Little Hell

Dallas John Green

Paroles Traduction

What if I can't be all that you need me to be?
We've got a good thing going, we have some promises to keep
But my addiction, it can be such a detriment
Please believe in this my dear, I am more than penitent

What if everything's just the way that it will be?
Could it be that I am meant to cause you all this grief?
My warship's a-lying off the coast of your delicate heart
And my aim is steady and true as it's been right from the start

There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Stare into the past, and forget it all

So when we leave it'll be a quick midnight escape
We'll disconnect ourselves from all of yesterday
I'll dig for water and fashion our very own wishing well
Then, we'll throw our coins down hoping to rid us of this little hell

There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Stare into the past, and forget it all

Will we get out of this little hell?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Will we get out of this little hell?

What if I can't be all that you need me to be?
Et si je ne peux pas être tout ce dont tu as besoin de moi?
We've got a good thing going, we have some promises to keep
Nous avons une bonne chose en cours, nous avons des promesses à tenir
But my addiction, it can be such a detriment
Mais mon addiction, elle peut être un tel détriment
Please believe in this my dear, I am more than penitent
S'il te plaît, crois en cela ma chérie, je suis plus que pénitent
What if everything's just the way that it will be?
Et si tout est juste comme ça doit être?
Could it be that I am meant to cause you all this grief?
Pourrait-il se faire que je suis destiné à te causer tout ce chagrin?
My warship's a-lying off the coast of your delicate heart
Mon navire de guerre est allongé au large de la côte de ton cœur délicat
And my aim is steady and true as it's been right from the start
Et mon but est stable et vrai comme il l'a été dès le début
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
Il y a un degré de difficulté à me gérer
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
De mon passé hanté vient une tâche redoutable de vivre à travers les souvenirs
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Si nous pouvions simplement accrocher un miroir sur le mur de la chambre
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Regarder dans le passé, et tout oublier
So when we leave it'll be a quick midnight escape
Alors quand nous partirons, ce sera une rapide évasion de minuit
We'll disconnect ourselves from all of yesterday
Nous nous déconnecterons de tout ce qui était hier
I'll dig for water and fashion our very own wishing well
Je creuserai pour de l'eau et façonnerai notre propre puits de souhaits
Then, we'll throw our coins down hoping to rid us of this little hell
Ensuite, nous jetterons nos pièces en espérant nous débarrasser de ce petit enfer
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
Il y a un degré de difficulté à me gérer
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
De mon passé hanté vient une tâche redoutable de vivre à travers les souvenirs
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Si nous pouvions simplement accrocher un miroir sur le mur de la chambre
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Regarder dans le passé, et tout oublier
Will we get out of this little hell?
Sortirons-nous de ce petit enfer?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Sortirons-nous de ce petit enfer?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Sortirons-nous de ce petit enfer?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Sortirons-nous de ce petit enfer?
What if I can't be all that you need me to be?
E se eu não puder ser tudo o que você precisa que eu seja?
We've got a good thing going, we have some promises to keep
Temos uma coisa boa acontecendo, temos algumas promessas a cumprir
But my addiction, it can be such a detriment
Mas meu vício, pode ser um grande empecilho
Please believe in this my dear, I am more than penitent
Por favor, acredite nisso minha querida, eu sou mais do que penitente
What if everything's just the way that it will be?
E se tudo for apenas do jeito que será?
Could it be that I am meant to cause you all this grief?
Poderia ser que eu estou destinado a causar toda essa tristeza?
My warship's a-lying off the coast of your delicate heart
Meu navio de guerra está deitado na costa do seu coração delicado
And my aim is steady and true as it's been right from the start
E meu objetivo é firme e verdadeiro, como tem sido desde o início
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
Há um grau de dificuldade em lidar comigo
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
Do meu passado assombrado surge uma tarefa assustadora de viver através das memórias
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Se pudéssemos apenas pendurar um espelho na parede do quarto
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Olhar para o passado e esquecer tudo
