Nowhere Fast

Steven Morrissey, Johnny Marr

Paroles Traduction

I'd like to drop my trousers to the world
I am a man of means, of slender means
Each household appliance
Is like a new science in my town
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
No, no, no, no, no
It's such a sad thing

I'd like to drop my trousers to the Queen
Every sensible child will know what this means
The poor and the needy
Are selfish and greedy on her terms
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
No, no, no, no, no
It's such a sad thing

And when I'm lying in my bed
I think about life and I think about death
And neither one particularly appeals to me
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
I'd get such a shock I'd probably lie
In the middle of the street and die
I'd lie down and die, oh-oh

I'd like to drop my trousers to the world
J'aimerais baisser mon pantalon devant le monde
I am a man of means, of slender means
Je suis un homme de moyens, de moyens minces
Each household appliance
Chaque appareil ménager
Is like a new science in my town
Est comme une nouvelle science dans ma ville
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Et si le jour venait où je ressentais une émotion naturelle
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
J'aurais un tel choc que je sauterais probablement dans l'océan
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
Et quand un train passe, c'est un son si triste
No, no, no, no, no
Non, non, non, non, non
It's such a sad thing
C'est une chose si triste
I'd like to drop my trousers to the Queen
J'aimerais baisser mon pantalon devant la Reine
Every sensible child will know what this means
Chaque enfant sensé saura ce que cela signifie
The poor and the needy
Les pauvres et les nécessiteux
Are selfish and greedy on her terms
Sont égoïstes et avides selon ses termes
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Et si le jour venait où je ressentais une émotion naturelle
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
J'aurais un tel choc que je sauterais probablement dans l'océan
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
Et quand un train passe, c'est un son si triste
No, no, no, no, no
Non, non, non, non, non
It's such a sad thing
C'est une chose si triste
And when I'm lying in my bed
Et quand je suis allongé dans mon lit
I think about life and I think about death
Je pense à la vie et je pense à la mort
And neither one particularly appeals to me
Et ni l'une ni l'autre ne m'attire particulièrement
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Et si le jour venait où je ressentais une émotion naturelle
I'd get such a shock I'd probably lie
J'aurais un tel choc que je m'allongerais probablement
In the middle of the street and die
Au milieu de la rue et mourrais
I'd lie down and die, oh-oh
Je m'allongerais et mourrais, oh-oh
I'd like to drop my trousers to the world
Gostaria de baixar as calças para o mundo
I am a man of means, of slender means
Eu sou um homem de posses, de posses escassas
Each household appliance
Cada eletrodoméstico
Is like a new science in my town
É como uma nova ciência na minha cidade
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
E se o dia chegasse em que eu sentisse uma emoção natural
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
Eu ficaria tão chocado que provavelmente pularia no oceano
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
E quando um trem passa, é um som tão triste
No, no, no, no, no
Não, não, não, não, não
It's such a sad thing
É uma coisa tão triste
I'd like to drop my trousers to the Queen
Gostaria de baixar as calças para a Rainha
Every sensible child will know what this means
Toda criança sensata saberá o que isso significa
The poor and the needy
Os pobres e necessitados
Are selfish and greedy on her terms
São egoístas e gananciosos em seus termos
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
E se o dia chegasse em que eu sentisse uma emoção natural
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
Eu ficaria tão chocado que provavelmente pularia no oceano
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
E quando um trem passa, é um som tão triste
No, no, no, no, no
Não, não, não, não, não
It's such a sad thing
É uma coisa tão triste
And when I'm lying in my bed
E quando estou deitado na minha cama
I think about life and I think about death
Eu penso na vida e penso na morte
And neither one particularly appeals to me
E nenhum dos dois me atrai particularmente
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
E se o dia chegasse em que eu sentisse uma emoção natural
I'd get such a shock I'd probably lie
