I swore that I'd become a better man for you and I tried
Tried to change my ways and walk the line you follow
I bore a flame that burned a thousand suns for you but it died
Told you I could never love somebody else but I lied
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, I lied
I told you I'd be coming back again for you but I'm not
Going way out where the world will never find me
I made a claim that I would dance until we're bones with my bride
Told you I would never leave you all alone but I lied
I read your letter in the morning by the lake and I cried
They were tears of joy, my chains are finally broken
I made a vow to stand beside you 'til the day that I die
Told you I could never live without your love but I lied
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, I lied
I swore that I'd become a better man for you and I tried
J'ai juré de devenir un meilleur homme pour toi et j'ai essayé
Tried to change my ways and walk the line you follow
J'ai essayé de changer mes habitudes et de suivre le chemin que tu empruntes
I bore a flame that burned a thousand suns for you but it died
J'ai porté une flamme qui brûlait de mille soleils pour toi mais elle s'est éteinte
Told you I could never love somebody else but I lied
Je t'ai dit que je ne pourrais jamais aimer quelqu'un d'autre mais j'ai menti
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, j'ai menti
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, j'ai menti
I told you I'd be coming back again for you but I'm not
Je t'ai dit que je reviendrais pour toi mais ce n'est pas le cas
Going way out where the world will never find me
Je m'en vais là où le monde ne me trouvera jamais
I made a claim that I would dance until we're bones with my bride
J'ai prétendu que je danserais jusqu'à ce que nous soyons des os avec ma mariée
Told you I would never leave you all alone but I lied
Je t'ai dit que je ne te laisserais jamais seule mais j'ai menti
I read your letter in the morning by the lake and I cried
J'ai lu ta lettre le matin près du lac et j'ai pleuré
They were tears of joy, my chains are finally broken
C'étaient des larmes de joie, mes chaînes sont enfin brisées
I made a vow to stand beside you 'til the day that I die
J'ai fait le serment de rester à tes côtés jusqu'au jour de ma mort
Told you I could never live without your love but I lied
Je t'ai dit que je ne pourrais jamais vivre sans ton amour mais j'ai menti
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, j'ai menti
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, j'ai menti
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, j'ai menti
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, j'ai menti
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, j'ai menti
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, j'ai menti
I swore that I'd become a better man for you and I tried
Jurei que me tornaria um homem melhor para você e tentei
Tried to change my ways and walk the line you follow
Tentei mudar meus caminhos e seguir a linha que você segue
I bore a flame that burned a thousand suns for you but it died
Eu carregava uma chama que queimava mil sóis para você, mas ela se apagou
Told you I could never love somebody else but I lied
Disse que nunca poderia amar outra pessoa, mas menti
Mmm, I lied
Hmm, eu menti
Mmm, I lied
Hmm, eu menti
I told you I'd be coming back again for you but I'm not
Disse que voltaria para você, mas não vou
Going way out where the world will never find me
Vou para longe, onde o mundo nunca me encontrará
I made a claim that I would dance until we're bones with my bride
Afirmei que dançaria até sermos ossos com minha noiva
Told you I would never leave you all alone but I lied
Disse que nunca te deixaria sozinha, mas menti
I read your letter in the morning by the lake and I cried
Li sua carta pela manhã à beira do lago e chorei
They were tears of joy, my chains are finally broken
Eram lágrimas de alegria, minhas correntes finalmente se quebraram
I made a vow to stand beside you 'til the day that I die
Fiz um voto de ficar ao seu lado até o dia em que morrer
Told you I could never live without your love but I lied
Disse que nunca poderia viver sem o seu amor, mas menti
Mmm, I lied
Hmm, eu menti
Mmm, I lied
Hmm, eu menti
Mmm, I lied
Hmm, eu menti
Mmm, I lied
Hmm, eu menti
Mmm, I lied
Hmm, eu menti
Mmm, I lied
Hmm, eu menti
I swore that I'd become a better man for you and I tried
Juro que me volví un mejor hombre por ti y que lo intente
Tried to change my ways and walk the line you follow
Intente cambiar mis costumbres y caminar la línea que tú sigues
I bore a flame that burned a thousand suns for you but it died
Conseguí una flama que quemo mil soles por ti, pero murió
Told you I could never love somebody else but I lied
Te dije que nunca podría amar a alguien más, pero mentí
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, mentí
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, mentí
I told you I'd be coming back again for you but I'm not
Te dije que volvería de nuevo por ti, pero no lo haré
Going way out where the world will never find me
Saliendo lejos donde el mundo nunca me encontrará
I made a claim that I would dance until we're bones with my bride
Aseguré que bailaría hasta que nos volviésemos huesos con mi novia
Told you I would never leave you all alone but I lied
Te dije que nunca te dejaría sola, pero mentí
I read your letter in the morning by the lake and I cried
Leí tu carta en mañana junto al lago y lloré
They were tears of joy, my chains are finally broken
Habían lágrimas de alegría, mis cadenas por fin se rompieron
I made a vow to stand beside you 'til the day that I die