So when we leave it'll be a quick midnight escape
Então, quando partirmos, será uma rápida fuga à meia-noite
We'll disconnect ourselves from all of yesterday
Vamos nos desconectar de todo o ontem
I'll dig for water and fashion our very own wishing well
Vou cavar por água e criar nosso próprio poço dos desejos
Then, we'll throw our coins down hoping to rid us of this little hell
Então, jogaremos nossas moedas esperando nos livrar deste pequeno inferno
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
Há um grau de dificuldade em lidar comigo
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
Do meu passado assombrado surge uma tarefa assustadora de viver através das memórias
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Se pudéssemos apenas pendurar um espelho na parede do quarto
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Olhar para o passado e esquecer tudo
Will we get out of this little hell?
Vamos sair deste pequeno inferno?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Vamos sair deste pequeno inferno?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Vamos sair deste pequeno inferno?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Vamos sair deste pequeno inferno?
What if I can't be all that you need me to be?
¿Y si no puedo ser todo lo que necesitas que sea?
We've got a good thing going, we have some promises to keep
Tenemos algo bueno en marcha, tenemos algunas promesas que cumplir
But my addiction, it can be such a detriment
Pero mi adicción, puede ser un gran impedimento
Please believe in this my dear, I am more than penitent
Por favor, cree en esto, querida, soy más que penitente
What if everything's just the way that it will be?
¿Y si todo es simplemente como será?
Could it be that I am meant to cause you all this grief?
¿Podría ser que estoy destinado a causarte todo este dolor?
My warship's a-lying off the coast of your delicate heart
Mi buque de guerra está anclado en la costa de tu delicado corazón
And my aim is steady and true as it's been right from the start
Y mi objetivo es firme y verdadero, como lo ha sido desde el principio
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
Hay un grado de dificultad en lidiar conmigo
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
De mi pasado atormentado surge la ardua tarea de vivir a través de los recuerdos
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Si pudiéramos simplemente colgar un espejo en la pared del dormitorio
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Mirar al pasado, y olvidarlo todo
So when we leave it'll be a quick midnight escape
Así que cuando nos vayamos será una rápida huida a medianoche
We'll disconnect ourselves from all of yesterday
Nos desconectaremos de todo lo de ayer
I'll dig for water and fashion our very own wishing well
Cavaré para encontrar agua y construiré nuestro propio pozo de los deseos
Then, we'll throw our coins down hoping to rid us of this little hell
Luego, lanzaremos nuestras monedas esperando librarnos de este pequeño infierno
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
Hay un grado de dificultad en lidiar conmigo
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
De mi pasado atormentado surge la ardua tarea de vivir a través de los recuerdos
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Si pudiéramos simplemente colgar un espejo en la pared del dormitorio
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Mirar al pasado, y olvidarlo todo
Will we get out of this little hell?
¿Saldrémos de este pequeño infierno?
Will we get out of this little hell?
¿Saldrémos de este pequeño infierno?
Will we get out of this little hell?
¿Saldrémos de este pequeño infierno?
Will we get out of this little hell?
¿Saldrémos de este pequeño infierno?
What if I can't be all that you need me to be?
Was ist, wenn ich nicht alles sein kann, was du von mir brauchst?
We've got a good thing going, we have some promises to keep
Wir haben etwas Gutes am Laufen, wir haben einige Versprechen zu halten
But my addiction, it can be such a detriment
Aber meine Sucht, sie kann so ein Hindernis sein
Please believe in this my dear, I am more than penitent
Bitte glaube mir, meine Liebe, ich bin mehr als reumütig
What if everything's just the way that it will be?
Was ist, wenn alles einfach so ist, wie es sein wird?
Could it be that I am meant to cause you all this grief?
Könnte es sein, dass ich dazu bestimmt bin, dir all diesen Kummer zu bereiten?
My warship's a-lying off the coast of your delicate heart
Mein Kriegsschiff liegt vor der Küste deines zarten Herzens
And my aim is steady and true as it's been right from the start
Und mein Ziel ist stetig und wahr, so wie es von Anfang an war
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
Es gibt einen Grad an Schwierigkeit im Umgang mit mir
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
Aus meiner gequälten Vergangenheit kommt die entmutigende Aufgabe, durch Erinnerungen zu leben
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Wenn wir nur einen Spiegel an die Schlafzimmerwand hängen könnten
