
Bill Maybury, Elizabeth Murphy, Ellen Murphy, Mackenzie Ziegler

Paroles Traduction

You called me today, on a random Tuesday
Don't ask me why I still have your number saved
Hello, stranger, it's been forever
You're acting normal, but nothing's normal about

Trust issues and soaking tissues
Lyin' to my sister and sayin' I don't miss you
With no closure, just getting older
But you still see me as a kid on your shoulders

It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
Still, you don't know me at all
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Guess I meant less than I thought
It's just anatomy
Hate that you're half of me

Hate when people say that our noses are the same
So I went and got a change, like three-quarters of L.A
And I've dated shitty people 'cause of how you treated mom
Now I'm with somebody good, but I'm still feeling numb 'cause of

Trust issues, I'm soaking tissues
Lyin' to my sister like I never miss you
Say you'll visit, empty promise
God, I wish that for once you'd be honest

It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
Still, you don't know me at all
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Guess I meant less than I thought
It's just anatomy
Hate that you're half of me

It's just anatomy, you make up half of me
But still, you don't know me at all
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Guess I meant less than I thought
It's just anatomy
Hate that you're half of me

You called me today, on a random Tuesday
Tu m'as appelé aujourd'hui, un mardi quelconque
Don't ask me why I still have your number saved
Ne me demande pas pourquoi j'ai toujours ton numéro enregistré
Hello, stranger, it's been forever
Bonjour, étranger, ça fait une éternité
You're acting normal, but nothing's normal about
Tu agis normalement, mais rien n'est normal à ce sujet
Trust issues and soaking tissues
Des problèmes de confiance et des mouchoirs trempés
Lyin' to my sister and sayin' I don't miss you
Mentir à ma sœur et dire que tu ne me manques pas
With no closure, just getting older
Sans aucune conclusion, juste en vieillissant
But you still see me as a kid on your shoulders
Mais tu me vois toujours comme un enfant sur tes épaules
It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
Ce n'est que de l'anatomie, tu n'es que la moitié de moi
Still, you don't know me at all
Pourtant, tu ne me connais pas du tout
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Tu as été ma pièce manquante, alors pourquoi ne me manques-tu pas ?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Je suppose que je comptais moins que je ne le pensais
It's just anatomy
Ce n'est que de l'anatomie
Hate that you're half of me
Je déteste que tu sois la moitié de moi
Hate when people say that our noses are the same
Je déteste quand les gens disent que nos nez sont les mêmes
So I went and got a change, like three-quarters of L.A
Alors je suis allé me faire changer, comme les trois quarts de L.A
And I've dated shitty people 'cause of how you treated mom
Et j'ai fréquenté des gens merdiques à cause de la façon dont tu traitais maman
Now I'm with somebody good, but I'm still feeling numb 'cause of
Maintenant je suis avec quelqu'un de bien, mais je me sens toujours engourdi à cause de
Trust issues, I'm soaking tissues
Des problèmes de confiance, je trempe des mouchoirs
Lyin' to my sister like I never miss you
Mentir à ma sœur comme si tu ne me manquais jamais
Say you'll visit, empty promise
Dis que tu viendras, promesse vide
God, I wish that for once you'd be honest
Dieu, j'aimerais que pour une fois tu sois honnête
It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
Ce n'est que de l'anatomie, tu n'es que la moitié de moi
Still, you don't know me at all
Pourtant, tu ne me connais pas du tout
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Tu as été ma pièce manquante, alors pourquoi ne me manques-tu pas ?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Je suppose que je comptais moins que je ne le pensais
It's just anatomy
Ce n'est que de l'anatomie
Hate that you're half of me
Je déteste que tu sois la moitié de moi
It's just anatomy, you make up half of me
Ce n'est que de l'anatomie, tu fais la moitié de moi
But still, you don't know me at all