Hice un juramento a pararme junto a ti hasta el día de mi muerte
Told you I could never live without your love but I lied
Te dije que nunca podría vivir sin tu amor, pero mentí
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, mentí
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, mentí
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, mentí
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, mentí
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, mentí
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, mentí
I swore that I'd become a better man for you and I tried
Ich schwor, dass ich für dich ein besserer Mann werden würde und ich versuchte es
Tried to change my ways and walk the line you follow
Ich habe versucht, meine Wege zu ändern und die gleiche Richtung wie du einzuschlagen
I bore a flame that burned a thousand suns for you but it died
Ich trug eine Flamme, die tausend Sonnen für dich brannte, aber sie erlosch
Told you I could never love somebody else but I lied
Ich sagte dir, dass ich niemals jemand anderen lieben könnte, aber ich log
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ich log
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ich log
I told you I'd be coming back again for you but I'm not
Ich sagte dir, dass ich wieder für dich zurückkommen würde, aber das tue ich nicht
Going way out where the world will never find me
Ich gehe weit weg, wo die Welt mich nie finden wird
I made a claim that I would dance until we're bones with my bride
Ich behauptete, dass ich mit meiner Braut tanzen würde, bis wir Knochen sind
Told you I would never leave you all alone but I lied
Ich sagte dir, dass ich dich niemals alleine lassen würde, aber ich log
I read your letter in the morning by the lake and I cried
Ich las deinen Brief am Morgen am See und ich weinte
They were tears of joy, my chains are finally broken
Es waren Tränen der Freude, meine Ketten sind endlich gebrochen
I made a vow to stand beside you 'til the day that I die
Ich schwor, an deiner Seite zu stehen, bis zu dem Tag, an dem ich sterbe
Told you I could never live without your love but I lied
Ich sagte dir, dass ich niemals ohne deine Liebe leben könnte, aber ich log
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ich log
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ich log
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ich log
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ich log
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ich log
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ich log
I swore that I'd become a better man for you and I tried
Ho giurato che sarei diventato un uomo migliore per te e ho provato
Tried to change my ways and walk the line you follow
Ho provato a cambiare i miei modi e seguire la tua linea
I bore a flame that burned a thousand suns for you but it died
Ho portato una fiamma che bruciava mille soli per te ma è morta
Told you I could never love somebody else but I lied
Ti ho detto che non avrei mai potuto amare qualcun altro ma ho mentito
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ho mentito
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ho mentito
I told you I'd be coming back again for you but I'm not
Ti ho detto che sarei tornato di nuovo per te ma non lo farò
Going way out where the world will never find me
Andando lontano dove il mondo non mi troverà mai
I made a claim that I would dance until we're bones with my bride
Ho affermato che avrei ballato fino a quando saremo ossa con la mia sposa
Told you I would never leave you all alone but I lied
Ti ho detto che non ti avrei mai lasciato da sola ma ho mentito
I read your letter in the morning by the lake and I cried
Ho letto la tua lettera al mattino vicino al lago e ho pianto
They were tears of joy, my chains are finally broken
Erano lacrime di gioia, le mie catene sono finalmente rotte
I made a vow to stand beside you 'til the day that I die
Ho fatto un voto per stare al tuo fianco fino al giorno in cui morirò
Told you I could never live without your love but I lied
Ti ho detto che non avrei mai potuto vivere senza il tuo amore ma ho mentito
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ho mentito
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ho mentito
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ho mentito
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ho mentito
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ho mentito
Mmm, I lied
Mmm, ho mentito
[Bölüm 1: Ben Schneider]
Senin için daha iyi bir adam olacağıma dair yemin ettim ve çabaladım
Yolumu değiştirip senin gittiğin yoldan yürümeye çalıştım
Senin için binlerce güneşi yakan bir alev başlattım ama söndü
Senden başkasını sevemem dedim ama yalandı
[Nakarat: Ben Schneider]
Mm-mm, mm-mm, yalan söylemiştim
Mm-mm, mm-mm, yalan söylemiştim
[Enstrümental Ara]
[Verse 2: Ben Schneider]
Senin için geri geleceğimi söylemiştim ama gelmeyeceğim
Dünyanın beni asla bulamayacağı yere gidiyorum
Eşimle beraber ölene kadar dans edeceğime dair bir iddiada bulundum
Seni asla yalnız bırakmayacağımı söylemiştim ama bu bir yalandı
[Ara: Allison Ponthier]
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh
[Bölüm 3: Allison Ponthier, ile Ben Schneider]
Mektubunu sabah göl kenarında okudum ve gözyaşlarımı tutamadım
Onlar sevinç gözyaşlarıydı; çünkü sonunda özgürdüm
Ölene kadar yanında duracağıma dair yemin etmiştim
Aşkın olmadan asla yaşayamam demiştim, ama yalandı
[Nakarat: Ben Schneider & Allison Ponthier]
Mm-mm, mm-mm, yalan söylemiştim
Mm-mm, mm-mm, yalan söylemiştim
Mm-mm, mm-mm, yalan söylemiştim
Mm-mm, mm-mm, yalan söylemiştim
Mm-mm, mm-mm, yalan söylemiştim
Mm-mm, mm-mm, yalan söylemiştim