Stare into the past, and forget it all
In die Vergangenheit starren und alles vergessen
So when we leave it'll be a quick midnight escape
Also wenn wir gehen, wird es eine schnelle Mitternachtsflucht sein
We'll disconnect ourselves from all of yesterday
Wir werden uns von allem gestern trennen
I'll dig for water and fashion our very own wishing well
Ich werde nach Wasser graben und unseren eigenen Wunschbrunnen schaffen
Then, we'll throw our coins down hoping to rid us of this little hell
Dann werfen wir unsere Münzen hinein, in der Hoffnung, uns von dieser kleinen Hölle zu befreien
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
Es gibt einen Grad an Schwierigkeit im Umgang mit mir
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
Aus meiner gequälten Vergangenheit kommt die entmutigende Aufgabe, durch Erinnerungen zu leben
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Wenn wir nur einen Spiegel an die Schlafzimmerwand hängen könnten
Stare into the past, and forget it all
In die Vergangenheit starren und alles vergessen
Will we get out of this little hell?
Werden wir aus dieser kleinen Hölle herauskommen?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Werden wir aus dieser kleinen Hölle herauskommen?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Werden wir aus dieser kleinen Hölle herauskommen?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Werden wir aus dieser kleinen Hölle herauskommen?
What if I can't be all that you need me to be?
E se non posso essere tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno?
We've got a good thing going, we have some promises to keep
Abbiamo una bella cosa in corso, abbiamo delle promesse da mantenere
But my addiction, it can be such a detriment
Ma la mia dipendenza, può essere un tale ostacolo
Please believe in this my dear, I am more than penitent
Per favore credi in questo, mia cara, sono più che pentito
What if everything's just the way that it will be?
E se tutto è solo come sarà?
Could it be that I am meant to cause you all this grief?
Potrebbe essere che sono destinato a causarti tutto questo dolore?
My warship's a-lying off the coast of your delicate heart
La mia nave da guerra è adagiata al largo della costa del tuo delicato cuore
And my aim is steady and true as it's been right from the start
E il mio obiettivo è fermo e vero come lo è stato fin dall'inizio
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
C'è un grado di difficoltà nel trattare con me
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
Dal mio passato tormentato arriva un'ardua impresa di vivere attraverso i ricordi
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Se potessimo solo appendere uno specchio sul muro della camera da letto
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Guardare nel passato, e dimenticare tutto
So when we leave it'll be a quick midnight escape
Quindi quando partiremo sarà una rapida fuga a mezzanotte
We'll disconnect ourselves from all of yesterday
Ci disconnetteremo da tutto quello di ieri
I'll dig for water and fashion our very own wishing well
Scaverò per l'acqua e creerò il nostro pozzo dei desideri
Then, we'll throw our coins down hoping to rid us of this little hell
Poi, getteremo le nostre monete sperando di liberarci di questo piccolo inferno
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
C'è un grado di difficoltà nel trattare con me
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
Dal mio passato tormentato arriva un'ardua impresa di vivere attraverso i ricordi
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Se potessimo solo appendere uno specchio sul muro della camera da letto
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Guardare nel passato, e dimenticare tutto
Will we get out of this little hell?
Riusciremo a uscire da questo piccolo inferno?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Riusciremo a uscire da questo piccolo inferno?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Riusciremo a uscire da questo piccolo inferno?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Riusciremo a uscire da questo piccolo inferno?
What if I can't be all that you need me to be?
Bagaimana jika aku tidak bisa menjadi semua yang kamu butuhkan?
We've got a good thing going, we have some promises to keep
Kita memiliki hubungan yang baik, kita memiliki beberapa janji untuk ditepati
But my addiction, it can be such a detriment
Tapi kecanduanku, itu bisa menjadi sangat merugikan
Please believe in this my dear, I am more than penitent
Tolong percayalah pada ini sayang, aku lebih dari menyesal
What if everything's just the way that it will be?
Bagaimana jika semuanya hanya seperti apa adanya?
Could it be that I am meant to cause you all this grief?
Bisakah jadi aku ditakdirkan untuk menyebabkanmu semua kesedihan ini?
My warship's a-lying off the coast of your delicate heart
Kapal perangku berlabuh di lepas pantai hatimu yang rapuh
And my aim is steady and true as it's been right from the start
