Legend of the Lamp

Alan Menken

Paroles Traduction

Ah, salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend
Please, please, come closer
Ah, too close, a little too close
There, welcome to Agrabah, city of mystery, of enchantment
And the finest merchandise this side of the River Jordan, on sale today
Come on down
Look at this, yes, combination hookah and coffeemaker, also makes Julienne fries
It will not break, it will not, it broke.
Oh, look at this, I have never seen one of these intact before
This is the famous dead sea Tupperware
Listen, ah, still good
Wait, don't go
I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare
I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance
Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts
This is no ordinary lamp
It once changed the course of a young man's life
A young man who like this lamp was more than what he seemed, a diamond in the rough

Ah, salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend
Ah, salaam et bonne soirée à vous, digne ami
Please, please, come closer
S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, venez plus près
Ah, too close, a little too close
Ah, trop près, un peu trop près
There, welcome to Agrabah, city of mystery, of enchantment
Là, bienvenue à Agrabah, ville de mystère, d'enchantement
And the finest merchandise this side of the River Jordan, on sale today
Et les meilleures marchandises de ce côté du Jourdain, en vente aujourd'hui
Come on down
Venez voir
Look at this, yes, combination hookah and coffeemaker, also makes Julienne fries
Regardez ceci, oui, une combinaison de narguilé et de cafetière, qui fait aussi des frites julienne
It will not break, it will not, it broke.
Il ne se cassera pas, il ne se cassera pas, il s'est cassé.
Oh, look at this, I have never seen one of these intact before
Oh, regardez ceci, je n'ai jamais vu l'un de ces objets intact avant
This is the famous dead sea Tupperware
C'est le célèbre Tupperware de la mer Morte
Listen, ah, still good
Écoutez, ah, toujours bon
Wait, don't go
Attendez, ne partez pas
I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare
Je vois que vous n'êtes intéressé que par l'exceptionnellement rare
I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this
Je pense, alors, que vous seriez le plus récompensé à considérer ceci
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance
Ne vous laissez pas tromper par son apparence commune
Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts
Comme tant de choses, ce n'est pas ce qui est à l'extérieur, mais ce qui est à l'intérieur qui compte
This is no ordinary lamp
Ceci n'est pas une lampe ordinaire
It once changed the course of a young man's life
Elle a une fois changé le cours de la vie d'un jeune homme
A young man who like this lamp was more than what he seemed, a diamond in the rough
Un jeune homme qui, comme cette lampe, était plus que ce qu'il semblait, un diamant à l'état brut
Ah, salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend
Ah, salaam e boa noite para você, digno amigo
Please, please, come closer
Por favor, por favor, chegue mais perto
Ah, too close, a little too close
Ah, muito perto, um pouco demais
There, welcome to Agrabah, city of mystery, of enchantment
Aí, bem-vindo a Agrabah, cidade de mistério, de encantamento
And the finest merchandise this side of the River Jordan, on sale today
E as melhores mercadorias deste lado do Rio Jordão, à venda hoje
Come on down
Venha ver
Look at this, yes, combination hookah and coffeemaker, also makes Julienne fries
Olhe para isto, sim, narguilé e cafeteira combinados, também faz batatas Julienne
It will not break, it will not, it broke.
Não vai quebrar, não vai, quebrou.
Oh, look at this, I have never seen one of these intact before
Oh, olhe para isto, nunca vi um desses intacto antes
This is the famous dead sea Tupperware
Este é o famoso Tupperware do Mar Morto
Listen, ah, still good
Escute, ah, ainda está bom
Wait, don't go
Espere, não vá
I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare
Vejo que você está apenas interessado no excepcionalmente raro
I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this
Acho, então, que você ficaria mais recompensado ao considerar isto
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance
Não se deixe enganar pela sua aparência comum
Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts
Como tantas coisas, não é o que está por fora, mas o que está por dentro que conta
This is no ordinary lamp
Esta não é uma lâmpada comum
It once changed the course of a young man's life
Ela já mudou o curso da vida de um jovem
A young man who like this lamp was more than what he seemed, a diamond in the rough
Um jovem que, como esta lâmpada, era mais do que parecia, um diamante em bruto
Ah, salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend
Ah, salaam y buenas noches a ti, digno amigo
Please, please, come closer
Por favor, por favor, acércate
Ah, too close, a little too close
Ah, demasiado cerca, un poco demasiado cerca
There, welcome to Agrabah, city of mystery, of enchantment
