Dance Little Liar

Alex Turner

Paroles Traduction

I heard the truth was built to bend
A mechanism to suspend
The guilt is what you will require
And still you've got to dance little liar

Just like those fibs to pop and fizz
And you'll be forced to take that awful quiz
And you're bound to trip
And she'll detect the fiction on your lips and dig a contradiction up

And the clean coming will hurt
And you can never get it spotless
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
The liar take a lot less time

I'm sure it's clear and plain to read
It's not an alibi you need just yet
Oh, no, it's something for those beads of sweat
Yes, that will get you back to normal

And after you have dabbed the patch
You'll breathe and then proceed to scratch
The varnish off that newly added calmness
So as not to raise any alarms too soon

And the clean coming will hurt
And you can never get it spotless
When there's dirt beneath the dirt

The liar takes a lot less time to decide on his saunter
Have you got itchy bones?
And in all your time alone
Can you hack your mind being riddled
With the wrong memories?

And the clean coming will hurt
And you can never get it spotless
When there's dirt between the dirt

I heard the truth was built to bend
J'ai entendu dire que la vérité était faite pour se plier
A mechanism to suspend
Un mécanisme pour suspendre
The guilt is what you will require
La culpabilité est ce dont tu auras besoin
And still you've got to dance little liar
Et pourtant, tu dois encore danser petit menteur
Just like those fibs to pop and fizz
Tout comme ces mensonges qui éclatent et pétillent
And you'll be forced to take that awful quiz
Et tu seras forcé de passer ce terrible quiz
And you're bound to trip
Et tu es destiné à trébucher
And she'll detect the fiction on your lips and dig a contradiction up
Et elle détectera la fiction sur tes lèvres et creusera une contradiction
And the clean coming will hurt
Et le nettoyage à venir fera mal
And you can never get it spotless
Et tu ne pourras jamais le rendre impeccable
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Quand il y a de la saleté sous la saleté
The liar take a lot less time
Le menteur prend beaucoup moins de temps
I'm sure it's clear and plain to read
Je suis sûr que c'est clair et facile à lire
It's not an alibi you need just yet
Ce n'est pas un alibi dont tu as besoin pour l'instant
Oh, no, it's something for those beads of sweat
Oh non, c'est quelque chose pour ces perles de sueur
Yes, that will get you back to normal
Oui, cela te ramènera à la normale
And after you have dabbed the patch
Et après avoir tamponné la tache
You'll breathe and then proceed to scratch
Tu respireras puis tu commenceras à gratter
The varnish off that newly added calmness
Le vernis de ce calme nouvellement ajouté
So as not to raise any alarms too soon
Pour ne pas déclencher d'alarmes trop tôt
And the clean coming will hurt
Et le nettoyage à venir fera mal
And you can never get it spotless
Et tu ne pourras jamais le rendre impeccable
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Quand il y a de la saleté sous la saleté
The liar takes a lot less time to decide on his saunter
Le menteur met beaucoup moins de temps à décider de sa démarche
Have you got itchy bones?
As-tu des os qui te démangent?
And in all your time alone
Et dans tout ton temps seul
Can you hack your mind being riddled
Peux-tu supporter que ton esprit soit truffé
With the wrong memories?
De mauvais souvenirs?
And the clean coming will hurt
Et le nettoyage à venir fera mal
And you can never get it spotless
Et tu ne pourras jamais le rendre impeccable
When there's dirt between the dirt
Quand il y a de la saleté entre la saleté
I heard the truth was built to bend
Ouvi dizer que a verdade foi feita para se dobrar
A mechanism to suspend
Um mecanismo para suspender
The guilt is what you will require
A culpa é o que você vai precisar
And still you've got to dance little liar
E ainda assim você tem que dançar, pequeno mentiroso
Just like those fibs to pop and fizz
Assim como aquelas mentirinhas para estourar e borbulhar
And you'll be forced to take that awful quiz
E você será forçado a fazer aquele terrível teste
And you're bound to trip
E você está destinado a tropeçar
And she'll detect the fiction on your lips and dig a contradiction up
E ela vai detectar a ficção em seus lábios e desenterrar uma contradição
And the clean coming will hurt
E a limpeza que virá vai doer
