
Damien George Rice

Paroles Traduction

There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
It's still a little hard to say what's going on

There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
You step a little closer each day
That I can't say what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you've feel like a cannonball

There's still a little bit of your song in my ear
There's still a little bit of your words I long to hear
You step a little closer to me
So close, I can't see what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
'Cause its not hard to fall
When you know that you just don't know

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
'Cause its not hard to fall
When you've feel like a cannonball

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to cry
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
'Cause its not hard to fall
And I don't wanna scare him

Its not hard to fall
And I don't want to lose
Its not hard to fall
When you've feel like a cannonball

There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Il reste encore un peu de ton goût dans ma bouche
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
Il reste encore un peu de toi mêlé à mon doute
It's still a little hard to say what's going on
C'est encore un peu difficile de dire ce qui se passe
There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
Il reste encore un peu de ton fantôme, ton témoin
There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
Il reste encore un peu de ton visage que je n'ai pas embrassé
You step a little closer each day
Tu te rapproches un peu plus chaque jour
That I can't say what's going on
Que je ne peux pas dire ce qui se passe
Stones taught me to fly
Les pierres m'ont appris à voler
Love taught me to lie
L'amour m'a appris à mentir
Life taught me to die
La vie m'a appris à mourir
So it's not hard to fall
Alors ce n'est pas difficile de tomber
When you've feel like a cannonball
Quand tu te sens comme un boulet de canon
There's still a little bit of your song in my ear
Il reste encore un peu de ta chanson dans mon oreille
There's still a little bit of your words I long to hear
Il reste encore un peu de tes mots que j'ai hâte d'entendre
You step a little closer to me
Tu te rapproches un peu plus de moi
So close, I can't see what's going on
Si près, que je ne peux pas voir ce qui se passe
Stones taught me to fly
Les pierres m'ont appris à voler
Love taught me to lie
L'amour m'a appris à mentir
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Alors viens courage, apprends-moi à être timide
'Cause its not hard to fall
Parce que ce n'est pas difficile de tomber
When you know that you just don't know
Quand tu sais que tu ne sais tout simplement pas
Stones taught me to fly
Les pierres m'ont appris à voler
Love taught me to lie
L'amour m'a appris à mentir
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Alors viens courage, apprends-moi à être timide
'Cause its not hard to fall
Parce que ce n'est pas difficile de tomber
When you've feel like a cannonball
Quand tu te sens comme un boulet de canon
Stones taught me to fly
Les pierres m'ont appris à voler
Love taught me to cry
L'amour m'a appris à pleurer
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Alors viens courage, apprends-moi à être timide
'Cause its not hard to fall
Parce que ce n'est pas difficile de tomber
And I don't wanna scare him
Et je ne veux pas l'effrayer
Its not hard to fall
Ce n'est pas difficile de tomber
And I don't want to lose
Et je ne veux pas perdre
Its not hard to fall
Ce n'est pas difficile de tomber
When you've feel like a cannonball
Quand tu te sens comme un boulet de canon
There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Ainda há um pouco do seu gosto na minha boca
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
Ainda há um pouco de você misturado com a minha dúvida
It's still a little hard to say what's going on
Ainda é um pouco difícil dizer o que está acontecendo
There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
Ainda há um pouco do seu fantasma, sua testemunha
There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
Ainda há um pouco do seu rosto que eu não beijei
You step a little closer each day
Você se aproxima um pouco mais a cada dia
That I can't say what's going on
Que eu não consigo dizer o que está acontecendo
Stones taught me to fly
As pedras me ensinaram a voar
Love taught me to lie
O amor me ensinou a mentir
Life taught me to die
A vida me ensinou a morrer
So it's not hard to fall
Então não é difícil cair