Allí, bienvenido a Agrabah, ciudad de misterio, de encanto
And the finest merchandise this side of the River Jordan, on sale today
Y la mejor mercancía de este lado del río Jordán, a la venta hoy
Come on down
Ven, acércate
Look at this, yes, combination hookah and coffeemaker, also makes Julienne fries
Mira esto, sí, combinación de hookah y cafetera, también hace patatas juliana
It will not break, it will not, it broke.
No se romperá, no se romperá, se rompió.
Oh, look at this, I have never seen one of these intact before
Oh, mira esto, nunca he visto uno de estos intacto antes
This is the famous dead sea Tupperware
Este es el famoso Tupperware del mar Muerto
Listen, ah, still good
Escucha, ah, todavía está bien
Wait, don't go
Espera, no te vayas
I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare
Puedo ver que solo estás interesado en lo excepcionalmente raro
I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this
Creo, entonces, que te recompensaría mucho considerar esto
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance
No te dejes engañar por su apariencia común
Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts
Como tantas cosas, no es lo que está fuera, sino lo que está dentro lo que cuenta
This is no ordinary lamp
Esta no es una lámpara ordinaria
It once changed the course of a young man's life
Una vez cambió el curso de la vida de un joven
A young man who like this lamp was more than what he seemed, a diamond in the rough
Un joven que, como esta lámpara, era más de lo que parecía, un diamante en bruto
Ah, salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend
Ah, salaam und guten Abend an Sie, würdiger Freund
Please, please, come closer
Bitte, bitte, kommen Sie näher
Ah, too close, a little too close
Ah, zu nah, ein wenig zu nah
There, welcome to Agrabah, city of mystery, of enchantment
Da, willkommen in Agrabah, Stadt des Mysteriums, der Verzauberung
And the finest merchandise this side of the River Jordan, on sale today
Und die feinste Ware diesseits des Jordan, heute im Angebot
Come on down
Kommen Sie runter
Look at this, yes, combination hookah and coffeemaker, also makes Julienne fries
Schauen Sie sich das an, ja, Kombination aus Wasserpfeife und Kaffeemaschine, macht auch Julienne Pommes
It will not break, it will not, it broke.
Es wird nicht brechen, es wird nicht, es ist kaputt.
Oh, look at this, I have never seen one of these intact before
Oh, schauen Sie sich das an, ich habe noch nie eines davon intakt gesehen
This is the famous dead sea Tupperware
Das ist das berühmte Tote Meer Tupperware
Listen, ah, still good
Hören Sie, ah, immer noch gut
Wait, don't go
Warten Sie, gehen Sie nicht
I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare
Ich sehe, dass Sie nur an dem außergewöhnlich Seltenen interessiert sind
I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this
Ich denke, dann würden Sie es am meisten schätzen, dies zu berücksichtigen
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance
Lassen Sie sich nicht von seinem alltäglichen Aussehen täuschen
Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts
Wie so viele Dinge, zählt nicht das Äußere, sondern das Innere
This is no ordinary lamp
Das ist keine gewöhnliche Lampe
It once changed the course of a young man's life
Sie hat einmal den Lauf eines jungen Mannes Leben verändert
A young man who like this lamp was more than what he seemed, a diamond in the rough
Ein junger Mann, der wie diese Lampe mehr war als er schien, ein Diamant im Rohzustand
Ah, salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend
Ah, salaam e buonasera a te, degno amico
Please, please, come closer
Per favore, per favore, avvicinati
Ah, too close, a little too close
Ah, troppo vicino, un po' troppo vicino
There, welcome to Agrabah, city of mystery, of enchantment
Ecco, benvenuto ad Agrabah, città di mistero, di incanto
And the finest merchandise this side of the River Jordan, on sale today
E la merce più fine di questa parte del fiume Giordano, in vendita oggi
Come on down
Vieni giù
Look at this, yes, combination hookah and coffeemaker, also makes Julienne fries
Guarda questo, sì, combinazione di narghilè e macchina per il caffè, fa anche le patatine Julienne
It will not break, it will not, it broke.
Non si romperà, non si romperà, si è rotto.
Oh, look at this, I have never seen one of these intact before
Oh, guarda questo, non ne ho mai visto uno intatto prima
This is the famous dead sea Tupperware
Questo è il famoso Tupperware del Mar Morto
Listen, ah, still good
Ascolta, ah, ancora buono
Wait, don't go
Aspetta, non andare
I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare
Vedo che sei interessato solo all'eccezionalmente raro
I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this
Penso, quindi, che saresti molto gratificato a considerare questo
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance
Non farti ingannare dalla sua apparenza comune
Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts
Come tante cose, non è ciò che è fuori, ma ciò che è dentro che conta
This is no ordinary lamp
Questa non è una lampada ordinaria
