Someone Else's Star

Finneas O'Connell

Paroles Traduction

Couldn't beat 'em, so you joined 'em
Wanted freedom and got boredom
They wanted you to stay where you are

Their game had no meaning
You found fame and it was fleeting
You became someone else's star

Now all your memories feel more like films
You put 'em on to see which ones still kill
You wonder why the bad ones paid the bills

All the time
Every night
You say another prayer there's a heaven
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
All the time
I think it's time

Took a drive with the whole family
That you've decided was so happy
But you were silent sitting in the backseat of the car

And time passes too slowly
Then all at once, you're so much older
Making wishes on someone else's star

All the time
Every night
You say another prayer there's a heaven
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
All the time
I think it's time to let it go
You've gotta let it go

Now all your second chances feel like thirds
You wonder what you wanted in the first
Used to feel it all, now it just hurts

All the time
Every night
You say another prayer there's a heaven
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
All the time
It's time
I think it's time to let it go

Couldn't beat 'em, so you joined 'em
Tu ne pouvais pas les battre, alors tu les as rejoints
Wanted freedom and got boredom
Tu voulais la liberté et tu as eu l'ennui
They wanted you to stay where you are
Ils voulaient que tu restes où tu es
Their game had no meaning
Leur jeu n'avait aucun sens
You found fame and it was fleeting
Tu as trouvé la célébrité et elle était éphémère
You became someone else's star
Tu es devenu l'étoile de quelqu'un d'autre
Now all your memories feel more like films
Maintenant tous tes souvenirs ressemblent plus à des films
You put 'em on to see which ones still kill
Tu les mets en marche pour voir lesquels font encore mal
You wonder why the bad ones paid the bills
Tu te demandes pourquoi les mauvais ont payé les factures
All the time
Tout le temps
Every night
Chaque nuit
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Tu dis une autre prière qu'il y a un paradis
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Je dis que c'est n'importe où tu es pardonné
All the time
Tout le temps
I think it's time
Je pense que c'est le moment
Took a drive with the whole family
Tu as fait un tour en voiture avec toute la famille
That you've decided was so happy
Que tu as décidé d'être si heureuse
But you were silent sitting in the backseat of the car
Mais tu étais silencieux assis à l'arrière de la voiture
And time passes too slowly
Et le temps passe trop lentement
Then all at once, you're so much older
Puis tout à coup, tu es beaucoup plus vieux
Making wishes on someone else's star
Faisant des vœux sur l'étoile de quelqu'un d'autre
All the time
Tout le temps
Every night
Chaque nuit
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Tu dis une autre prière qu'il y a un paradis
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Je dis que c'est n'importe où tu es pardonné
All the time
Tout le temps
I think it's time to let it go
Je pense qu'il est temps de lâcher prise
You've gotta let it go
Tu dois lâcher prise
Now all your second chances feel like thirds
Maintenant toutes tes secondes chances ressemblent à des troisièmes
You wonder what you wanted in the first
Tu te demandes ce que tu voulais en premier
Used to feel it all, now it just hurts
Tu avais l'habitude de tout ressentir, maintenant ça fait juste mal
All the time
Tout le temps
Every night
Chaque nuit
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Tu dis une autre prière qu'il y a un paradis
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Je dis que c'est n'importe où tu es pardonné
All the time
Tout le temps
It's time
C'est le moment
I think it's time to let it go
Je pense qu'il est temps de lâcher prise
Couldn't beat 'em, so you joined 'em
Não conseguiu vencê-los, então se juntou a eles
Wanted freedom and got boredom
Queria liberdade e conseguiu tédio
They wanted you to stay where you are
Eles queriam que você ficasse onde está
Their game had no meaning
O jogo deles não tinha sentido
You found fame and it was fleeting
Você encontrou fama e ela foi efêmera
You became someone else's star
Você se tornou a estrela de outra pessoa
Now all your memories feel more like films
Agora todas as suas memórias parecem mais filmes
You put 'em on to see which ones still kill
Você as coloca para ver quais ainda matam
You wonder why the bad ones paid the bills
Você se pergunta por que as ruins pagaram as contas
All the time
O tempo todo
Every night
Toda noite
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Você faz outra oração para que haja um céu