Mais encore, tu ne me connais pas du tout
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Tu as été ma pièce manquante, alors pourquoi ne me manques-tu pas ?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Je suppose que je comptais moins que je ne le pensais
It's just anatomy
Ce n'est que de l'anatomie
Hate that you're half of me
Je déteste que tu sois la moitié de moi
You called me today, on a random Tuesday
Você me ligou hoje, numa terça-feira qualquer
Don't ask me why I still have your number saved
Não me pergunte por que ainda tenho seu número salvo
Hello, stranger, it's been forever
Olá, estranho, faz uma eternidade
You're acting normal, but nothing's normal about
Você está agindo normalmente, mas nada é normal
Trust issues and soaking tissues
Problemas de confiança e lenços encharcados
Lyin' to my sister and sayin' I don't miss you
Mentindo para minha irmã e dizendo que não sinto sua falta
With no closure, just getting older
Sem encerramento, apenas ficando mais velho
But you still see me as a kid on your shoulders
Mas você ainda me vê como uma criança em seus ombros
It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
É apenas anatomia, você é apenas metade de mim
Still, you don't know me at all
Ainda assim, você não me conhece de todo
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Você tem sido minha peça faltante, então por que você não sente minha falta?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Acho que significava menos do que eu pensava
It's just anatomy
É apenas anatomia
Hate that you're half of me
Odeio que você seja metade de mim
Hate when people say that our noses are the same
Odeio quando as pessoas dizem que nossos narizes são iguais
So I went and got a change, like three-quarters of L.A
Então eu fui e mudei, como três quartos de L.A
And I've dated shitty people 'cause of how you treated mom
E eu namorei pessoas horríveis por causa de como você tratou a mamãe
Now I'm with somebody good, but I'm still feeling numb 'cause of
Agora estou com alguém bom, mas ainda me sinto entorpecido por causa de
Trust issues, I'm soaking tissues
Problemas de confiança, estou encharcando lenços
Lyin' to my sister like I never miss you
Mentindo para minha irmã como se nunca sentisse sua falta
Say you'll visit, empty promise
Diz que vai visitar, promessa vazia
God, I wish that for once you'd be honest
Deus, eu queria que pelo menos uma vez você fosse honesto
It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
É apenas anatomia, você é apenas metade de mim
Still, you don't know me at all
Ainda assim, você não me conhece de todo
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Você tem sido minha peça faltante, então por que você não sente minha falta?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Acho que significava menos do que eu pensava
It's just anatomy
É apenas anatomia
Hate that you're half of me
Odeio que você seja metade de mim
It's just anatomy, you make up half of me
É apenas anatomia, você compõe metade de mim
But still, you don't know me at all
Mas ainda assim, você não me conhece de todo
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Você tem sido minha peça faltante, então por que você não sente minha falta?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Acho que significava menos do que eu pensava
It's just anatomy
É apenas anatomia
Hate that you're half of me
Odeio que você seja metade de mim
You called me today, on a random Tuesday
Me llamaste hoy, un martes cualquiera
Don't ask me why I still have your number saved
No me preguntes por qué aún tengo tu número guardado
Hello, stranger, it's been forever
Hola, extraño, ha pasado mucho tiempo
You're acting normal, but nothing's normal about
Actúas normal, pero nada es normal en esto
Trust issues and soaking tissues
Problemas de confianza y pañuelos empapados
Lyin' to my sister and sayin' I don't miss you
Mintiéndole a mi hermana y diciendo que no te extraño
With no closure, just getting older
Sin cierre, solo envejeciendo
But you still see me as a kid on your shoulders
Pero aún me ves como un niño en tus hombros
It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
Es solo anatomía, solo eres la mitad de mí
Still, you don't know me at all