Eu ficaria tão chocado que provavelmente deitaria
In the middle of the street and die
No meio da rua e morreria
I'd lie down and die, oh-oh
Eu me deitaria e morreria, oh-oh
I'd like to drop my trousers to the world
Me gustaría bajarme los pantalones al mundo
I am a man of means, of slender means
Soy un hombre de medios, de medios escasos
Each household appliance
Cada electrodoméstico
Is like a new science in my town
Es como una nueva ciencia en mi ciudad
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Y si llegara el día en que sintiera una emoción natural
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
Me llevaría tal shock que probablemente saltaría al océano
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
Y cuando pasa un tren, es un sonido tan triste
No, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no
It's such a sad thing
Es una cosa tan triste
I'd like to drop my trousers to the Queen
Me gustaría bajarme los pantalones a la Reina
Every sensible child will know what this means
Cada niño sensato sabrá lo que esto significa
The poor and the needy
Los pobres y los necesitados
Are selfish and greedy on her terms
Son egoístas y codiciosos en sus términos
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Y si llegara el día en que sintiera una emoción natural
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
Me llevaría tal shock que probablemente saltaría al océano
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
Y cuando pasa un tren, es un sonido tan triste
No, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no
It's such a sad thing
Es una cosa tan triste
And when I'm lying in my bed
Y cuando estoy acostado en mi cama
I think about life and I think about death
Pienso en la vida y pienso en la muerte
And neither one particularly appeals to me
Y ninguna de las dos me atrae particularmente
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Y si llegara el día en que sintiera una emoción natural
I'd get such a shock I'd probably lie
Me llevaría tal shock que probablemente me acostaría
In the middle of the street and die
En medio de la calle y moriría
I'd lie down and die, oh-oh
Me acostaría y moriría, oh-oh
I'd like to drop my trousers to the world
Ich möchte der Welt meine Hosen runterlassen
I am a man of means, of slender means
Ich bin ein Mann von Mitteln, von schlanken Mitteln
Each household appliance
Jedes Haushaltsgerät
Is like a new science in my town
Ist wie eine neue Wissenschaft in meiner Stadt
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Und wenn der Tag käme, an dem ich eine natürliche Emotion spürte
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
Ich würde einen solchen Schock bekommen, dass ich wahrscheinlich ins Meer springen würde
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
Und wenn ein Zug vorbeifährt, ist es ein so trauriger Klang
No, no, no, no, no
Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein
It's such a sad thing
Es ist so eine traurige Sache
I'd like to drop my trousers to the Queen
Ich möchte der Königin meine Hosen runterlassen
Every sensible child will know what this means
Jedes vernünftige Kind wird wissen, was das bedeutet
The poor and the needy
Die Armen und Bedürftigen
Are selfish and greedy on her terms
Sind auf ihren Bedingungen egoistisch und gierig
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Und wenn der Tag käme, an dem ich eine natürliche Emotion spürte
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
Ich würde einen solchen Schock bekommen, dass ich wahrscheinlich ins Meer springen würde
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
Und wenn ein Zug vorbeifährt, ist es ein so trauriger Klang
No, no, no, no, no
Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein
It's such a sad thing
Es ist so eine traurige Sache
And when I'm lying in my bed
Und wenn ich in meinem Bett liege
I think about life and I think about death
Denke ich über das Leben und den Tod nach
And neither one particularly appeals to me
Und keines von beiden spricht mich besonders an
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Und wenn der Tag käme, an dem ich eine natürliche Emotion spürte
I'd get such a shock I'd probably lie
Ich würde einen solchen Schock bekommen, dass ich wahrscheinlich lügen würde
In the middle of the street and die
In der Mitte der Straße und sterben
I'd lie down and die, oh-oh
Ich würde mich hinlegen und sterben, oh-oh
I'd like to drop my trousers to the world
Vorrei abbassare i pantaloni al mondo
I am a man of means, of slender means
Sono un uomo di mezzi, di mezzi esili
Each household appliance
Ogni elettrodomestico
Is like a new science in my town