And you can never get it spotless
E você nunca pode deixá-lo impecável
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Quando há sujeira debaixo da sujeira
The liar take a lot less time
O mentiroso leva muito menos tempo
I'm sure it's clear and plain to read
Tenho certeza que é claro e fácil de ler
It's not an alibi you need just yet
Não é um álibi que você precisa ainda
Oh, no, it's something for those beads of sweat
Oh, não, é algo para aquelas gotas de suor
Yes, that will get you back to normal
Sim, isso vai te trazer de volta ao normal
And after you have dabbed the patch
E depois que você tiver enxugado o remendo
You'll breathe and then proceed to scratch
Você vai respirar e então começar a coçar
The varnish off that newly added calmness
O verniz daquela calma recém-adicionada
So as not to raise any alarms too soon
Para não levantar nenhum alarme muito cedo
And the clean coming will hurt
E a limpeza que virá vai doer
And you can never get it spotless
E você nunca pode deixá-lo impecável
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Quando há sujeira debaixo da sujeira
The liar takes a lot less time to decide on his saunter
O mentiroso leva muito menos tempo para decidir sobre seu passeio
Have you got itchy bones?
Você está com os ossos coçando?
And in all your time alone
E em todo o seu tempo sozinho
Can you hack your mind being riddled
Você consegue suportar sua mente sendo atormentada
With the wrong memories?
Com as memórias erradas?
And the clean coming will hurt
E a limpeza que virá vai doer
And you can never get it spotless
E você nunca pode deixá-lo impecável
When there's dirt between the dirt
Quando há sujeira entre a sujeira
I heard the truth was built to bend
Escuché que la verdad fue construida para doblarse
A mechanism to suspend
Un mecanismo para suspender
The guilt is what you will require
La culpa es lo que necesitarás
And still you've got to dance little liar
Y aún así tienes que bailar, pequeño mentiroso
Just like those fibs to pop and fizz
Al igual que esas mentiras para estallar y burbujear
And you'll be forced to take that awful quiz
Y te verás obligado a tomar ese horrible cuestionario
And you're bound to trip
Y estás destinado a tropezar
And she'll detect the fiction on your lips and dig a contradiction up
Y ella detectará la ficción en tus labios y desenterrará una contradicción
And the clean coming will hurt
Y la limpieza que viene dolerá
And you can never get it spotless
Y nunca puedes dejarlo impecable
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Cuando hay suciedad debajo de la suciedad
The liar take a lot less time
El mentiroso tarda mucho menos tiempo
I'm sure it's clear and plain to read
Estoy seguro de que es claro y fácil de leer
It's not an alibi you need just yet
No es una coartada lo que necesitas todavía
Oh, no, it's something for those beads of sweat
Oh, no, es algo para esas gotas de sudor
Yes, that will get you back to normal
Sí, eso te devolverá a la normalidad
And after you have dabbed the patch
Y después de haber aplicado el parche
You'll breathe and then proceed to scratch
Respirarás y luego procederás a rascar
The varnish off that newly added calmness
El barniz de esa calma recién añadida
So as not to raise any alarms too soon
Para no levantar ninguna alarma demasiado pronto
And the clean coming will hurt
Y la limpieza que viene dolerá
And you can never get it spotless
Y nunca puedes dejarlo impecable
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Cuando hay suciedad debajo de la suciedad
The liar takes a lot less time to decide on his saunter
El mentiroso tarda mucho menos tiempo en decidir su paseo
Have you got itchy bones?
¿Tienes huesos que pican?
And in all your time alone
Y en todo tu tiempo a solas
Can you hack your mind being riddled
¿Puedes soportar que tu mente esté llena de enigmas?
With the wrong memories?
Con los recuerdos equivocados?
And the clean coming will hurt
Y la limpieza que viene dolerá
And you can never get it spotless
Y nunca puedes dejarlo impecable
When there's dirt between the dirt
Cuando hay suciedad entre la suciedad
I heard the truth was built to bend
Ich hörte, die Wahrheit sei gemacht, sich zu beugen
A mechanism to suspend
Ein Mechanismus, um die Schuld auszusetzen
The guilt is what you will require
Schuld ist es, was du benötigen wirst
And still you've got to dance little liar
Und trotzdem musst du tanzen, kleiner Lügner
Just like those fibs to pop and fizz