Aún así, no me conoces en absoluto
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Has sido mi pieza faltante, ¿por qué no me extrañas?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Supongo que significaba menos de lo que pensaba
It's just anatomy
Es solo anatomía
Hate that you're half of me
Odio que seas la mitad de mí
Hate when people say that our noses are the same
Odio cuando la gente dice que nuestras narices son iguales
So I went and got a change, like three-quarters of L.A
Así que fui y me hice un cambio, como tres cuartos de L.A
And I've dated shitty people 'cause of how you treated mom
Y he salido con personas horribles por cómo tratabas a mamá
Now I'm with somebody good, but I'm still feeling numb 'cause of
Ahora estoy con alguien bueno, pero aún me siento adormecido por
Trust issues, I'm soaking tissues
Problemas de confianza, estoy empapando pañuelos
Lyin' to my sister like I never miss you
Mintiéndole a mi hermana como si nunca te extrañara
Say you'll visit, empty promise
Dices que visitarás, promesa vacía
God, I wish that for once you'd be honest
Dios, desearía que por una vez fueras honesto
It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
Es solo anatomía, solo eres la mitad de mí
Still, you don't know me at all
Aún así, no me conoces en absoluto
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Has sido mi pieza faltante, ¿por qué no me extrañas?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Supongo que significaba menos de lo que pensaba
It's just anatomy
Es solo anatomía
Hate that you're half of me
Odio que seas la mitad de mí
It's just anatomy, you make up half of me
Es solo anatomía, conformas la mitad de mí
But still, you don't know me at all
Pero aún así, no me conoces en absoluto
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Has sido mi pieza faltante, ¿por qué no me extrañas?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Supongo que significaba menos de lo que pensaba
It's just anatomy
Es solo anatomía
Hate that you're half of me
Odio que seas la mitad de mí
You called me today, on a random Tuesday
Du hast mich heute angerufen, an einem zufälligen Dienstag
Don't ask me why I still have your number saved
Frag mich nicht, warum ich deine Nummer noch gespeichert habe
Hello, stranger, it's been forever
Hallo, Fremder, es ist eine Ewigkeit her
You're acting normal, but nothing's normal about
Du verhältst dich normal, aber nichts ist normal daran
Trust issues and soaking tissues
Vertrauensprobleme und durchnässte Taschentücher
Lyin' to my sister and sayin' I don't miss you
Lüge meine Schwester an und sage, dass du mir nicht fehlst
With no closure, just getting older
Ohne Abschluss, nur älter werden
But you still see me as a kid on your shoulders
Aber du siehst mich immer noch als Kind auf deinen Schultern
It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
Es ist nur Anatomie, du bist nur die Hälfte von mir
Still, you don't know me at all
Trotzdem kennst du mich überhaupt nicht
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Du warst mein fehlendes Stück, also warum fehle ich dir nicht?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Vermutlich habe ich weniger bedeutet, als ich dachte
It's just anatomy
Es ist nur Anatomie
Hate that you're half of me
Ich hasse es, dass du die Hälfte von mir bist
Hate when people say that our noses are the same
Ich hasse es, wenn Leute sagen, dass unsere Nasen gleich sind
So I went and got a change, like three-quarters of L.A
Also habe ich eine Veränderung vorgenommen, wie drei Viertel von L.A
And I've dated shitty people 'cause of how you treated mom
Und ich habe schlechte Menschen gedatet, wegen der Art, wie du Mama behandelt hast
Now I'm with somebody good, but I'm still feeling numb 'cause of
Jetzt bin ich mit jemandem gut, aber ich fühle mich immer noch taub wegen
Trust issues, I'm soaking tissues
Vertrauensproblemen, ich durchnässe Taschentücher
Lyin' to my sister like I never miss you
Lüge meine Schwester an, als ob ich dich nie vermisse
Say you'll visit, empty promise
Sag, du wirst besuchen, leeres Versprechen
God, I wish that for once you'd be honest
Gott, ich wünschte, du wärst einmal ehrlich
It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