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Eu digo que é em qualquer lugar que você é perdoado
All the time
O tempo todo
I think it's time
Eu acho que é hora
Took a drive with the whole family
Fez uma viagem com a família inteira
That you've decided was so happy
Que você decidiu que era tão feliz
But you were silent sitting in the backseat of the car
Mas você estava em silêncio sentado no banco de trás do carro
And time passes too slowly
E o tempo passa muito devagar
Then all at once, you're so much older
Então, de repente, você está muito mais velho
Making wishes on someone else's star
Fazendo desejos na estrela de outra pessoa
All the time
O tempo todo
Every night
Toda noite
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Você faz outra oração para que haja um céu
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Eu digo que é em qualquer lugar que você é perdoado
All the time
O tempo todo
I think it's time to let it go
Eu acho que é hora de deixar pra lá
You've gotta let it go
Você tem que deixar pra lá
Now all your second chances feel like thirds
Agora todas as suas segundas chances parecem terceiras
You wonder what you wanted in the first
Você se pergunta o que queria em primeiro lugar
Used to feel it all, now it just hurts
Costumava sentir tudo, agora só dói
All the time
O tempo todo
Every night
Toda noite
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Você faz outra oração para que haja um céu
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Eu digo que é em qualquer lugar que você é perdoado
All the time
O tempo todo
It's time
É hora
I think it's time to let it go
Eu acho que é hora de deixar pra lá
Couldn't beat 'em, so you joined 'em
No pudiste vencerlos, así que te uniste a ellos
Wanted freedom and got boredom
Querías libertad y obtuviste aburrimiento
They wanted you to stay where you are
Ellos querían que te quedaras donde estás
Their game had no meaning
Su juego no tenía sentido
You found fame and it was fleeting
Encontraste fama y fue efímera
You became someone else's star
Te convertiste en la estrella de alguien más
Now all your memories feel more like films
Ahora todos tus recuerdos parecen más películas
You put 'em on to see which ones still kill
Los pones para ver cuáles aún matan
You wonder why the bad ones paid the bills
Te preguntas por qué los malos pagaban las cuentas
All the time
Todo el tiempo
Every night
Cada noche
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Rezas otra oración para que haya un cielo
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Yo digo que está en cualquier lugar donde te perdonen
All the time
Todo el tiempo
I think it's time
Creo que es hora
Took a drive with the whole family
Hiciste un viaje con toda la familia
That you've decided was so happy
Que decidiste que era tan feliz
But you were silent sitting in the backseat of the car
Pero estabas en silencio sentado en el asiento trasero del coche
And time passes too slowly
Y el tiempo pasa demasiado despacio
Then all at once, you're so much older
Luego de repente, eres mucho mayor
Making wishes on someone else's star
Haciendo deseos en la estrella de alguien más
All the time
Todo el tiempo
Every night
Cada noche
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Rezas otra oración para que haya un cielo
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Yo digo que está en cualquier lugar donde te perdonen
All the time
Todo el tiempo
I think it's time to let it go
Creo que es hora de dejarlo ir
You've gotta let it go
Tienes que dejarlo ir
Now all your second chances feel like thirds
Ahora todas tus segundas oportunidades parecen terceras
You wonder what you wanted in the first
Te preguntas qué querías en primer lugar
Used to feel it all, now it just hurts
Solías sentirlo todo, ahora solo duele
All the time
Todo el tiempo
Every night
Cada noche
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Rezas otra oración para que haya un cielo
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Yo digo que está en cualquier lugar donde te perdonen
All the time
Todo el tiempo
It's time
Es hora
I think it's time to let it go
Creo que es hora de dejarlo ir
Couldn't beat 'em, so you joined 'em
Konntest sie nicht besiegen, also hast du dich ihnen angeschlossen
Wanted freedom and got boredom
Wolltest Freiheit und hast Langeweile bekommen
They wanted you to stay where you are
Sie wollten, dass du bleibst, wo du bist
Their game had no meaning
Ihr Spiel hatte keine Bedeutung
You found fame and it was fleeting
Du hast Ruhm gefunden und er war flüchtig
You became someone else's star
Du wurdest jemand anderes Stern
Now all your memories feel more like films
Jetzt fühlen sich all deine Erinnerungen mehr wie Filme an
You put 'em on to see which ones still kill