È come una nuova scienza nella mia città
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
E se arrivasse il giorno in cui provassi un'emozione naturale
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
Avrei un tale shock che probabilmente mi tufferei nell'oceano
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
E quando passa un treno, è un suono così triste
No, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no
It's such a sad thing
È una cosa così triste
I'd like to drop my trousers to the Queen
Vorrei abbassare i pantaloni alla Regina
Every sensible child will know what this means
Ogni bambino sensato capirà cosa significa
The poor and the needy
I poveri e i bisognosi
Are selfish and greedy on her terms
Sono egoisti e avidi secondo i suoi termini
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
E se arrivasse il giorno in cui provassi un'emozione naturale
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
Avrei un tale shock che probabilmente mi tufferei nell'oceano
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
E quando passa un treno, è un suono così triste
No, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no
It's such a sad thing
È una cosa così triste
And when I'm lying in my bed
E quando sono sdraiato nel mio letto
I think about life and I think about death
Penso alla vita e penso alla morte
And neither one particularly appeals to me
E nessuna delle due mi attira particolarmente
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
E se arrivasse il giorno in cui provassi un'emozione naturale
I'd get such a shock I'd probably lie
Avrei un tale shock che probabilmente mi sdraierei
In the middle of the street and die
In mezzo alla strada e morirei
I'd lie down and die, oh-oh
Mi sdraierei e morirei, oh-oh
I'd like to drop my trousers to the world
Saya ingin membuka celana saya di depan dunia
I am a man of means, of slender means
Saya adalah seorang pria yang memiliki, dengan cara yang sederhana
Each household appliance
Setiap peralatan rumah tangga
Is like a new science in my town
Bagai ilmu baru di kotaku
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Dan jika hari itu tiba saat saya merasakan emosi alami
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
Saya akan terkejut sampai mungkin saya akan melompat ke dalam laut
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
Dan ketika kereta lewat, itu suara yang sangat sedih
No, no, no, no, no
Tidak, tidak, tidak, tidak, tidak
It's such a sad thing
Itu adalah hal yang sangat menyedihkan
I'd like to drop my trousers to the Queen
Saya ingin membuka celana saya di depan Ratu
Every sensible child will know what this means
Setiap anak yang bijaksana akan tahu apa artinya ini
The poor and the needy
Orang miskin dan yang membutuhkan
Are selfish and greedy on her terms
Adalah serakah dan egois menurut pandangannya
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Dan jika hari itu tiba saat saya merasakan emosi alami
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean
Saya akan terkejut sampai mungkin saya akan melompat ke dalam laut
And when a train goes by, it's such a sad sound
Dan ketika kereta lewat, itu suara yang sangat sedih
No, no, no, no, no
Tidak, tidak, tidak, tidak, tidak
It's such a sad thing
Itu adalah hal yang sangat menyedihkan
And when I'm lying in my bed
Dan ketika saya berbaring di tempat tidur saya
I think about life and I think about death
Saya memikirkan tentang hidup dan saya memikirkan tentang kematian
And neither one particularly appeals to me
Dan tidak satupun dari keduanya terasa menarik bagi saya
And if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Dan jika hari itu tiba saat saya merasakan emosi alami
I'd get such a shock I'd probably lie
Saya akan terkejut sampai mungkin saya akan berbaring
In the middle of the street and die
Di tengah jalan dan mati
I'd lie down and die, oh-oh
Saya akan berbaring dan mati, oh-oh

Curiosités sur la chanson Nowhere Fast de The Smiths

Sur quels albums la chanson “Nowhere Fast” a-t-elle été lancée par The Smiths?
The Smiths a lancé la chanson sur les albums “Meat Is Murder” en 1985, “That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore - Single” en 1985, “The Headmaster Ritual - Single” en 1985, “The World Won't Listen” en 1987, “Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me - Single” en 1987, “…Best II” en 1992, “The Sound of The Smiths” en 2008, et “Complete” en 2011.
Qui a composé la chanson “Nowhere Fast” de The Smiths?
La chanson “Nowhere Fast” de The Smiths a été composée par Steven Morrissey, Johnny Marr.

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