live on in
Tapi semangat mereka akan hidup dalam
The hearts of all others
Hati semua orang lain
Oh, the tears that you weep
โอ้, น้ำตาที่คุณร้อง
For the poor tortured souls
Who fall at your feet
With their love begging bowls
All the clerks and the tailors
The sharks and the sailors
All good at their trades but
ทุกคนเก่งในอาชีพของตน แต่
They'll always be failures
Alms for the poor
For the wretched disciples
And the love that they swore
With their hearts on the bible
Beseeching the honor
To sit at your table
And feast on your holiness
As long as they're able
Love needs its martyrs
Needs its sacrifices
They live for your beauty
And pay for their vices
Love will be the death of
My lonely soul brothers
But their spirit shall live on in
The hearts of all lovers
Your holding court
With your lips and your smile
Your body's a halo
Their minds are on trial
Sure as Adam is Eve
Sure as Jonah turned whaler
They're crooked love thieves
And you are their jailor
Love needs its martyrs
Needs its sacrifices
They live for your beauty
And pay for their vices
Love will be the death of
My lonely soul brothers
But their spirit shall live on in
The hearts of all others
Love will be the death of
My lonely soul brothers
But their spirit shall live on in
The hearts of all others
Oh, the tears that you weep
For the poor tortured souls
Who fall at your feet
With their love begging bowls
All the clerks and the tailors
The sharks and the sailors
All good at their trades but
They'll always be failures
Alms for the poor
For the wretched disciples
And the love that they swore
With their hearts on the bible
Beseeching the honor
To sit at your table
And feast on your holiness
As long as they're able
Love needs its martyrs
Needs its sacrifices
They live for your beauty
And pay for their vices
Love will be the death of
My lonely soul brothers
But their spirit shall live on in
The hearts of all lovers
Your holding court
With your lips and your smile
Your body's a halo
Their minds are on trial
Sure as Adam is Eve
Sure as Jonah turned whaler
They're crooked love thieves
And you are their jailor
Love needs its martyrs
Needs its sacrifices
They live for your beauty
And pay for their vices
Love will be the death of
My lonely soul brothers
But their spirit shall live on in
The hearts of all others
Love will be the death of
My lonely soul brothers
But their spirit shall live on in
The hearts of all others

Curiosités sur la chanson The Love Thieves de Depeche Mode

Quand la chanson “The Love Thieves” a-t-elle été lancée par Depeche Mode?
La chanson The Love Thieves a été lancée en 1997, sur l’album “Ultra”.
Qui a composé la chanson “The Love Thieves” de Depeche Mode?
La chanson “The Love Thieves” de Depeche Mode a été composée par Martin Gore.

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