Es ist nur Anatomie, du bist nur die Hälfte von mir
Still, you don't know me at all
Trotzdem kennst du mich überhaupt nicht
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Du warst mein fehlendes Stück, also warum fehle ich dir nicht?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Vermutlich habe ich weniger bedeutet, als ich dachte
It's just anatomy
Es ist nur Anatomie
Hate that you're half of me
Ich hasse es, dass du die Hälfte von mir bist
It's just anatomy, you make up half of me
Es ist nur Anatomie, du machst die Hälfte von mir aus
But still, you don't know me at all
Aber trotzdem kennst du mich überhaupt nicht
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Du warst mein fehlendes Stück, also warum fehle ich dir nicht?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Vermutlich habe ich weniger bedeutet, als ich dachte
It's just anatomy
Es ist nur Anatomie
Hate that you're half of me
Ich hasse es, dass du die Hälfte von mir bist
You called me today, on a random Tuesday
Mi hai chiamato oggi, in un martedì qualsiasi
Don't ask me why I still have your number saved
Non chiedermi perché ho ancora il tuo numero salvato
Hello, stranger, it's been forever
Ciao, estraneo, è passato un'eternità
You're acting normal, but nothing's normal about
Ti comporti normalmente, ma non c'è nulla di normale
Trust issues and soaking tissues
Problemi di fiducia e fazzoletti inzuppati
Lyin' to my sister and sayin' I don't miss you
Mentendo a mia sorella e dicendo che non mi manchi
With no closure, just getting older
Senza chiusura, solo invecchiando
But you still see me as a kid on your shoulders
Ma tu mi vedi ancora come un bambino sulle tue spalle
It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
È solo anatomia, sei solo metà di me
Still, you don't know me at all
Eppure, non mi conosci affatto
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Sei stata la mia parte mancante, quindi perché non mi manchi?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Immagino di aver significato meno di quanto pensassi
It's just anatomy
È solo anatomia
Hate that you're half of me
Odio che tu sia metà di me
Hate when people say that our noses are the same
Odio quando la gente dice che i nostri nasi sono uguali
So I went and got a change, like three-quarters of L.A
Così sono andato a farmi cambiare, come tre quarti di L.A
And I've dated shitty people 'cause of how you treated mom
E ho frequentato persone di merda a causa di come hai trattato mamma
Now I'm with somebody good, but I'm still feeling numb 'cause of
Ora sto con qualcuno di buono, ma mi sento ancora intorpidito a causa di
Trust issues, I'm soaking tissues
Problemi di fiducia, sto inzuppando fazzoletti
Lyin' to my sister like I never miss you
Mentendo a mia sorella come se non mi mancassi mai
Say you'll visit, empty promise
Dici che verrai a visitare, promessa vuota
God, I wish that for once you'd be honest
Dio, vorrei che per una volta fossi onesto
It's just anatomy, you're only half of me
È solo anatomia, sei solo metà di me
Still, you don't know me at all
Eppure, non mi conosci affatto
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Sei stata la mia parte mancante, quindi perché non mi manchi?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Immagino di aver significato meno di quanto pensassi
It's just anatomy
È solo anatomia
Hate that you're half of me
Odio che tu sia metà di me
It's just anatomy, you make up half of me
È solo anatomia, fai metà di me
But still, you don't know me at all
Ma ancora, non mi conosci affatto
You've been my missing piece, so why aren't you missing me?
Sei stata la mia parte mancante, quindi perché non mi manchi?
Guess I meant less than I thought
Immagino di aver significato meno di quanto pensassi
It's just anatomy
È solo anatomia
Hate that you're half of me
Odio che tu sia metà di me

Curiosités sur la chanson anatomy de Kenzie

Quand la chanson “anatomy” a-t-elle été lancée par Kenzie?
La chanson anatomy a été lancée en 2024, sur l’album “biting my tongue”.
Qui a composé la chanson “anatomy” de Kenzie?
La chanson “anatomy” de Kenzie a été composée par Bill Maybury, Elizabeth Murphy, Ellen Murphy, Mackenzie Ziegler.

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