When you've feel like a cannonball
Quando você se sente como uma bola de canhão
There's still a little bit of your song in my ear
Ainda há um pouco da sua música no meu ouvido
There's still a little bit of your words I long to hear
Ainda há um pouco das suas palavras que anseio ouvir
You step a little closer to me
Você se aproxima um pouco mais de mim
So close, I can't see what's going on
Tão perto, que não consigo ver o que está acontecendo
Stones taught me to fly
As pedras me ensinaram a voar
Love taught me to lie
O amor me ensinou a mentir
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Então venha coragem, me ensine a ser tímido
'Cause its not hard to fall
Porque não é difícil cair
When you know that you just don't know
Quando você sabe que simplesmente não sabe
Stones taught me to fly
As pedras me ensinaram a voar
Love taught me to lie
O amor me ensinou a mentir
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Então venha coragem, me ensine a ser tímido
'Cause its not hard to fall
Porque não é difícil cair
When you've feel like a cannonball
Quando você se sente como uma bola de canhão
Stones taught me to fly
As pedras me ensinaram a voar
Love taught me to cry
O amor me ensinou a chorar
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Então venha coragem, me ensine a ser tímido
'Cause its not hard to fall
Porque não é difícil cair
And I don't wanna scare him
E eu não quero assustá-lo
Its not hard to fall
Não é difícil cair
And I don't want to lose
E eu não quero perder
Its not hard to fall
Não é difícil cair
When you've feel like a cannonball
Quando você se sente como uma bola de canhão
There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Todavía queda un poco de tu sabor en mi boca
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
Todavía queda un poco de ti mezclado con mi duda
It's still a little hard to say what's going on
Todavía es un poco difícil decir qué está pasando
There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
Todavía queda un poco de tu fantasma, tu testigo
There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
Todavía queda un poco de tu rostro que no he besado
You step a little closer each day
Te acercas un poco más cada día
That I can't say what's going on
Que no puedo decir qué está pasando
Stones taught me to fly
Las piedras me enseñaron a volar
Love taught me to lie
El amor me enseñó a mentir
Life taught me to die
La vida me enseñó a morir
So it's not hard to fall
Así que no es difícil caer
When you've feel like a cannonball
Cuando te sientes como una bola de cañón
There's still a little bit of your song in my ear
Todavía queda un poco de tu canción en mi oído
There's still a little bit of your words I long to hear
Todavía queda un poco de tus palabras que anhelo escuchar
You step a little closer to me
Te acercas un poco más a mí
So close, I can't see what's going on
Tan cerca, que no puedo ver qué está pasando
Stones taught me to fly
Las piedras me enseñaron a volar
Love taught me to lie
El amor me enseñó a mentir
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Así que ven coraje, enséñame a ser tímido
'Cause its not hard to fall
Porque no es difícil caer
When you know that you just don't know
Cuando sabes que simplemente no sabes
Stones taught me to fly
Las piedras me enseñaron a volar
Love taught me to lie
El amor me enseñó a mentir
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Así que ven coraje, enséñame a ser tímido
'Cause its not hard to fall
Porque no es difícil caer
When you've feel like a cannonball
Cuando te sientes como una bola de cañón
Stones taught me to fly
Las piedras me enseñaron a volar
Love taught me to cry
El amor me enseñó a llorar
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Así que ven coraje, enséñame a ser tímido
'Cause its not hard to fall
Porque no es difícil caer
And I don't wanna scare him
Y no quiero asustarlo
Its not hard to fall
No es difícil caer
And I don't want to lose
Y no quiero perder
Its not hard to fall
No es difícil caer
When you've feel like a cannonball
Cuando te sientes como una bola de cañón
There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Es ist noch ein kleines bisschen von deinem Geschmack in meinem Mund
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
Es ist noch ein kleines bisschen von dir vermischt mit meinem Zweifel
It's still a little hard to say what's going on
Es ist immer noch ein bisschen schwer zu sagen, was los ist
There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
Es ist noch ein kleines bisschen von deinem Geist, deinem Zeugen