It once changed the course of a young man's life
Una volta ha cambiato il corso della vita di un giovane
A young man who like this lamp was more than what he seemed, a diamond in the rough
Un giovane che come questa lampada era più di quello che sembrava, un diamante grezzo
Ah, salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend
Ah, salam dan selamat malam untukmu, teman yang terhormat
Please, please, come closer
Tolong, tolong, datang lebih dekat
Ah, too close, a little too close
Ah, terlalu dekat, sedikit terlalu dekat
There, welcome to Agrabah, city of mystery, of enchantment
Di sana, selamat datang di Agrabah, kota misteri, kota pesona
And the finest merchandise this side of the River Jordan, on sale today
Dan barang dagangan terbaik di sebelah Sungai Jordan, dijual hari ini
Come on down
Ayo turun
Look at this, yes, combination hookah and coffeemaker, also makes Julienne fries
Lihat ini, ya, kombinasi hookah dan pembuat kopi, juga membuat kentang goreng Julienne
It will not break, it will not, it broke.
Ini tidak akan pecah, tidak akan, eh pecah.
Oh, look at this, I have never seen one of these intact before
Oh, lihat ini, saya belum pernah melihat salah satu dari ini utuh sebelumnya
This is the famous dead sea Tupperware
Ini adalah Tupperware laut mati yang terkenal
Listen, ah, still good
Dengar, ah, masih bagus
Wait, don't go
Tunggu, jangan pergi
I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare
Saya bisa melihat bahwa Anda hanya tertarik pada yang sangat langka
I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this
Saya pikir, maka, Anda akan sangat dihargai untuk mempertimbangkan ini
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance
Jangan tertipu oleh penampilannya yang biasa
Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts
Seperti banyak hal, bukan apa yang ada di luar, tetapi apa yang ada di dalam yang penting
This is no ordinary lamp
Ini bukan lampu biasa
It once changed the course of a young man's life
Ini pernah mengubah jalannya kehidupan seorang pemuda
A young man who like this lamp was more than what he seemed, a diamond in the rough
Seorang pemuda yang seperti lampu ini lebih dari apa yang tampak, sebuah berlian dalam kotoran
Ah, salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend
อ๊ะ, สลามและสวัสดีตอนเย็นนี้ครับ, เพื่อนที่คุ้มค่า
Please, please, come closer
โปรด, โปรด, มาใกล้ๆหน่อย
Ah, too close, a little too close
อ๊ะ, ใกล้เกินไป, ใกล้เกินไปหน่อย
There, welcome to Agrabah, city of mystery, of enchantment
ที่นี่, ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ Agrabah, เมืองแห่งความลึกลับ, แห่งความมหัศจรรย์
And the finest merchandise this side of the River Jordan, on sale today
และสินค้าที่ดีที่สุดในฝั่งนี้ของแม่น้ำจอร์แดน, ลดราคาวันนี้
Come on down
Look at this, yes, combination hookah and coffeemaker, also makes Julienne fries
ดูที่นี่, ใช่, ควบคู่ระหว่าง hookah และเครื่องชงกาแฟ, ยังทำฟรายส์ Julienne ได้ด้วย
It will not break, it will not, it broke.
มันจะไม่แตก, มันจะไม่, มันแตก
Oh, look at this, I have never seen one of these intact before
โอ้, ดูที่นี่, ฉันไม่เคยเห็นอันนี้อยู่ในสภาพดีแบบนี้มาก่อน
This is the famous dead sea Tupperware
นี่คือ Tupperware ทะเลสาบที่มีชื่อเสียง
Listen, ah, still good
ฟัง, อ๊ะ, ยังดีอยู่
Wait, don't go
รอ, อย่าไป
I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare
I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this
ฉันคิดว่า, คุณคงได้รับความสุขมากที่สุดถ้าพิจารณาสิ่งนี้
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance
Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts
เหมือนหลายสิ่ง, สิ่งที่สำคัญไม่ใช่สิ่งที่อยู่ด้านนอก, แต่สิ่งที่อยู่ด้านใน
This is no ordinary lamp
It once changed the course of a young man's life
A young man who like this lamp was more than what he seemed, a diamond in the rough
หนุ่มๆคนนั้นเหมือนโคมไฟนี้ มีค่ามากกว่าที่ดูเหมือน, เพชรที่ยังไม่ได้ขัดเงา
Ah, salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend
Please, please, come closer
Ah, too close, a little too close
There, welcome to Agrabah, city of mystery, of enchantment
And the finest merchandise this side of the River Jordan, on sale today
Come on down
Look at this, yes, combination hookah and coffeemaker, also makes Julienne fries
It will not break, it will not, it broke.
Oh, look at this, I have never seen one of these intact before
This is the famous dead sea Tupperware
Listen, ah, still good
Wait, don't go
I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare
I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance
Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts
This is no ordinary lamp
It once changed the course of a young man's life
A young man who like this lamp was more than what he seemed, a diamond in the rough

Curiosités sur la chanson Legend of the Lamp de Alan Menken

Sur quels albums la chanson “Legend of the Lamp” a-t-elle été lancée par Alan Menken?
Alan Menken a lancé la chanson sur les albums “Aladdin” en 1992 et “The Music Behind the Magic” en 1994.

Chansons les plus populaires [artist_preposition] Alan Menken

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