Dan tujuanku tetap dan benar seperti sejak awal
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
Ada tingkat kesulitan dalam berurusan denganku
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
Dari masa laluku yang berhantu datang tugas yang menakutkan untuk hidup melalui kenangan
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Jika kita bisa saja menggantung cermin di dinding kamar tidur
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Menatap ke masa lalu, dan melupakan semuanya
So when we leave it'll be a quick midnight escape
Jadi saat kita pergi, itu akan menjadi pelarian tengah malam yang cepat
We'll disconnect ourselves from all of yesterday
Kita akan memutuskan diri kita dari semua kemarin
I'll dig for water and fashion our very own wishing well
Aku akan menggali air dan membuat sumur harapan kita sendiri
Then, we'll throw our coins down hoping to rid us of this little hell
Lalu, kita akan melemparkan koin kita ke bawah berharap untuk membebaskan kita dari neraka kecil ini
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
Ada tingkat kesulitan dalam berurusan denganku
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
Dari masa laluku yang berhantu datang tugas yang menakutkan untuk hidup melalui kenangan
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Jika kita bisa saja menggantung cermin di dinding kamar tidur
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Menatap ke masa lalu, dan melupakan semuanya
Will we get out of this little hell?
Akankah kita keluar dari neraka kecil ini?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Akankah kita keluar dari neraka kecil ini?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Akankah kita keluar dari neraka kecil ini?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Akankah kita keluar dari neraka kecil ini?
What if I can't be all that you need me to be?
We've got a good thing going, we have some promises to keep
เรามีความสัมพันธ์ที่ดีกันอยู่ และเรามีคำมั่นสัญญาที่ต้องรักษา
But my addiction, it can be such a detriment
แต่การติดยาของฉัน มันอาจเป็นอุปสรรคอย่างมาก
Please believe in this my dear, I am more than penitent
โปรดเชื่อในสิ่งนี้นะคะ ฉันรู้สึกผิดมากกว่าที่คุณคิด
What if everything's just the way that it will be?
Could it be that I am meant to cause you all this grief?
My warship's a-lying off the coast of your delicate heart
And my aim is steady and true as it's been right from the start
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
จากอดีตที่หลอนหลอก มาพร้อมกับงานที่น่ากลัวในการใช้ชีวิตกับความทรงจำ
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Stare into the past, and forget it all
จ้องมองไปที่อดีต และลืมมันไป
So when we leave it'll be a quick midnight escape
เมื่อเราจากไป มันจะเป็นการหนีออกไปอย่างรวดเร็วในเวลาเที่ยงคืน
We'll disconnect ourselves from all of yesterday
I'll dig for water and fashion our very own wishing well
Then, we'll throw our coins down hoping to rid us of this little hell
จากนั้น เราจะโยนเหรียญลงไปหวังว่าจะทำให้เราพ้นจากนรกเล็กๆ นี้
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
จากอดีตที่หลอนหลอก มาพร้อมกับงานที่น่ากลัวในการใช้ชีวิตกับความทรงจำ
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Stare into the past, and forget it all
จ้องมองไปที่อดีต และลืมมันไป
Will we get out of this little hell?
เราจะหนีออกจากนรกเล็กๆ นี้ได้ไหม?
Will we get out of this little hell?
เราจะหนีออกจากนรกเล็กๆ นี้ได้ไหม?
Will we get out of this little hell?
เราจะหนีออกจากนรกเล็กๆ นี้ได้ไหม?
Will we get out of this little hell?
เราจะหนีออกจากนรกเล็กๆ นี้ได้ไหม?
What if I can't be all that you need me to be?
We've got a good thing going, we have some promises to keep
But my addiction, it can be such a detriment
Please believe in this my dear, I am more than penitent
What if everything's just the way that it will be?
Could it be that I am meant to cause you all this grief?
My warship's a-lying off the coast of your delicate heart
And my aim is steady and true as it's been right from the start
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Stare into the past, and forget it all
So when we leave it'll be a quick midnight escape
We'll disconnect ourselves from all of yesterday
I'll dig for water and fashion our very own wishing well
Then, we'll throw our coins down hoping to rid us of this little hell
There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall
Stare into the past, and forget it all
Will we get out of this little hell?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Will we get out of this little hell?
Will we get out of this little hell?

Curiosités sur la chanson Little Hell de City and Colour

Quand la chanson “Little Hell” a-t-elle été lancée par City and Colour?
La chanson Little Hell a été lancée en 2011, sur l’album “Little Hell”.
Qui a composé la chanson “Little Hell” de City and Colour?
La chanson “Little Hell” de City and Colour a été composée par Dallas John Green.

Chansons les plus populaires [artist_preposition] City and Colour

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