Genau wie jene Lügen, die knallen und zischen
And you'll be forced to take that awful quiz
Und du wirst gezwungen sein, jenes schreckliche Quiz zu machen
And you're bound to trip
Und du wirst stolpern
And she'll detect the fiction on your lips and dig a contradiction up
Und sie wird die Fiktion auf deinen Lippen erkennen und einen Widerspruch aufdecken
And the clean coming will hurt
Und das saubere Kommen wird schmerzen
And you can never get it spotless
Und du kannst es niemals makellos bekommen
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Wenn Schmutz unter dem Schmutz ist
The liar take a lot less time
Der Lügner braucht viel weniger Zeit
I'm sure it's clear and plain to read
Ich bin sicher, es ist klar und einfach zu lesen
It's not an alibi you need just yet
Es ist noch nicht das Alibi, das du brauchst
Oh, no, it's something for those beads of sweat
Oh, nein, es ist etwas für jene Schweißperlen
Yes, that will get you back to normal
Ja, das wird dich wieder normal machen
And after you have dabbed the patch
Und nachdem du den Fleck getupft hast
You'll breathe and then proceed to scratch
Wirst du atmen und dann anfangen zu kratzen
The varnish off that newly added calmness
Den Lack von jener neu gewonnenen Ruhe abkratzen
So as not to raise any alarms too soon
Um nicht zu früh Alarme auszulösen
And the clean coming will hurt
Und das saubere Kommen wird schmerzen
And you can never get it spotless
Und du kannst es niemals makellos bekommen
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Wenn Schmutz unter dem Schmutz ist
The liar takes a lot less time to decide on his saunter
Der Lügner braucht viel weniger Zeit, um über seinen Schlendrian zu entscheiden
Have you got itchy bones?
Hast du juckende Knochen?
And in all your time alone
Und in all deiner Zeit allein
Can you hack your mind being riddled
Kannst du es ertragen, dass dein Geist
With the wrong memories?
Mit den falschen Erinnerungen durchlöchert wird?
And the clean coming will hurt
Und das saubere Kommen wird schmerzen
And you can never get it spotless
Und du kannst es niemals makellos bekommen
When there's dirt between the dirt
Wenn Schmutz zwischen dem Schmutz ist
I heard the truth was built to bend
Ho sentito dire che la verità è stata costruita per piegarsi
A mechanism to suspend
Un meccanismo per sospendere
The guilt is what you will require
La colpa è ciò di cui avrai bisogno
And still you've got to dance little liar
E ancora devi ballare piccolo bugiardo
Just like those fibs to pop and fizz
Proprio come quelle bugie che scoppiettano e frizzano
And you'll be forced to take that awful quiz
E sarai costretto a fare quel terribile quiz
And you're bound to trip
E sei destinato a inciampare
And she'll detect the fiction on your lips and dig a contradiction up
E lei rileverà la finzione sulle tue labbra e scaverà una contraddizione
And the clean coming will hurt
E la pulizia che verrà farà male
And you can never get it spotless
E non potrai mai renderlo immacolato
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Quando c'è sporco sotto lo sporco
The liar take a lot less time
Il bugiardo impiega molto meno tempo
I'm sure it's clear and plain to read
Sono sicuro che sia chiaro e facile da leggere
It's not an alibi you need just yet
Non è un alibi di cui hai bisogno ancora
Oh, no, it's something for those beads of sweat
Oh, no, è qualcosa per quelle gocce di sudore
Yes, that will get you back to normal
Sì, quello ti riporterà alla normalità
And after you have dabbed the patch
E dopo aver tamponato la pezza
You'll breathe and then proceed to scratch
Respirerai e poi procederai a grattare
The varnish off that newly added calmness
La vernice da quella calma appena aggiunta
So as not to raise any alarms too soon
Per non sollevare allarmi troppo presto
And the clean coming will hurt
E la pulizia che verrà farà male
And you can never get it spotless
E non potrai mai renderlo immacolato
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Quando c'è sporco sotto lo sporco
The liar takes a lot less time to decide on his saunter
Il bugiardo impiega molto meno tempo per decidere il suo camminare
Have you got itchy bones?
Hai le ossa che prudono?
And in all your time alone
E in tutto il tuo tempo da solo
Can you hack your mind being riddled
Riesci a sopportare che la tua mente sia tormentata
With the wrong memories?
Dai ricordi sbagliati?
And the clean coming will hurt
E la pulizia che verrà farà male