There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
Es ist noch ein kleines bisschen von deinem Gesicht, das ich noch nicht geküsst habe
You step a little closer each day
Du kommst jeden Tag ein kleines Stück näher
That I can't say what's going on
Dass ich nicht sagen kann, was los ist
Stones taught me to fly
Steine haben mich gelehrt zu fliegen
Love taught me to lie
Liebe hat mich gelehrt zu lügen
Life taught me to die
Leben hat mich gelehrt zu sterben
So it's not hard to fall
Also ist es nicht schwer zu fallen
When you've feel like a cannonball
Wenn du dich wie eine Kanonenkugel fühlst
There's still a little bit of your song in my ear
Es ist noch ein kleines bisschen von deinem Lied in meinem Ohr
There's still a little bit of your words I long to hear
Es ist noch ein kleines bisschen von deinen Worten, die ich hören möchte
You step a little closer to me
Du kommst ein kleines Stück näher zu mir
So close, I can't see what's going on
So nah, dass ich nicht sehen kann, was los ist
Stones taught me to fly
Steine haben mich gelehrt zu fliegen
Love taught me to lie
Liebe hat mich gelehrt zu lügen
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Also komm schon Mut, lehre mich schüchtern zu sein
'Cause its not hard to fall
Denn es ist nicht schwer zu fallen
When you know that you just don't know
Wenn du weißt, dass du einfach nicht weißt
Stones taught me to fly
Steine haben mich gelehrt zu fliegen
Love taught me to lie
Liebe hat mich gelehrt zu lügen
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Also komm schon Mut, lehre mich schüchtern zu sein
'Cause its not hard to fall
Denn es ist nicht schwer zu fallen
When you've feel like a cannonball
Wenn du dich wie eine Kanonenkugel fühlst
Stones taught me to fly
Steine haben mich gelehrt zu fliegen
Love taught me to cry
Liebe hat mich gelehrt zu weinen
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Also komm schon Mut, lehre mich schüchtern zu sein
'Cause its not hard to fall
Denn es ist nicht schwer zu fallen
And I don't wanna scare him
Und ich will ihn nicht erschrecken
Its not hard to fall
Es ist nicht schwer zu fallen
And I don't want to lose
Und ich will nicht verlieren
Its not hard to fall
Es ist nicht schwer zu fallen
When you've feel like a cannonball
Wenn du dich wie eine Kanonenkugel fühlst
There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
C'è ancora un po' del tuo sapore nella mia bocca
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
C'è ancora un po' di te mescolato con i miei dubbi
It's still a little hard to say what's going on
È ancora un po' difficile dire cosa sta succedendo
There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
C'è ancora un po' del tuo fantasma, della tua testimonianza
There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
C'è ancora un po' del tuo viso che non ho baciato
You step a little closer each day
Ti avvicini un po' di più ogni giorno
That I can't say what's going on
Che non riesco a dire cosa sta succedendo
Stones taught me to fly
Le pietre mi hanno insegnato a volare
Love taught me to lie
L'amore mi ha insegnato a mentire
Life taught me to die
La vita mi ha insegnato a morire
So it's not hard to fall
Quindi non è difficile cadere
When you've feel like a cannonball
Quando ti senti come una palla di cannone
There's still a little bit of your song in my ear
C'è ancora un po' della tua canzone nel mio orecchio
There's still a little bit of your words I long to hear
C'è ancora un po' delle tue parole che desidero sentire
You step a little closer to me
Ti avvicini un po' di più a me
So close, I can't see what's going on
Così vicino, che non riesco a vedere cosa sta succedendo
Stones taught me to fly
Le pietre mi hanno insegnato a volare
Love taught me to lie
L'amore mi ha insegnato a mentire
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Quindi coraggio, insegnami a essere timido
'Cause its not hard to fall
Perché non è difficile cadere
When you know that you just don't know
Quando sai che semplicemente non sai
Stones taught me to fly
Le pietre mi hanno insegnato a volare
Love taught me to lie
L'amore mi ha insegnato a mentire
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Quindi coraggio, insegnami a essere timido
'Cause its not hard to fall
Perché non è difficile cadere
When you've feel like a cannonball
Quando ti senti come una palla di cannone
Stones taught me to fly
Le pietre mi hanno insegnato a volare
Love taught me to cry
L'amore mi ha insegnato a piangere
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Quindi coraggio, insegnami a essere timido