Du spielst sie ab, um zu sehen, welche immer noch töten
You wonder why the bad ones paid the bills
Du fragst dich, warum die schlechten die Rechnungen bezahlt haben
All the time
Die ganze Zeit
Every night
Jede Nacht
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Du betest erneut, dass es einen Himmel gibt
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Ich sage, es ist überall, wo du vergeben wirst
All the time
Die ganze Zeit
I think it's time
Ich denke, es ist Zeit
Took a drive with the whole family
Hast eine Fahrt mit der ganzen Familie gemacht
That you've decided was so happy
Die du als so glücklich entschieden hast
But you were silent sitting in the backseat of the car
Aber du warst still, sitzend auf dem Rücksitz des Autos
And time passes too slowly
Und die Zeit vergeht zu langsam
Then all at once, you're so much older
Dann auf einmal, bist du so viel älter
Making wishes on someone else's star
Machst Wünsche auf jemand anderes Stern
All the time
Die ganze Zeit
Every night
Jede Nacht
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Du betest erneut, dass es einen Himmel gibt
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Ich sage, es ist überall, wo du vergeben wirst
All the time
Die ganze Zeit
I think it's time to let it go
Ich denke, es ist Zeit loszulassen
You've gotta let it go
Du musst es loslassen
Now all your second chances feel like thirds
Jetzt fühlen sich all deine zweiten Chancen an wie dritte
You wonder what you wanted in the first
Du fragst dich, was du zuerst wolltest
Used to feel it all, now it just hurts
Früher hast du alles gefühlt, jetzt tut es nur weh
All the time
Die ganze Zeit
Every night
Jede Nacht
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Du betest erneut, dass es einen Himmel gibt
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Ich sage, es ist überall, wo du vergeben wirst
All the time
Die ganze Zeit
It's time
Es ist Zeit
I think it's time to let it go
Ich denke, es ist Zeit loszulassen
Couldn't beat 'em, so you joined 'em
Non potevi batterli, quindi ti sei unito a loro
Wanted freedom and got boredom
Volevi la libertà e hai ottenuto la noia
They wanted you to stay where you are
Volevano che tu rimanessi dove sei
Their game had no meaning
Il loro gioco non aveva senso
You found fame and it was fleeting
Hai trovato la fama ed è stata effimera
You became someone else's star
Sei diventato la stella di qualcun altro
Now all your memories feel more like films
Ora tutti i tuoi ricordi sembrano più film
You put 'em on to see which ones still kill
Li metti su per vedere quali ancora uccidono
You wonder why the bad ones paid the bills
Ti chiedi perché quelli cattivi pagavano le bollette
All the time
Tutto il tempo
Every night
Ogni notte
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Pregi che ci sia un paradiso
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Dico che è ovunque tu sia perdonato
All the time
Tutto il tempo
I think it's time
Penso che sia ora
Took a drive with the whole family
Hai fatto un giro con tutta la famiglia
That you've decided was so happy
Che hai deciso era così felice
But you were silent sitting in the backseat of the car
Ma eri silenzioso seduto sul sedile posteriore dell'auto
And time passes too slowly
E il tempo passa troppo lentamente
Then all at once, you're so much older
Poi tutto ad un tratto, sei molto più vecchio
Making wishes on someone else's star
Facendo desideri sulla stella di qualcun altro
All the time
Tutto il tempo
Every night
Ogni notte
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Pregi che ci sia un paradiso
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Dico che è ovunque tu sia perdonato
All the time
Tutto il tempo
I think it's time to let it go
Penso che sia ora di lasciar andare
You've gotta let it go
Devi lasciarlo andare
Now all your second chances feel like thirds
Ora tutte le tue seconde possibilità sembrano terze
You wonder what you wanted in the first
Ti chiedi cosa volevi in primo luogo
Used to feel it all, now it just hurts
Prima sentivi tutto, ora fa solo male
All the time
Tutto il tempo
Every night
Ogni notte
You say another prayer there's a heaven
Pregi che ci sia un paradiso
I say it's anywhere you're forgiven
Dico che è ovunque tu sia perdonato
All the time
Tutto il tempo
It's time
È ora
I think it's time to let it go
Penso che sia ora di lasciar andare

Curiosités sur la chanson Someone Else's Star de FINNEAS

Quand la chanson “Someone Else's Star” a-t-elle été lancée par FINNEAS?
La chanson Someone Else's Star a été lancée en 2021, sur l’album “Optimist”.
Qui a composé la chanson “Someone Else's Star” de FINNEAS?
La chanson “Someone Else's Star” de FINNEAS a été composée par Finneas O'Connell.

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