And you can never get it spotless
E non potrai mai renderlo immacolato
When there's dirt between the dirt
Quando c'è sporco tra lo sporco
I heard the truth was built to bend
Saya mendengar kebenaran itu dibuat untuk dibengkokkan
A mechanism to suspend
Sebuah mekanisme untuk menangguhkan
The guilt is what you will require
Rasa bersalah adalah yang akan Anda perlukan
And still you've got to dance little liar
Dan masih Anda harus menari, si pembohong kecil
Just like those fibs to pop and fizz
Sama seperti kebohongan itu meletus dan berdesis
And you'll be forced to take that awful quiz
Dan Anda akan dipaksa untuk mengikuti kuis yang mengerikan itu
And you're bound to trip
Dan Anda pasti akan tersandung
And she'll detect the fiction on your lips and dig a contradiction up
Dan dia akan mendeteksi kebohongan di bibir Anda dan menggali sebuah kontradiksi
And the clean coming will hurt
Dan kedatangan yang bersih akan menyakitkan
And you can never get it spotless
Dan Anda tidak akan pernah bisa membuatnya sempurna
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Ketika ada kotoran di bawah kotoran
The liar take a lot less time
Si pembohong membutuhkan waktu yang jauh lebih sedikit
I'm sure it's clear and plain to read
Saya yakin itu jelas dan mudah dibaca
It's not an alibi you need just yet
Ini bukan alibi yang Anda butuhkan untuk saat ini
Oh, no, it's something for those beads of sweat
Oh, tidak, ini adalah sesuatu untuk tetesan keringat itu
Yes, that will get you back to normal
Ya, itu akan membuat Anda kembali normal
And after you have dabbed the patch
Dan setelah Anda menepuk-nepuk tempat itu
You'll breathe and then proceed to scratch
Anda akan bernapas dan kemudian melanjutkan untuk menggaruk
The varnish off that newly added calmness
Lapisan baru dari ketenangan yang baru ditambahkan
So as not to raise any alarms too soon
Agar tidak memicu alarm terlalu cepat
And the clean coming will hurt
Dan kedatangan yang bersih akan menyakitkan
And you can never get it spotless
Dan Anda tidak akan pernah bisa membuatnya sempurna
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
Ketika ada kotoran di bawah kotoran
The liar takes a lot less time to decide on his saunter
Si pembohong membutuhkan waktu yang jauh lebih sedikit untuk memutuskan langkahnya
Have you got itchy bones?
Apakah Anda merasa gatal pada tulang?
And in all your time alone
Dan dalam semua waktu Anda sendirian
Can you hack your mind being riddled
Bisakah Anda menangani pikiran Anda yang dipenuhi
With the wrong memories?
Dengan kenangan yang salah?
And the clean coming will hurt
Dan kedatangan yang bersih akan menyakitkan
And you can never get it spotless
Dan Anda tidak akan pernah bisa membuatnya sempurna
When there's dirt between the dirt
Ketika ada kotoran di antara kotoran
I heard the truth was built to bend
A mechanism to suspend
The guilt is what you will require
And still you've got to dance little liar
และคุณยังต้องเต้นรำ นักโกหกน้อย
Just like those fibs to pop and fizz
And you'll be forced to take that awful quiz
And you're bound to trip
And she'll detect the fiction on your lips and dig a contradiction up
And the clean coming will hurt
And you can never get it spotless
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
The liar take a lot less time
I'm sure it's clear and plain to read
It's not an alibi you need just yet
Oh, no, it's something for those beads of sweat
โอ้, ไม่, มันเป็นสิ่งที่สำหรับหยดเหงื่อเหล่านั้น
Yes, that will get you back to normal
ใช่, นั่นจะทำให้คุณกลับมาเป็นปกติ
And after you have dabbed the patch
You'll breathe and then proceed to scratch
The varnish off that newly added calmness
So as not to raise any alarms too soon
And the clean coming will hurt
And you can never get it spotless
When there's dirt beneath the dirt
The liar takes a lot less time to decide on his saunter
Have you got itchy bones?
And in all your time alone
Can you hack your mind being riddled
With the wrong memories?
And the clean coming will hurt
And you can never get it spotless
When there's dirt between the dirt

Curiosités sur la chanson Dance Little Liar de Arctic Monkeys

Quand la chanson “Dance Little Liar” a-t-elle été lancée par Arctic Monkeys?
La chanson Dance Little Liar a été lancée en 2009, sur l’album “Humbug”.
Qui a composé la chanson “Dance Little Liar” de Arctic Monkeys?
La chanson “Dance Little Liar” de Arctic Monkeys a été composée par Alex Turner.

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