'Cause its not hard to fall
Perché non è difficile cadere
And I don't wanna scare him
E non voglio spaventarlo
Its not hard to fall
Non è difficile cadere
And I don't want to lose
E non voglio perdere
Its not hard to fall
Non è difficile cadere
When you've feel like a cannonball
Quando ti senti come una palla di cannone
There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Masih ada sedikit rasa dirimu di mulutku
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
Masih ada sedikit dirimu yang terikat dengan keraguanku
It's still a little hard to say what's going on
Masih sedikit sulit untuk mengatakan apa yang sedang terjadi
There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
Masih ada sedikit hantu dirimu, saksimu
There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
Masih ada sedikit wajahmu yang belum kucium
You step a little closer each day
Kamu melangkah sedikit lebih dekat setiap hari
That I can't say what's going on
Yang tidak bisa kukatakan apa yang sedang terjadi
Stones taught me to fly
Batu mengajarkanku untuk terbang
Love taught me to lie
Cinta mengajarkanku untuk berbohong
Life taught me to die
Hidup mengajarkanku untuk mati
So it's not hard to fall
Jadi tidak sulit untuk jatuh
When you've feel like a cannonball
Ketika kamu merasa seperti bola meriam
There's still a little bit of your song in my ear
Masih ada sedikit lagumu di telingaku
There's still a little bit of your words I long to hear
Masih ada sedikit kata-katamu yang ingin kudengar
You step a little closer to me
Kamu melangkah sedikit lebih dekat kepadaku
So close, I can't see what's going on
Begitu dekat, aku tidak bisa melihat apa yang sedang terjadi
Stones taught me to fly
Batu mengajarkanku untuk terbang
Love taught me to lie
Cinta mengajarkanku untuk berbohong
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Jadi ayo keberanian, ajari aku untuk malu
'Cause its not hard to fall
Karena tidak sulit untuk jatuh
When you know that you just don't know
Ketika kamu tahu bahwa kamu hanya tidak tahu
Stones taught me to fly
Batu mengajarkanku untuk terbang
Love taught me to lie
Cinta mengajarkanku untuk berbohong
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Jadi ayo keberanian, ajari aku untuk malu
'Cause its not hard to fall
Karena tidak sulit untuk jatuh
When you've feel like a cannonball
Ketika kamu merasa seperti bola meriam
Stones taught me to fly
Batu mengajarkanku untuk terbang
Love taught me to cry
Cinta mengajarkanku untuk menangis
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
Jadi ayo keberanian, ajari aku untuk malu
'Cause its not hard to fall
Karena tidak sulit untuk jatuh
And I don't wanna scare him
Dan aku tidak ingin menakutinya
Its not hard to fall
Tidak sulit untuk jatuh
And I don't want to lose
Dan aku tidak ingin kalah
Its not hard to fall
Tidak sulit untuk jatuh
When you've feel like a cannonball
Ketika kamu merasa seperti bola meriam
There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
It's still a little hard to say what's going on
There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
ยังมีผีของคุณอยู่เล็กน้อย, พยานของคุณ
There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
You step a little closer each day
That I can't say what's going on
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you've feel like a cannonball
There's still a little bit of your song in my ear
There's still a little bit of your words I long to hear
You step a little closer to me
So close, I can't see what's going on
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
มาเถอะความกล้า, สอนให้ฉันขี้อาย
'Cause its not hard to fall
When you know that you just don't know
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
มาเถอะความกล้า, สอนให้ฉันขี้อาย
'Cause its not hard to fall
When you've feel like a cannonball
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to cry
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
มาเถอะความกล้า, สอนให้ฉันขี้อาย
'Cause its not hard to fall
And I don't wanna scare him
Its not hard to fall
And I don't want to lose
Its not hard to fall
When you've feel like a cannonball

Curiosités sur la chanson Cannonball de Little Mix

Sur quels albums la chanson “Cannonball” a-t-elle été lancée par Little Mix?
Little Mix a lancé la chanson sur les albums “Cannonball - EP” en 2011, “The Little Mix Collection” en 2011, et “Cannonball” en 2011.
Qui a composé la chanson “Cannonball” de Little Mix?
La chanson “Cannonball” de Little Mix a été composée par Damien George Rice.

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