Indoctrination (waavypanda remix)
Do you want to be hypnotized?
All you have to do is move your body
In what ever way feels comfortable for you
Just let yourself sink into the groove
And move...
Fix your eyes on a spot
It doesn't matter where
Just fix your eyes on one spot
And begin to relax
Feel your mind and body
Beginning to wind down
Wind down, wind down and relax
If you have any thoughts
Just let them drift through your mind
Like beautiful clouds
Across a clear blue sky
Just through your mind and away from you
Through your mind and away
As you relax
Deeper, deeper and deeper relax
Just let go of stress and tension
Let go of worry and doubt and relax
Imagine a staircase standing in front of you
Let go of worry and doubt and relax
Imagine a staircase standing in front of you...